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Rachel Blake


Rachel in disguise

Uma personagem no Lost Experience, Rachel Blake é uma mulher que investiga a The Hanso Foundation e está efetivamente liderando a história do ponto de vista dos jogadores. Ela é a filha de Alvar Hanso, e usou duas identidades enquanto completava o seu trabalho na Experiência; a sua identidade falsa "Persephone" enquanto hackeava o telefone e site do Hanso, e seu nome verdadeiro,"Rachel Blake" quando escrevia no blog e filmava o seu progresso em abater a Fundação na Europa. Junto com DJ Dan ela é uma das protagonistas da história e geralmente é a única personagem que descobre novas informações.

Ela divulgou um oficial recap das suas experiências como July 25, 2006.

No seu video final, Norway Video, é confirmado que Rachel Blake é filha de Alvar Hanso, e que a sua educação foi paga pela Hanso Foundation.

Na sua aparição em video e audio ela é interpretada pela atriz Jamie Silberhartz.


Os motivos e passado de Rachel estavam em segredo, no entando, algumas informações sobre ela foram aos poucos sendo decobertas.

Rachel é filha de uma mãe solteira. Estava óbvio desde nova que Rachel era muito inteligente, e ela era capaz de segurar um cargo de prestígio na Widmore Corporation. No entanto, Rachel questionava como sua mãe poderia ter pago a sua educação de primeira classe. A sua busca descobriu que a misteriosa Hanso Foundation tinha alguma razão de ter iniciado um fundo de ações no nascimento dela para pagar pelos seus estudos. Depois que sua mãe morreu, Rachel começou a investigar profundamente a Hanso Foundation e o porquê dela estar conectada a eles. E foi nisso que ela começou a descobrir alguns dos crimes e corrupções que haviam na empresa. Consquentemente, Rachel viajou para Copenhagen, Dinamarca, onde a Hanso Foundation estava instalada.

Introduction as Persephone

Inicialmente, "Persephone" era a identidade de Rachel Blake enquanto hackeava o telefone e site da Hanso Foundation. Durante os seus dias de "Persephone", Rachel conseguiu ouvir a Hanso Foundation Phone Line. Ela disse ao ouvinte para "não acreditar na mentira deles" e coisas como "onde está Alvar Hanso? O que fizeram com ele? Quem está no comando?" e que nós deveríamos investiar mais a fundo para descobrir a verdade sobre o que está acontecendo com a Fundação. Conseguindo a senha para acessar partes escondidas do site, ela iniciou a Lost Experience ARG para os outros jogadores. Então ela começou a deixar pistas para os jogadores no seu subdominio do thehansofoundation.org, a página persephone.thehansofoundation.org, que apontava para os jogadores as direções de novas descobertas, videos ou comentários.

Introduction as Rachel Blake

A revelação de Rachel Blake e de seu site aconteceu em June 19 as part of the source code in thehansofoundation.org. O site dela http://www.rachelblake.com foi revelado através de blogs sobre suas viagens de férias (veja cover blogs). No entanto, uma seção secreta do site poderia ser acessada com a senha evident agenda na parte "extra info" (esta senha foi descoberta através de Persephone's site). Esta parte escondida mostrava os esforços dela em expor a The Hanso Foundation.


Rachel Blake

De início, havia muito debate se Rachel Blake era a mesma mulher que Persephone, com autoridades diversas falando coisas diferentes, como o The Lost Ninja dizendo que elas eram a mesma pessoa, mas Speaker se fazendo de advogado do Diabo e que poderia não ser. Novas provas revelaram no June 22nd no letyourcompassguideyou.com um site que apoiava a teoria, no entanto, onde um texto escondido transcrito foi encontrado na lixeira (veja OpenersHep Conversation). O usuário OpenersHep se refere a si mesmo como 'Rachel B', e era notável que OpenersHep é um anagrama de Persephone, dando força a teoria da "mesma identidade".

Finalmente,em seu third Iceland post, Rachel confirmou que de fato ela era Persephone, depois de muitas semanas de especulação e discussão. ela explicou que vinha hackeando o Danish website [thehansofoundation.org], Ela não podia revelar sua verdadeira identidade enquanto ela morasse em Copenhagen.

