The Channel Seven Clues are part of the Channel Seven site which is the Australian broadcaster for LOST. For each episode in Season 2, a distinct clue (usually one minute long) is posted on the official site. The official Seven site also produces video recaps & episode promos. For each episode "clue", there is also a page of text which explains the clues in similar detail.
The clue tagline is "Everything happens for a reason".
Text in bold represents text from each video, text in italics/bullets represent the storyline/plot at the time.
Episode 1 - Clue 1[]
- Shannon to Walt: "What are you doing here?", Walt mumbles something
- Don't..Press..Button Button's..Bad..
Episode 2 - Clue 2[]
- Jin, Michael & Sawyer are stranded after their "ship" was destroyed, a shark swims below the water.
- Did you notice this?
- The shark's tail is paused where we see a DHARMA logo, this logo does not seem to have a specific symbol though.
Episode 3 - Clue 3[]
- Jack & Locke watch the Swan Orientation Film
- While Karen & Gerald DeGroot are mentioned as the brainchild behind DHARMA, we see a familiar circular/dotted logo in their bookcase.
- A snippet of the tail section is shown with the logo of Oceanic Airlines circled.
- Just a Coincidence?
- Or something much bigger..
Episode 4[]
Clue 4[]
- While Hurley is dreaming, he is listening to music & drinking OJ(?) in the pantry.
- Jin: "Hi Hurley!", Hurley quickly turns around to see him
- Did you see Walt?
- Walt appears under the label "MISSING" on the carton.
Clue 5[]
- Did you notice Hurley's boss?
- "Maybe you don't wanna work here so get it together, what is that a problem Reyes?"
- And Locke's boss
- Same name..
- Same face?
- What's the Connection?
Episode 5 - Clue 6[]
- The Swan
- The Arrow
- What is the Connection?
Episode 6[]
Clue 7[]
- What is Walt saying this time?
- Shannon sees Walt say something and screams
- They're coming and they're close
Clue 8[]
- Shannon visits her dying father in hospital as we see Jack hurrying past.
- Shannon's father dies on Jack's watch
- Coincidence?
Episode 7[]
Clue 9[]
- Bernard receives an incoming message on his receiver
- Who sent this message?
- It was Boone
- before he died
Clue 10[]
- We see the little boy with the teddy bear from the tail section.
- We see someone carrying a teddy bear on a string as The Others walk through the jungle.
Episode 9 - Clue 11[]
- Kate walks into her stepfather's police station
- Did you notice the TV?
- Sayid is on the TV in the background.
- What is the connection?
Episode 10 - Clue 12[]
- We can see a cemetery, a church, a woman(?), a priest, Yemi(?) and a crucifix NOTE: I am am really unsure of these images.
Episode 11 - Clue 13[]
- Who is The Bearded Man?
- "How long you been here on the island?
- "We're gonna have to take your boy"
- "You know someone a whole lot smarter than anyone here once said "Since the dawn of our species, man has been blessed with curiosity. You know the other one about curiosity don't you Jack?""
- While The Bearded Man is saying the latter, the close up of Alvar Hanso from the Orientation Film is shown.
Episode 13 - Clue 14[]
- During Charlie's "flashback" where we see Claire & Charlies Mother in an angelic yet eerie depiction pleading for him to "save the baby".
- An explosion can be seen & heard in the background.
- A plane can be seen flying by just past the tree canopy.
Episode 14 - Clue 15[]
- Locke fails to enter The Numbers on time and the hieroglyphs start to lock in.
- The Swan locks in first.
- The Flame locks in second but is not acknowledged at this time.
- The Arrow locks in third.
- The Hieroglyphs are interpreted as CAUSE TO DIE
Episode 15 - Clue 16[]
- CR-4-81516-23 42 is highlighted on the pneumatic vial given by Ethan to Claire.
- A montage of number entering on the The Swan computer is shown
- CR-4-81516-23 42 is highlighted on the pneumatic vial injected by Desmond.
- These are the same numbers!
Episode 16 - Clue 17[]
- 9FFTR731 is highlighted on the Dharma Initiative "CEREAL" box.
- DI 9FFTR731 is highlighted on the Dharma Initiative "CANDY" tin.
- Why are the barcodes all the same?
- Widmore Labs is highlighted on Sun's Pregnancy test
Episode 17[]
Clue 18[]
- Blast Door Map turns on.
- The Swan Station is highlighted.
- The Arrow Station is shown.
- The Medical Station is noted.
- The "?" is also highlighted.
Clue 19[]
- The Truth About Henry Gale
- Montage of Henry Gale moments.
- Widmore Labs is highlighted on the ballon.
Episode 18 - Clue 20[]
- Dave telling Hurley everything never happened.
- The Island is highlighted by showing a picture above Hurley.
- The Polar Bear is shown being held by a patient.
- The Numbers Lenord is shown playing Connect 4.
- And Libby. Libby is shown.
Episode 19 - Clue 21[]
- The Dharma Symbols A Dharma symbol is show on Issacs wall.
- Montage about Rose being healed.
- Jin
- Locke
- And Rose
- How did the Island heal these people?
Episode 20 - Clue 22[]
- Sawyer is shown reading Bad Twin.
- Montage of Christian Shephard about Jack and his daughter.
- Who is his daughter?
- Claire is shown.
Episode 21 - Clue 23[]
- Montage of The Pearl Orientaion film.
- "I believe the work you're doing is more important than ever," is played.
Episode 22 - Clue 24[]
- Montage of Three Minutes
Episode 23[]
Clue 25[]
- A hack of the video shows glyph NZ59
- Widmore Labs is highlighted on the balloon
- Widmore Labs is shown on Sun's pregnancy test.
- Charles Widmore is shown talking to Desmond
- What is the Widmore connection with the Island?