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Riga 138: Riga 138:
====La Sorgente====
====La Sorgente====
[[File:Desmondlowersource.jpg|thumb|left|[[Desmond]] is lowered into the source.]]
[[File:Desmondlowersource.jpg|thumb|left|[[Desmond]] is lowered into the Source.]]
Once at the cave of the Source, Locke ties a rope to a tree while Jack ties the other end around Desmond. [[Theme of the Source|♪]] Desmond tells Jack that this - killing Locke and destroying the Island - doesn't matter because once he goes into the cave, he'll go to another place where they can be with the ones they love, where they never have to see the island again, and where a happier version of Jack exists. [[Distraught Desmond|♪]] After saying that maybe there's a way he could bring Jack there too, Jack says he [[5x17|already tried that]] and that he found there are no shortcuts or do-overs; that [[Regularly spoken phrases|whatever happened, happened]] and that all of this matters. The three men enter the cave.
Once at the cave of the Source, Locke ties a rope to a tree while Jack ties the other end around Desmond. [[Theme of the Source|♪]] Desmond tells Jack that this - killing Locke and destroying the Island - doesn't matter because once he goes into the cave, he'll go to another place where they can be with the ones they love, where they never have to see the island again, and where a happier version of Jack exists. [[Distraught Desmond|♪]] After saying that maybe there's a way he could bring Jack there too, Jack says he [[5x17|already tried that]] and that he found there are no shortcuts or do-overs; that [[Regularly spoken phrases|whatever happened, happened]] and that all of this matters. The three men enter the cave.
Jack and Locke enter the cave and begin to lower Desmond into the brilliant abyss. The Man in Black remembers John Locke's memories of Jack and he looking at Desmond down in a hole in the ground, lightheartedly commented on their bickering on whether or not to [[push the button]]. Jack cuts him short. "You're not John Locke; you disrespect his memory by wearing his face, but you're nothing like him." Jack insists that John was right about almost everything, and wished he got to tell him this when he was still alive. Locke says John wasn't right about anything and that when the Island drops into the ocean and Jack drops with it, then he will realize this. Jack suggests they just watch and see who turns out to be right, and the two look down the waterfall now that Desmond has reached the bottom.
Jack and Locke enter the cave and begin to lower Desmond into the brilliant abyss. The Man in Black remembers John Locke's memories of Jack and he looking at Desmond down in a hole in the ground, lightheartedly commented on their bickering on whether or not to [[push the button]]. Jack cuts him short. "You're not John Locke; you disrespect his memory by wearing his face, but you're nothing like him." Jack insists that John was right about almost everything, and wished he got to tell him this when he was still alive. Locke says John wasn't right about anything and that when the Island drops into the ocean and Jack drops with it, then he will realize this. Jack suggests they just watch and see who turns out to be right, and the two look down the waterfall now that Desmond has reached the bottom.
[[File:Desmondintothelight.jpg|thumb|right|Desmond finds the Source.]]
[[File:6x17mib-blood.jpg|thumb|left|[[The Man in Black]] is shocked to see he's bleeding.]]Desmond reaches a chamber below after passing skeletons. He finds the Source, a glowing pool, filled by a small waterfall, with an elongated stone with ancient markings engraved on it at its center. He enters the water as electromagnetic energy emanates from the source. [[Theme of the Source|♪]] Jack and Locke hear his screams. Desmond reaches the center stone and lifts it, like removing a giant stopper in the center of the pool. The stream from the waterfall stops, the electromagnetic force recedes, the light goes out, the pool dries up and there is a red hot glow emitting from the center. Desmond screams "No!" Locke says to a very worried Jack: "It looks like you were wrong." Locke says goodbye and leaves as earthquakes begin to wrack the Island.
[[File:6x17mib-blood.jpg|thumb|right|[[The Man in Black]] is shocked to see he's bleeding.]]
Desmond reaches a chamber below after passing skeletons. He finds the Source, a glowing pool, filled by a small waterfall, with an elongated stone with ancient markings engraved on it at its center. He enters the water as electromagnetic energy emanates from the source. [[Theme of the Source|♪]] Jack and Locke hear his screams. Desmond reaches the center stone and lifts it, like removing a giant stopper in the center of the pool. The stream from the waterfall stops, the electromagnetic force recedes, the light goes out, the pool dries up and there is a red hot glow emitting from the center. Desmond screams "No!" Locke says to a very worried Jack: "It looks like you were wrong." Locke says goodbye and leaves as earthquakes begin to wrack the Island.
Jack chases Locke out of the cave in a fit of fury, punching him in the mouth and jumping on him when he falls. Locke bleeds from the mouth. Jack sees the blood and says, "It looks like you were wrong too." Jack's hands move towards Locke's throat as they struggle. Locke finds a rock and [[Head injuries|hits Jack over the back of the head with it]], and gets up and runs off.
Jack chases Locke out of the cave in a fit of fury, punching him in the mouth and jumping on him when he falls. Locke bleeds from the mouth. Jack sees the blood and says, "It looks like you were wrong too." Jack's hands move towards Locke's throat as they struggle. Locke finds a rock and [[Head injuries|hits Jack over the back of the head with it]], and gets up and runs off.

