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A audiência e os personagens foram deixados a imaginar se os eventos que estão ocorrendo são predestinados pelo destino, ou se os personagens tem o livre arbítrio para mudar o que vai lhes acontecer por meio de suas ações.



Em um momento central de "Walkabout", Locke expressa sua frustação ao agente de viagem.


Uma cena mostrando que logo após o acidente, Charlie escreveu a palavra "TARDE" em fitas coladas em seus dedos.


Uma cena posterior de "Fire + Water" mostrando que em uma sequência de sonho, as letras nas fitas mudaram para "DESTINO".

Temporada 1

  • Locke fala ao guia: "Ei, ei, não vá embora. Você não sabe com quem você está lidando. Nunca diga o que eu não posso fazer, nunca. Isso é destino. Isso é destino. Esse é o meu destino. (gritando) Era para eu fazer isso, caramba. Não me diga o que eu não posso fazer. Não me diga o que eu não posso. . ." Locke mais tarde acredita que ele foi parar na Ilha a qual era o destino que ele havia sentido. ("Walkabout")
  • Locke pergunta a Jack "E se tudo o que aconteceu aqui, tenha acontecido por uma razão?" ("White Rabbit")
  • Walt é relutante em ajudar Michael construir a balsa, a qual Michael fala a ele, "Você acha que trabalhar com seu velho pai é punição? Não, cara, isso é a gente tomando controle do nosso destino." Walt retruca dizendo que isso parece punição. ("Special")
  • Christian Shephard fala a Sawyer: "Não se culpe por isso. Isso é destino. Algumas pessoas são supostas a sofrer. É por isso que os Red Sox nunca vencerão a porcaria do Campeonato." No entanto, como Jack mais tarde descobriu em "The Glass Ballerina", os Boston Red Sox venceram o Campeonato Mundial logo depois do acidente. ("Outlaws")  ("The Glass Ballerina")
  • Rousseau diz a Hurley: "Os Números foram o que me trouxeram para cá. E pelo que parece eles truxeram você. Desde aquele tempo eu perdi tudo, todos com quem eu me preocupava. Então sim, eu supus que você estava certo. Eles são amaldiçoados." ("Numbers")
  • Jin diz a Sun que ele tem que ir embora na balsa porque "Eu estou nesse lugar porque estou sendo punido. Eu fiz você sofrer. Você não merece nada disso." Mais tarde, Sun pergunta para Shannon se ela acredita que eles estão sendo punidos pelo destino, a qual Claire expressou sua opinião: Que ela não acredita em destino. ("Exodus: Parte 1")
  • Depois do incidento com o dinamite, Locke pergunta a Jack "Você acha que caimos nesse lugar por coincidência -- especialmente, esse lugar? Nós fomos trazidos aqui por um propósito, por uma razão, todos nós. Cada um de nós foi trazido aqui por uma razão... A Ilha nos trouxe para cá. Esse não é um lugar comum, você sabe disso, Eu sei que você sabe. Mas a ilha trouxe você também, Jack. É o destino." Jack retrucou num momento de exaltação, perguntando se a morte de Boone foi destino, e Locke diz que ele foi um sacrifício. Jack então opina: "Eu não acredito em destino," a qual Locke replica, "Sim, eu acredito. Você só não sabe disso ainda." ("Exodus: Parte 1")

Season 2

  • Eko says, "Do not mistake coincidence for fate." ("What Kate Did"). Locke later repeats this phrase. ("The Cost of Living")
  • In a dream sequence, Charlie is wearing the words "FATE" on his left hand. ("Fire + Water")
  • Christian Shephard tells Ana-Lucia, "Maybe fate has thrown the two of us together, like two drinks in an airport bar." When Ana-Lucia asks why fate would do that, he replies, "Same reason fate does anything. So we could help each other out. You do need help, right?" ("Two for the Road")
  • Locke, who originally believed that his fate lay in the hatch, is suddenly disillusioned when he finds the secrets in The Pearl. He tells Eko, "I was never meant to do anything. Every single second of my pathetic little life is as useless as that button! You think it's important? You think it's necessary? It's nothing. It's nothing. It's meaningless. And who are you to tell me that it's not?" ("?")
  • Desmond tells a jaded Locke, "3 days before you came down here, before we met, I heard a banging on the hatch door, shouting. But it was you, John, wasn't it? You said there isn't any purpose -- there's no such thing as fate. But you saved my life, brother, so that I could save yours." ("Live Together, Die Alone")

