
She's Got You apareceu duas vezes em lost

  1. No episódio "Eggtown, tocando no rádio na cena em que Locke chega a casa de Claire onde Kate está hospedada
  2. No episódio "Whatever Happened, Happened", tocando no carro de Kate enquanto dirige rumo a casa de Cassidy

Letra da Música[]

Em Inglês[]

I've got your picture that you gave to me
And it's signed "with love," just like it used to be
The only thing different, the only thing new
I've got your picture, she's got you

I've got the records that we used to share
And they still sound the same as when you were here
The only thing different, the only thing new,
I've got the records, she's got you

I've got your memory, or has it got me?
I really don't know, but I know it won't let me be

I've got your class ring; that proved you cared
And it still looks the same as when you gave it dear
The only thing different, the only thing new
I've got these little things, she's got you

Veja Também[]
