A Tale of Two Cities is a novel by Charles Dickens. The novel tells the story of the brutal oppression of the aristocracy over the proletariat in France, before and during the French Revolution. It follows the lives of several protagonists through these events, most notably Charles Darnay, a French once-aristocrat who falls victim to the indiscriminate wrath of the revolution despite his virtuous nature, and Sydney Carton, a dissipated English barrister who endeavours to redeem his ill-spent life out of love for Darnay's wife, Lucie Manette.
In Lost[]
- This novel shares its title with Season 3's premiere, "A Tale of Two Cities".
- The Two Cities in the show are the Others' camp and the beach camp.
- Another Dickens novel, Our Mutual Friend, is also referred to in Lost, especially in the episode preceding "A Tale of Two Cities", which is "Live Together, Die Alone, Part 1".
- The other two Jack-centric episodes in Season 3 also take their titles from books, "Stranger in a Strange Land" from Stranger in a Strange Land and "Through the Looking Glass, Part 1" from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
See also[]
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