"Charlie's Temptation" is an orchestral piece on the Season 2 soundtrack. It serves as Charlie's character theme and contains a low, ominous six-note melody with another four-note set of tentative string chords.
Main appearance[]
Charlie goes to his stash of Virgin Mary statues. He breaks one open and retrieves the heroin from inside.
Full list of appearances[]
- Charlie asks Locke for his drugs back, and Locke shows him a moth cocoon and speaks about struggle. ("The Moth")
- Christian asks Jack to lie for him. ("All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues")
- Locke accuses Charlie of using again. ("Fire + Water")
- Charlie tells Eko about his dreams. ("Fire + Water")
- Charlie tries to convince Claire to baptize Aaron. ("Fire + Water")
- Locke watches him. ("Fire + Water")
- Charlie's stash tempts him. ("Fire + Water")
- Locke confiscates Charlie's stash. ("Fire + Water")
- Charlie looks at Aaron, preparing to take him. ("Fire + Water")
- Charlie stands off against the camp, Aaron in his arms. ("Fire + Water")
- Vincent leads Charlie to the statues' new location. ("Three Minutes")
- Charlie confesses to Sun that he was the one that bagged her head and dragged her into the jungle, and that it was Sawyer's idea. ("Exposé")
- Charlie talks to Desmond about his new vision of Charlie dying in the Looking Glass. ("Greatest Hits")
- Bonnie dies after telling Charlie the code. Charlie and Desmond exchange looks. ("Through the Looking Glass, Part 2")
- Hurley talks about Charlie's sacrifice. ("The Beginning of the End")
- Jack revives Charlie in the flash sideways. ("LA X, Part 1")
- Desmond has a flash of Charlie in the Looking Glass. ("Happily Ever After")
"Charlie's Fate", "Looking Glass Half Full", "Locke'ing Horns", and "World's Worst Car Wash" use the theme from "Charlie's Temptation".
Title significance[]
The title refers to the main appearance, when Charlie is tempted to use from his new heroin stash.