
"Awed and Shocked" is an orchestral piece on the Season 3 soundtrack. The confused, disorienting horn melody plays during several scenes at the Hydra station.

Main appearance[]

Sawyer notices that Karl's cage is unlocked, then sees Karl outside his own cage. Karl undoes the lock and lets Sawyer out. Sawyer runs into the jungle, then stops when he sees a woman he has never seen before. She shoots him with an electric dart.

The Others take Sawyer back to his cage. Tom presses Karl against the bars and forced him to apologize for involving Sawyer in his breakout attempt.

Full list of appearances[]


The piece is a variation on the theme from "Getting Ethan". It also incorporates the main theme.

Title significance[]

The title plays on the military strategy of shock and awe. During its main appearance, Juliet shocks Sawyer.