Versione del 10:24, 11 giu 2010

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"La fine" è il diciasettesimo episodio della sesta stagione di Lost, e il 120/121esimo dell'intera serie, oltre ad essere il finale della serie. In Italia è stato diviso in due parti: "La fine, prima parte" e "La fine, seconda parte".

Questo episodio passa alla storia come primo show televisivo mandato in onda contemporaneamente in più Paesi, oltre che gli Stati Uniti e Canada. Irlanda, Israele, Spagna, Portogallo, Turchia, Regno Unito e Italia compresa, hanno potuto vedere l'episodio nelle prime ore del mattino del 24 maggio 2010 (alle 6:00 in Italia).


Nei precedenti episodi di Lost

  • Jacob rivela a Jack la posizione del "Cuore dell'Isola". Quindi gli dice che dovrà proteggerla finché potrà. Jack prende il posto di Jacob come leader dell'isola.
  • Jacob assiste alla trasformazione del fratello nell'"Uomo in Nero".
  • L'Uomo in Nero getta Desmond nel pozzo.
  • L'Uomo in Nero e Ben tornano al pozzo, ma non trovano niente. L'Uomo in Nero dice che quando troverà Desmond, questi lo aiuterà a distruggere l'isola.
  • Nella  timeline parallela, Desmond investe Locke. ("Tutti amano Hugo")
  • Desmond si auto-denuncia, e finisce in cella con Sayid, mentre Kate è nella cella accanto alla loro. ("Quello per cui sono morti")
  • Desmond, Kate e Sayid vengono fatti fuggire dall'agente Cortez, Hugo Reyes prende Sayid, mentre Desmond prende Kate. Desmond dice quindi a Kate che stanno per andare ad un concerto. ("Quello per cui sono morti")

Timeline parallela

Montaggio d'apertura

6x17 APackageForHume

La bara di Christian arriva all'aereoporto di Los Angeles.

  • La bara di Christian arriva all'aereoporto di Los Angeles.
  • Il Dr. Jack Shephard studia le radiografie nel suo ufficio per prepararsi all'operazione.
  • Ben Linus beve un thè.
  • John Locke, a bordo di una barella per la sala operatoria, guarda la sua sedia a rotelle.
  • La bara di Christian viene caricata su un camion per le consegne della Oceanic.
  • James Ford si prepara per un giorno di lavoro e guarda allo specchio che ha rotto.

Fuori dalla Chiesa di Eloise

6x17 WaitingInTheCar

Kate chiede a Desmondle sue intenzioni.

Kate aspetta nel Camaro di Hurley mentre il camion dell'Ocanic arriva fuori dalla chiesa di Eloise. Desmond firma la ricevuta del corpo e Bocklin lo porta dentro la chiesa. Desmond ritorna all'auto e informa Kate che il corpo apparteneva a un uomo chiamato Christian Shepard. Lei sottolinea la particolarità dell'abbinamento di nome e cognome "Christian Shephard" (in italiano: "Pastore Cristiano"). Quando Kate chiede a Desmond perchè l'ha fatta scappare dalla prigione e perchè stanno andando ad un concerto, Desmond risponde che nessuno può dirle perchè si trova lì - non intendendo la chiesa, ma piuttosto "in questo posto". Lui le dice il suo nome e che, anche se lei non se ne rende conto, lui è un suo amico, e quello che lui vuole è andarsene. Kate allora gli chiede dove vuole andare e Desmond inizia a guidare verso un altro posto per mostrarglielo.