As stated previously, in what could be seen as the next step in the Experience, The Hanso Foundation website was shut down, and with it came a new form of communication. Now under her real name, Rachel Blake posts blogs on her website almost daily (while taking the weekend off), discussing her findings as she ventures around Europe on the heels of the Hanso Foundation and its staff. In a similar fashion to her "Persephone" days, the new method includes clues for players. However, instead of the flash programmes that were used on THF.org site, videos are shown with Rachel using her digital camera to actively involve players and create a greater sense of alternate reality (with her posts discussing events as they happen).

Story so Far

Little is known about Rachel’s life before she began hacking The Hanso Foundation website under the guise of “Persephone”, though some information can be gleaned from her blogs and videos. Rachel initially worked for the Widmore Corporation. She later refers to them as an evil megalithic corporation, and this may in part explain why she quit the job, receiving her severance pay. According to her blog, she is now 24 years old. It is also known that at some point Rachel’s mother died, and this is attributed by Rachel to be why she is undertaking her mission to expose The Hanso Foundation.

We know after this time that Rachel moved to Copenhagen, under the pretense of traveling, to further her Hanso investigations. After making a number of hacks on the Hanso Foundation website about her discoveries into the disappearance of Alvar Hanso and other Foundation executives, Rachel began to publish her blogs and video clips about her findings. During this time, Rachel learnt that Hanso executive Thomas Mittelwerk was researching islands for some purpose, as well as a specially designed ship. To gain this information, Rachel had to take a number of risks, including directly confronting Mittelwerk himself, and narrowly escaping a run-in with one of Mittelwerk’s cronies.


Rachel Blake

Her research took her to Iceland, where Mittelwerk had headed following a fire at the Hanso funded “Vik Institute”. Here, Rachel learned about the Valenzetti Equation, which was being secretly analysed in the institute by mathematicians and savants. Rachel came to the conclusion that Enzo Valenzetti, the creator of the equation, could have faked his own death in a plane accident, and may be alive in well in hiding. On a tip-off from one of her contacts, “GidgetGirl”, Rachel moved on to Italy, finding once again the presence of Hanso executives. Along with seeing a strange boat called the “Helgus Antonius” loading Hanso Foundation cargo at a nearby harbor, Rachel received a mysterious phone call from “GidgetGirl”, instructing Miss Blake to go to Paris, France immediately.

quando ela chegou em Paris, Rachel foi para o local de encontro, mas GidgetGirl nunca apareceu. Rachel later learnt that GidgetGirl was actually Darla Taft, the mistress of Hanso executive Hugh McIntyre, and that both had died in a suspicious car accident. Whilst still reeling from this development, Rachel was attacked in her hotel room, with gunfire shooting from outside. She was rescued by an unlikely ally, the subordinate of Thomas Mittelwerk known as Malik who Rachel had previously encountered in Copenhagen. Taking her to safety, he tells her of a flat in St Germain de Pres that was owned by Hugh and Darla, and gives her a key. When she got there, Rachel found a video of Darla’s last words, telling her about a package. Inside this, Rachel found folders on the “SPIDER PROTOCOL”, as well as discovering designs for the “Helgus Antonius” ship which outlined a hospital boat with “quarantined” wards. Finally, Rachel found a fake ID and a plane ticket to Sri Lanka, and she hastily booked her flight.

In an appearance that blurred the fourth wall of the series, she appeared at the LOST panel at Comic Con and slammed writers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse for allowing The Hanso Foundation "to prove themselves as this great philanthropic organization" by buying their way into the show's plot with advertising dollars. Near the end of her irate speech, she instructs all who want the truth to go to www.hansoexposed.com.

HansoExposed.com then became the latest part of the adventure, with individual fragments of a video of Rachel's time in Sri Lanka locked, needing clues that are themselves hidden all over the Internet. Rachel's justification for this is that the video is so explosive it "will tear The Hanso Foundation apart...". The video (dubbed the Sri Lanka Video) showed Alvar Hanso, discussing the Valenzetti Equation and the numbers. Mittelwerk could then be seen lecturing Hanso Foundation workers, whilst Rachel secretly filmed in the background. It seems that the Hanso Foundation is desperately trying to solve Valenzetti's equation, but all they end with after running it is six numbers (4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and 42). Mittelwerk himself says that they have been plagued by these numbers, and so radical action must be taken. He tells his team about villages in Sri Lanka, where they have seemingly introduced a genetically targeted retro-virus. For some reason, they are attempting to achieve a 30% mortality rate in the victims, and require the bodies of the dead for examination. In the final moments of the video, Rachel is spotted by Mittelwerk and attempts to escape. Although we did not know how at first, Rachel managed to escape Sri Lanka and most likely returned to the United States, as she appeared at Comic Con.

