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Linha 67: Linha 67:
[[Image:I see you.jpg|thumb|left|Sayid notices Ben]]
[[Image:I see you.jpg|thumb|left|Sayid notices Ben]]
In Tikrit, Iraq, Ben emerges from an SUV branded "PRESS" and slips up a stairway to the top floor. He pulls a camera with a zoom lens from a bag and snaps a photo of a man watching the funeral procession for Sayid's wife, [[Nadia]]. Sayid spots Ben, who hurries back down stairs. In the street, Sayid assaults Ben by tackling him to the ground, thinking he is paparazzi. Upon Sayid's questioning, Ben says he slipped into Iraq from Syria. After Sayid's clarifying question, Ben tells Sayid he left the Island via Desmond's sailboat, the [[Elizabeth]], and after landing at Fiji chartered a plane. He also explains that the man at the procession, whom he identifies as [[Ishmael Bakir]], was sent by [[Charles Widmore]] to kill his wife in Los Angeles. She was apparently killed three blocks from the corner of La Brea and Santa Monica five days earlier. Sayid vows to kill the man.
In Tikrit, Iraq, Ben emerges from an SUV branded "PRESS" and slips up a stairway to the top floor. He pulls a camera with a zoom lens from a bag and snaps a photo of a man watching the funeral procession for Sayid's wife, [[Nadia]]. Sayid spots Ben, who hurries back down stairs. In the street, Sayid assaults Ben by tackling him to the ground, thinking he is paparazzi. Upon Sayid's questioning, Ben says he slipped into Iraq from Syria. After Sayid's clarifying question, Ben tells Sayid he left the Island via Desmond's sailboat, the [[Elizabeth]], and after landing at Fiji chartered a plane. He also explains that the man at the procession, whom he identifies as [[Ishmael Bakir]], was sent by [[Charles Widmore]] to kill his wife in Los Angeles. She was apparently killed three blocks from the corner of La Brea and Santa Monica five days earlier. Sayid vows to kill the man.
[[Image:He shoots he scores.jpg|thumb|right|Sayid shoots Bakir]]
[[Image:He shoots he scores.jpg|thumb|right|Sayid atirando em Bakir]]
Ben is watching the man in a cafe, but loses him and follows blindly to an alley, where the man appears behind him. Ben explains that he need him to carry a message to Widmore. Just then, Sayid shoots Bakir multiple times, continuing to pull the trigger even after his clip is empty. Ben tells him not to let his grief become anger, but Sayid wants revenge, asking, "Who's next?" Ben pleads multiple times that what he is doing is his life, and doesn't involve Sayid. Sayid stands his ground, and Ben vows to contact him and walks away with a smile.
Ben is watching the man in a cafe, but loses him and follows blindly to an alley, where the man appears behind him. Ben explains that he need him to carry a message to Widmore. Just then, Sayid shoots Bakir multiple times, continuing to pull the trigger even after his clip is empty. Ben tells him not to let his grief become anger, but Sayid wants revenge, asking, "Who's next?" Ben pleads multiple times that what he is doing is his life, and doesn't involve Sayid. Sayid stands his ground, and Ben vows to contact him and walks away with a smile.

Revisão das 21h48min de 27 de abril de 2008

1ª Temporada 2ª Temporada 3ª Temporada
4ª Temporada 5ª Temporada 6ª Temporada

"The Shape of Things to Come" é o nono episódio da 4ª Temporada de Lost, e foi ao ar no dia 24 de Abril de 2008.


Este artigo precisa ser traduzido.
Este artigo ou algumas de suas partes encontram-se em outro idioma - ajude a LOSTpédia traduzindo-o.

Na Praia

Jack é visto pegando pílulas de um frasco em uma bolsa de remédios, quando Kate aparece e pergunta de que é, Jack diz ser antibióticos, e comenta que pegou uma infecção estomacal. Kate pergunta a ele por que Desmond e Sayid ainda não retornaram do cargueiro, quando ouvem Vincent latindo ao fundo, ao lado de Bernard, que grita por socorro. Todos correm para observar, encontrando um corpo boiando no mar. Logo que o corpo é retirado da água, Faraday revela que o corpo é do Dr. Ray, que estava no barco. Sua garganta esta cortada. Quando Jack pergunta a Faraday quando foi a ultima vez que viu Dr. Ray, Daniel responde que "Quando é relativo."


Corpo do Dr Ray

Mais tarde, Daniel conserta o telefone usando destroços do avião, e consegue comunicação em Código Morse. Ele transmite a mensagem "O que houve com o doutor?". Daniel ouve a resposta em código Morse e informa que Sayid e Desmond estão bem, e que o helicóptero irá retornar pela manhã. Bernard intervém e diz que Faraday mente. A verdadeira resposta deixa todos atordoados. E Bernard traduz: "Do que você está falando? O doutor está bem". Sob pressão, Daniel diz a Jack que nunca esteve nos planos do pessoal do cargueiro fazer o resgate dos losties. Jack se chateia e sai aparentando sentir muitas dores.

