ABC Studios, formerly "Touchstone Television" and "ABC Television Studio", is an American television production company. Touchstone Television was established in 1985 as a subsidiary of Touchstone Pictures and absorbed ABC Circle Films and its post-1973 library in 1996, when its parent company, The Walt Disney Company purchased ABC.
In February of 2007, Touchstone Television was renamed by Disney to "ABC Television Studio," [1] and in May of the same year established its current identity as ABC Studios.[source needed]
The studio produces television shows for the Disney Channel, ABC and all other ABC/Disney-owned channels (although it has produced shows on rivals NBC and CBS). The company is one of the studios behind Lost, as well as ABC's two other primetime drama hits, Grey's Anatomy and Desperate Housewives. Other shows produced by ABC Studios include the Amazing Race, Alias, and Criminal Minds, among others. Disney's Buena Vista Television manages the syndication of its television programming, including Lost.
See also[]
- Grass Skirt Productions - The production company that produces Lost in conjunction with ABC Studios -- both of these entities are listed in the Emmy nominations, but Bad Robot Productions is not, even though it appears as an end-of-episode splash credit.
- Erin Felentzer, public relations director at ABC Studios responsible for Lost
External links[]
- ABC Studios Medianet new/current official press site
- Touchstone Television Becomes ABC Television Studio
- ABC Medianet press archive
- Wikipedia - article on ABC Studios