Next, Rachel set up whereisalvar.com, where those who find Apollo bars can upload their pictures. This is done to show the Hanso Foundation "the army that's united to oppose their crimes". Rachel has promised that when enough of her followers have uploaded their faces, she will reveal further instructions. She ends her message on the site with "you won't want to miss what I have to show you".

Since the completion of the Sri Lanka Video, Rachel has contacted Malik through the blogs of Speaker, Lost Ninja and Other Girl, in response to his encrypted message during the August 11 DJ Dan Podcast. She explained to Malik how de Zylva, a mutual friend, had rescued her from Mittelwerk's clutches when she was attacked after filming her video. He helped her escape to India, though never came when Rachel waited for him. It is presumed the Hanso Foundation found him first. It now appears that Malik and Rachel will soon be meeting in New York City.

Most recently, with whereisalvar.com now showing 100% of bars being found, Rachel has issued a message stating that we will soon learn "the whole truth. About them. About me." She then calls for all to tune into the DJ Dan podcast...so we can once and for all "shut it all down!"

In her final video on abc.com, it is confirmed by Alvar Hanso himself that he is her father. It appears that Rachel wondered as a student how her single mother could pay for all her tuition. Investigating her trust fund, she discovered it led back to the Foundation, and this is how she got involved in researching them, and eventually standing against them.

Rachel Blake media

See also related article HansoExposed.com
See also related article Sri Lanka Video

See Also

  • List of videos available on YouTube

Persephone in Greek mythology


Prosperine: A Dante Gabriel Rosetti painting of the classical Persephone appeared in a DJ Dan podcast.

In classical myth, Persephone (She who destroys the sound) was abducted by Pluto to become the queen of the Underworld. Her story has great emotional power: an innocent maiden; a mother's grief at the abduction and the return of her daughter. It is also cited frequently as a paradigm of myths that explain natural processes, with the descent and return of the goddess bringing about the change of seasons.

As she was gathering flowers with her playmates in a meadow, the earth opened and Pluto, god of the dead, appeared and carried her off to be his queen in the world below. ... Torch in hand, her sorrowing mother sought her through the wide world, and finding her not she forbade the earth to put forth its increase. So all that year not a blade of corn grew on the earth, and men would have died of hunger if Zeus had not persuaded Pluto to let Persephone go. But before he let her go Pluto made her eat the seed of a pomegranate, and thus she could not stay away from him for ever. So it was arranged that she should spend two-thirds (according to later authors, one-half) of every year with her mother and the heavenly gods, and should pass the rest of the year with Pluto beneath the earth. ... As wife of Pluto, she sent specters, ruled the ghosts, and carried into effect the curses of men

But the Greeks knew another face of Persephone as well. She was also the terrible Queen of the dead, whose name was not safe to speak aloud, who was named simply "The Maiden". Her central myth, for all of its emotional familiarity, was also the back-story of the secret initiatory mystery rites of regeneration at Eleusis, which promised immortality to their awe-struck participants—an immortality in her world beneath the soil, feasting with the heroes beneath her dread gaze.

Persephone, as Queen of Hades, only showed mercy once, because the music of Orpheus was so hauntingly sad. She allowed Orpheus to bring his wife Eurydice back to the land of the living as long as she walked behind him and he never tried to look at her face until they reached the surface. Orpheus agreed but failed, looking back at the very end to make sure his wife was following, and lost Eurydice forever.

Inspired by James Frazer, Jane Ellen Harrison and modern mythologists, some scholars have labeled Persephone a life-death-rebirth deity.


  • In Rachel's first video there is a can of Sprite visible next to her laptop
  • Rachel drives a Jeep Compass (as seen in her second video)
  • This character was originally planned to be called Amy Jenson, who was apparently described in briefing as an attractive and intelligent young woman in search of missing pieces of her past trying to find her missing parent (father). The briefing also apparently mentioned that the actress to play this woman would need to be available for personal appearances from July to September.
  • Real life actress Jamie Silberhartz also appeared in a short film called "Sissy Frenchfry", one which was mocked by DJ Dan on one of his live broadcasts.

Related Websites

All of these in-game sites are hosted on the same server

External links