Na Vila

Alex foi capturada por um grupo de cinco mercenários do navio, liderados por Martin Keamy. Eles removeram a venda, mostrando que estavam diante da cerca sônica que circunda A Vila. Eles ordenam que ela desative a cerca, o que ela faz, aos prantos depois de mencionar que há um bebê entre os sobreviventes. No acampamento de Locke, Sawyer, Locke e Hurley jogam War, quando o telefone toca de repente. Locke atende o telefone e escuta uma voz computadorizada repetindo, "Código 14J." Ben estava tocando piano quando Locke e Sawyer entram e o perguntam sobre aquele código. Ben fica visivelmente transtornado.


Sawyer, sob ataque, chamando por Claire

Ele abre o assento do piano e pega uma arma (entregue a Sawyer), quando ele retorna a casa de Locke (sua antiga) casa, ele imediatamente começa a bloquear todas as entradas em potencial. Locke exige informações sobre o que está havendo, Ben responde: "Eles estão aqui!"


Casa de Claire é destruída por um RPG

Ben explica a Sawyer e Locke que o código é uma mensagem de alerta, ativada por alguém através de um código digitado na cerca (1623), e que significa que um dos Outros foi capturado. À Locke, Ben pergunta quanto tempo eles levaram para chegar até ele desde que ouviram a mensagem. Locke responde que eles demoraram cinco minutos. Ben resmunga então que eles não têm vantagem de tempo.

Sawyer resolve avisar Alex, Karl e Danniele do ataque, mas Ben diz que já os mandou partir. Sawyer pergunta para onde, mas Benjamin não conta. Então, James diz que vai até Claire, ignorando os avisos do ex-líder dos Outros para não sair das casas, e parte.

Enquanto Sawyer se afasta, Ben diz a Locke que é preciso que ele sobreviva e, para isso, precisa ficar junto do líder dos Outros, pois as pessoas que estão chegando não irão se arriscar a feri-lo. Locke e Ben empurram móveis para bloquear as portas e janelas da casa. Hurley surge com Aaron e pergunta como Sawyer vai voltar, Ben diz que ele não vai.

Do lado de fora, Sawyer pergunta por Claire a um dos sobreviventes. O mesmo e mais 2 são baleados, incluindo Doug e Jerome

Sawyer foge e, enquanto troca tiros com os inimigos, chama por Claire. Alguém dispara um foguete em direção a uma casa, explodindo-a! Desesperado, James continua gritando por Claire. Hurley pergunta se a casa explodida era a de Claire, e Locke o manda levar o bebê para a sala dos fundos. John então quer saber de Ben por que ele precisa saber. Ele diz que é porque o único que pode os ajudar é Jacob, e eles dois precisam ir juntos falar com ele. Locke diz que sequer sabe onde está a cabana. E Ben, pegando um fuzil escondido conta que Hurley sabe.

Fora da casa, Sawyer encontra Claire em meio aos destroços da casa destruída, ferida e desacordada. Ela recobra a consciência, diz "Charlie", e é levada no colo por Sawyer.

Na casa, Hurley ouve os gritos de Sawyer para que abra a porta. Ben tenta impedi-lo, mas Hugo tira um assento do sofá e quebra uma janela, por onde Claire e Sawyer entram. James pergunta a Ben por que os invasores saíram atirando sem sequer dizer o que querem, e Ben diz que eles iriam mesmo entrar com tudo, para atirá-lo no paredão. Sawyer então diz que esta é uma boa idéia e o segura pelo pescoço, quando a campainha toca.

Ben alerta Sawyer e Locke para não abrirem a porta, mas eles desobedecem: é Miles. Miles mostra a eles um walkie-talkie. Ele diz que eles o deram aquilo. Eles queriam conversar.

Ben, incialmente, se recusa a falar com os mercenários, até ouvir que Alex está como refém. Neste momento, ele imediatamente pega o rádio e Keamy solicita que Ben olhe pela janela lateral, onde ele está parado. Após comentar com Keamy sobre Uganda e sobre o tipo de homem que Keamy era, este decide atropelar as formalidades, mostrando [Alex]] e colocando-a sobre a mira de uma arma.

Keamy solicita que Ben saia da casa, em troca ninguém ficará ferido. Ben recusa, e apresenta uma contra-proposta, que orienta-os para deixarem a área, se retirarem da Ilha e esquece-lá. Keamy adverte Ben que dará10 segundos para ele sair da casa antes que Alex seja morta. Enquanto ele faz a contagem, Ben fala que Alex não significa nada para ele já que foi capturada de um mulher insana, e é apenas um peão, que vale o sacrifício pela Ilha, Alex ouve angustiada. Antes da contagem chegar a um, Keamy atira na cabeça de Alex, deixando Ben calado, em estado de choque.


