Adetokumboh McCormack, also credited as Adetokumboh M'Cormack, portrayed Yemi, and The Man in Black when it assumed the form of Yemi.
- Born in Sierra Leone and grew up in Kenya
- Has also appeared in:
- Heroes (2007) - portrays the recurring role of Tuko
- Blood Diamond (2006)
- The Unit - Unannounced (2006)
- Whiskey Echo (2005) (as Frederick McCormack)
- The Great Elephant Escape (1995) (as Frederick McCormack)
Media appearances[]
- April 4-6, 2008 - Lockdown Lost convention - The Park Inn, Northampton, UK [1]
- He, Emerson Brooks (Tony Nagy) and Zeljko Ivanek (Edmund Burke) are the only actors to appear on Lost, 24, and Heroes.
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