Cena 1 - Doutor ao Resgate EmbedVideo received the bad id "u6PToou8LZY|355|280" for the service "youtube".
Cena 2 - Apresentando Nikki e Paulo EmbedVideo received the bad id "Z2-VorgwUD8|355|280" for the service "youtube".
Cena 3 - Falando de Sexo EmbedVideo received the bad id "rTmZOzfhauY|355|280" for the service "youtube".
Cena 4 - Quebrando Pedras EmbedVideo received the bad id "rDXGJBnTWtE|355|280" for the service "youtube".
Cena 5 - Alex e Papai EmbedVideo received the bad id "ER_oRayvuYI|355|280" for the service "youtube".
Cena 6 - Super Poderes, Cara EmbedVideo received the bad id "TAjZHkA3zPc|355|280" for the service "youtube".
Cena 7 - Charlie Continua EmbedVideo received the bad id "dFRvp74Tu60|355|280" for the service "youtube".
Cena 8 - Mudando Nossa Sorte EmbedVideo received the bad id "1bTVik_cy58|355|280" for the service "youtube".
Cena 9 - Jornada à Casa de Jacob EmbedVideo received the bad id "22jw9nl9jHk|355|280" for the service "youtube".