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  • Kate: When she's first arrested by Edward Mars she is able to escape after a black horse runs in front of his car. Later she sees and touches what seems to be the same animal on the island.
  • Sawyer: Is plagued by a boar, which he thinks is controlled by the spirit of Frank Duckett.
    • Is also irritated by a tree frog, which keeps him awake; and which he eventually kills by squeezing it.
    • He also encounters the black horse, in the company of Kate.
  • Michael and Sawyer were threatened by a shark.
  • Walt seems to possess the subconscious ability to summon certain animals, as demonstrated by the exotic bird that Walt reads about that flies into the window of his house (and dies) after Walt attempts to tell his mother and stepfather about it, and (of course) the polar bear, which appeared after he read Hurley's comic book (it featured a sequence with a polar bear).
  • There are moths present whenever Charlie appears onscreen during "The Moth".


  • Walt has a dog named Vincent who appears and disappears frequently at seemingly random, but often crucial, moments.
  • After Locke's foster sister Jeannie died, a golden retriever appeared, which their mother believed was her daughter reincarnated. It stayed for five years, until the woman died, then disappeared.
  • Sun and Jin had a dog named Popo, which was a gift from Byung Han, The Secretary for Environmental Safety, given in gratitude for Jin not beating him during his first visit.
  • Argos is a chocolate Labrador Retriever featured in Bad Twin
  • Mr. Ecko tells a story about a boy who kills a dog, then worries about the existence of hell not because he is sorry, but because he is worried the dog he will be waiting for him there.


  • whenever anyone is about to be betrayed, there is a representation of a bird in the scene.
    • When Kate is convinced by the farmer to stay one more night so that he can turn her over to the police, there are a number of plates with birds on them on the walls.
    • When Jack's father tells him, as a child, that he doesn't have what it takes, there is a statue of a bird on a table.
    • When Charlie tries to get his brother to break up Drive Shaft according to a pledge they made to each other, his brother refuses, telling Charlie to "grab a bird", English slang for one of the number of groupies in the room.
    • When Sawyer is about to betray his partner in The Long Con, his partner has ordered from the waitress a plate of chicken salad.
    • When Sawyer is about to betray Cassie in the same episode, there is a statue of a bird on a table and also a birdcage on a different table.
    • Also in the same episode, when Sawyer is betraying Locke by getting him to move the guns, Locke is looking through a book with "Owl" in the title.
    • Charlie is betrayed by his vision, where he sees a dove, that encourages him to save the baby in the name of good; instead the rest of the survivors think he is trying to harm the baby and becomes a pariah.
    • Walt apparently calls a bird to its death in "Special"
  • The Hurley Bird

The Lost Experience
