Main Article Theories about
Alfred de Musset
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  • The poem on which Locke tries to draw the blast door map is a hint that what Locke is trying to figure out in a rational way (i.e. where and what the ? is) will be solved by someone else, thanks to a more naive and intuitive approach - see the poem line "two children born yesterday will know more than we do". This seems to coincide with the events in episode "?" where Mr. Eko helps Locke solve the mystery of the question mark by following dreams. Alternatively, this line could refer to Aaron and Walt, or also to the upcoming new character Charlotte Malkin, an Australian girl in her mid to late teens. "Mother as the guard of the sacred flame" could allude to maternal archetypes, honored for their ability to give birth. "Crossing swords over jealous flags" could allude to fighting territorially, as the Others do with the 815 survivors.
  • The passage is the close of a longer piece, and in fact it is the opening section which is more important to Lost. In French, this is as follows: "Je ne sais pourquoi l'apparition des morts est regardée en général comme une chose si horrible et si effrayante; les esprits les plus fermes sont, à cet égard, aussi faibles que les enfans. Nous frémissons à l'idée de voir reparaître un seul moment les êtres que nous avons le plus aimés, ceux dont la mémoire nous est la plus chère."

A rough translation of this is "I don't know why the reappearance of the dead is in general regarded as such a terrible and frightening thing; the most level headed of us are in this respect just as feeble as children. We tremble at the idea that we may see returning even for a single moment those whom we most loved, those of whom the memory is dearest to us".

Interestingly, this piece was first published in "Revue des Deux Mondes", the journal of two worlds. It is mostly in fact a comparison of Mademoiselle de Garcia with another singer, whom she closely resembles, and has no special relevance. But the opening lines are astonishingly apt.
