"Booneral" is an orchestral piece on the Season 1 soundtrack. It plays during Boone's funeral, and it serves as Boone's and Shannon's love and character themes.
Scene description[]
The survivors carry the pallet with Boone's body to the graveyard. Jack closes the tarp over him and asks Shannon if she'd like to say anything. She doesn't, but Sayid does - he honors him as a brave man even though he didn't know him well.
Full list of appearances[]
- Shannon mourns over Boone's body. ("The Greater Good")
- The survivors hold Boone's funeral. ("The Greater Good")
- Shannon looks at a picture of the two of them. ("The Greater Good")
- Walt gives Shannon Vincent. ("Exodus, Part 1")
- Sayid helps Shannon carry Boone's things. ("Exodus, Part 2")
- Shannon and Boone go to her father's funeral. ("Abandoned")
- Freed by Ana Lucia, Sayid approaches Shannon's dead body. ("Collision")
- Sawyer tells Hurley that he missed him, shakes hands with Jack, and hugs Kate, welcoming them back to the Island. ("Namaste")
Besides its own theme, the piece incorporates the main theme and its counterpoint.
Title significance[]
"Booneral" is a portmanteau of "Boone" and "funeral."