Sala secreta de Ben

Lost wall l

Hieróglifos na porta da sala secreta

Ben muttered, "He changed the rules," and quickly retreated to his secret room (seen in "The Economist") in the house wall and vanished before Sawyer could stop him. Behind his hanging suits, Ben opened another secret doorway. The walls were made of stone and the door seemed to be carved with some sort of hieroglyphics. The interior of this room was not shown except for a yellow light coming out of it.

Tunnel of smoke

O monstro aparece

Some time later (as it was then night), Ben emerged covered in dirt. He ordered everybody to run for the treeline on his command. A rumbling was heard and the Monster, much larger than it had been previously seen to be, thundered into the camp and then plunged into the treeline. Screams were heard as it attacked the mercenaries in the woods. After the Monster left, Ben ordered the Barracks evacuation, with Claire, Aaron, Hurley, Sawyer, Miles, Ben and Locke apparently the only survivors of the mercenary attack.

Ben briefly remained to lay Alex to rest, and soon met up with the rest of the group. Sawyer, visibly frustrated, decided to leave for the beach, and took Miles, Claire, and Aaron with him. He also tried to get Hurley to come, but Locke pulled a gun on Sawyer and insisted Hurley stay as Locke and Ben believed Hurley was meant to guide them toward Jacob's cabin for further instruction. Sawyer and Locke had a standoff at gunpoint, but Hurley talked them into putting away their weapons and remains with Locke and Ben.



Ben "surge" no deserto do Saara


Ben em Tozeur, Tunísia

Benjamin Linus wakes up in a state of wide-mouthed shock on the floor of the Sahara Desert wearing a parka with a DHARMA logo and the name Halliwax on it. His right arm has a deep wound on it. He gets sick on the ground vomiting, and two armed Bedouins on horseback approach. Ben asks them if they speak English, and when he gets no reply, he asks them if they speak Arabic, and then Turkish, but they still do not speak with him. As one searches him he feels a club in Ben's pocket. Ben spins around, beats him and takes his gun, then shoots the other. The beaten one says, "Surrender," and Ben retorts, "So you do speak English." He then hits him with the rifle butt. Ben ties off his arm wound and rides off on one of their horses.

Ben checks into a hotel in Tozeur, Tunisia. The desk clerk asks if it is his first time in Tunisia, but he assures her he has been there before though, "It's been a while." He gives the name Dean Moriarty and introduces himself as a "preferred guest". He asks the clerk the date, to which she answers October 21st. Ben clarifies the year, asking, "2005?" The clerk confirms with a somewhat confused look. Ben spots Sayid on the TV, hounded by the press, who is heading off and "just wants to bury [his] wife in peace."

I see you

Sayid notices Ben

In Tikrit, Iraq, Ben emerges from an SUV branded "PRESS" and slips up a stairway to the top floor. He pulls a camera with a zoom lens from a bag and snaps a photo of a man watching the funeral procession for Sayid's wife, Nadia. Sayid spots Ben, who hurries back down stairs. In the street, Sayid assaults Ben by tackling him to the ground, thinking he is paparazzi. Upon Sayid's questioning, Ben says he slipped into Iraq from Syria. After Sayid's clarifying question, Ben tells Sayid he left the Island via Desmond's sailboat, the Elizabeth, and after landing at Fiji chartered a plane. He also explains that the man at the procession, whom he identifies as Ishmael Bakir, was sent by Charles Widmore to kill his wife in Los Angeles. She was apparently killed three blocks from the corner of La Brea and Santa Monica five days earlier. Sayid vows to kill the man.

He shoots he scores

Sayid atirando em Bakir

Ben is watching the man in a cafe, but loses him and follows blindly to an alley, where the man appears behind him. Ben explains that he need him to carry a message to Widmore. Just then, Sayid shoots Bakir multiple times, continuing to pull the trigger even after his clip is empty. Ben tells him not to let his grief become anger, but Sayid wants revenge, asking, "Who's next?" Ben pleads multiple times that what he is doing is his life, and doesn't involve Sayid. Sayid stands his ground, and Ben vows to contact him and walks away with a smile.

Late at night in London, Ben emerges from a taxi, and enters a building. He tricks the doorman, claiming to be heading to visit a Mr. and Mrs. Kendrick in apartment 4E, but instead picks the elevator lock to enter the penthouse. Here, he enters Charles Widmore's bedroom. Ben, dressed all in black, inquires as to when Widmore started sleeping with a bottle of Scotch by the bed. Widmore, dressed in white, who has used a British accent in the past, replies using an Australian accent, "When the nightmares started." Ben admits he "can't" kill Widmore, and accuses Widmore of killing his daughter. The two argue about who bears responsibility, and Ben vows to kill his daughter, Penelope, to bring him the same pain. Widmore claims to know "what" Ben is, saying everything he has he took from Widmore. Ben says Widmore will wish he hadn't "changed the rules." Widmore counters that Ben will never find her and that he wants "his" Island back. Ben says he will never find the Island, and that the hunt is on.