Season 3

  • Desmond affects the future (fate), by constructing the lightning rod. ("Every Man for Himself")
  • Ben hints to Jack that his belief in God is supported by the appearance of Jack (a spinal surgeon) on the island only days after tumors were found on Ben's spine.("The Cost of Living")
  • Penelope tells Desmond, "I say we celebrate that fate has spared you a miserable existence under the employ of Widmore Industries." ("Flashes Before Your Eyes")
  • When Desmond asks Ms. Hawking why she didn't save the man wearing red shoes, she explains: "Because it wouldn't matter. Had I warned him about the scaffolding tomorrow he'd be hit by a taxi. If I warned him about the taxi, he'd fall in the shower and break his neck. The universe, unfortunately, has a way of course correcting. That man was supposed to die. That was his path just as it's your path to go to the island. You don't do it because you choose to, Desmond. You do it because you're supposed to." ("Flashes Before Your Eyes")
  • Desmond tells Charlie, "I've tried twice to save you, but the universe has a way of course correcting and -- and I can't stop it forever. I'm sorry. I'm sorry because no matter what I try to do you're going to die, Charlie." ("Flashes Before Your Eyes")

Livre Arbítrio


At a memorable moment in "?", two men of faith find that their beliefs are at odds with one another.

Season 1

  • Locke and many others repeat variations of the line "Don't tell me what I can't do!" ("Walkabout") and on...
  • Jack tells Sawyer "that's why the Red Sox will never win the Series" was "Just something my father used to say -- went through life knowing that people hated him. Instead of taking responsibility for it, he just put it on fate. Said he was made that way." The implication was that his father was making excuses, and that Jack believed taking personal responsibility for events could change outcomes. ("Outlaws")
  • Martha Toomey says to Hurley: "You make your own luck, Mr. Reyes. Don't blame it on the damn numbers. You're looking for an excuse that doesn't exist." ("Numbers")

Season 3

  • Juliet says to Adam: "Here I am thinking that free will still actually exists..." ("A Tale of Two Cities")
  • Locke responds to Desmond's comment regarding the convenience of Eko's and Locke's destination being the same: "Don't mistake coincidence for fate"("The Cost of Living"), quoting Eko's words to Locke in Season 2.("What Kate Did")
  • Ben talks to Jack about his plan to break him and reveals his true intention saying, "Then of course we'd lead you to believe that you were choosing to do whatever we asked you to do." Ben finalizes saying "I want you to want to save my life." ("The Cost of Living")
  • Juliet, referring to Ben's surgery, says to Jack, "You probably feel like you don't have a choice, but you do, Jack. Free will is all we've really got, right? ("The Cost of Living")
  • Desmond tells Ms. Hawking, "I can choose whatever I want.", however, she responds "You may not like your path, Desmond, but pushing that button is the only truly great thing that you will ever do." Later on, after leaving Penelope and his "lucid flashback" for the island again, he is full of regret about his choices. He begs "Please, let me go back. Let me go back one more time. I'll do it right. I'll do it right this time. I'm sorry, Penny. I'll change it. I'll change it." ("Flashes Before Your Eyes")

The Lost Experience

  • The Valenzetti Equation predicts the exact number of years and months until humanity extinguishes itself. This suggests that fate of mankind can actually be calculated scientifically. (The Lost Experience)
  • However, the stated purpose of the DHARMA Initiative is to change the numerical values of any one of the core factors in the Valenzetti Equation in order to give humanity a chance to survive. This suggests that those responsible for the Initiative believed that the results of the equation, and thus the fate of humanity, could be altered by their actions. It also suggests that those responsible for the Initiative intended to re-engineer fate in bigger ways. (The Lost Experience)

Nomes dos Personagens

Artigo Principal: Filosofia

The character names of John Locke, Desmond David Hume, Edmund Burke and Rousseau are all drawn from philosophers prominent in the debate regarding the role of fate versus free will on the individual.

