
"Catch a Falling Star" is a song composed by Lee Pockriss and Paul Vance, and recorded in 1957 by Perry Como. It became the first R.I.A.A.-certified "Gold Record" in 1958 and won Perry Como the award for "Best Vocal Performance, Male" at the first annual Grammy Awards in 1959.

The song has appeared in five episodes of Lost, in connection with Claire and Aaron:

  1. Claire requests that the Stewarts (Aaron's prospective adoptive parents) sing "Catch a Falling Star" to the child after it is born, just as her father had done for her. ("Raised by Another") Her father is Christian Shephard. ("Par Avion")
  2. The melody from "Catch a Falling Star" plays on the Oceanic airplane mobile hanging above the crib in the Staff nursery. ("Maternity Leave")
  3. Kate sings "Catch a Falling Star" to Aaron as she carries him from her car to Cassidy Phillips' house. ("Whatever Happened, Happened").
  4. Claire sings "Catch a Falling Star" when she is in The Hole. ("Sundown") The melody and Claire's voice also play as Sayid, Kate, and Claire walk through the Temple after it is destroyed by the Man in Black)
  5. Claire's music box, bequeathed to her by her father plays "Catch a Falling Star" when she and her half brother open it. ("The Candidate")


Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Never let it fade away
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Save it for a rainy day

For love may come and tap you on the shoulder
Some starless night
Just in case you feel you wanna hold her
You’ll have a pocketful of starlight

Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Never let it fade away
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Save it for a rainy day

For love may come and tap you on the shoulder
Some starless night
And just in case you feel you wanna hold her
You’ll have a pocketful of starlight

Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Never let it fade away
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Save it for a rainy day

For when your troubles start multiplyin’
And they just might
It’s easy to forget them without tryin’
With just a pocketful of starlight

Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Never let it fade away
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Save it for a rainy day

Save it for a rainy day

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