Al Flightline Motel

6x17 AnAngryBrit

Charlie si rifiuta di accompagnare Hugo al concerto.

Hurley arriva al Flightline Motel con Sayid, che appare nervoso riguardo a quali siano i piani Hurley . Hurley gli porge una pistola caricata con dei tranquillanti per ricordargli della loro precedente avventura al motel con la pistola. Sayid rifiuta la pistola e dà a Hurley del pazzo, lui concorda e gli chiede di aspettarlo in macchina. Quando Sayid gli chiede cosa succederebbe se non lo aspettasse, Hurley risponde che è una sua scelta, ma che se resterà con lui ne sarà felice. Nella stanza 102, la scombussolata rock star Charlie beve un sorso da una bottiglia, respinge Hurley e insiste nel dire che non gli importa del concerto. Hurley prova a convicerlo, dicendogli che il concerto sarà la cosa più importante che farà mai, ma dopo aver ricevuto la risposta "levati dalle palle", Hurley gli spara un tanquillante, lo porta sull'Hummer, e lo carica sul retro.

il concerto di Beneficenza

Hurley e Sayid arrivano al concerto. Miles, che è appena arrivato, vede Sayid e chiama Sawyer per dirgli che è scappato. Miles gli chiede di controllare se Sun Paik, una dei sopravvissuti alla sparatoria di Jarrah, sta bene ed è all'ospedale.

L'ospedale S. Sebastian

6x17 CheckingForAHeartBeat

La dottoressa Carlson controlla Sun.

Jin è al fianco di Sun all'ospedale. La Dr. Juliet Carlson arriva a fare l'ecografia a Sun. Appena inizia la procedura, Sun ha un flashback dell'ultima volta in cui Juliet le ha fatto un'ecografia. Sun, piange, dice a Jin che si ricorda e quando Juliet indica il bambino sul monitor, si ricorda anche lui e lo dice a Sun. Juliet dice loro che il bambino sta bene e gli chiede se ne vogliono conoscere il sesso ma Sun risponde che è una femmina e Jin dice a Juliet che il suo nome sarà Ji Yeon.

Il Dr. Shephard parla con John Locke prima della sua operazione. Scherzando dice a John che c'è una possibilità che lo uccida ma che è fiducioso del successo e che si vedranno dall'altra parte. John chiede della bara scomparsa del padre di Jack e lui gli dice che l'hanno appena ritrovata. John gli dice che spera che questo possa portargli un po' di pace. Jack risponde "Se riesco a metterla a posto, Signor Locke, avrò tutta la pace di cui ho bisogno." John gli sorride.

Jack e Juliet si incontrano mentre Jack si prepara per l'operazione e Juliet gli chiede se ha i biglietti per il concerto, così lui glieli porge. David chiede chi userà il biglietto di Jack e questi suggerisce Claire. Juliet dice che adorerebbe conoscere la sorella che lui non ha mai menzionato durante tutto il tempo in cui sono stati sposati. Jack è sicuro che Juliet la adorerà perchè è "molto incinta." Mentre Juliet e David lasciano i loro certellini il Detective Ford, è arriva per controllare che Sun sia al sicuro.

Fuori da un bar


Sayid e Shannon si ricordano uno dell'altra.

Hurley e Sayid aspettano fuori da un locale nella notte. Hurley dice che non può spiegare a Sayid cosa stanno facendo, ma che deve solo fidarsi di lui. Hurley aggiunge che si fida di Sayid perchè pensa che sia una brava persona, nonostante quello che Sayid crede che le persone dicano di lui. Due uomini escono dal bar prendendosi a pugni, seguiti da una donna che viene spinta per terra. Sayid corre in suo aiuto e non appena si toccano si ricordano uno dell'altra. Nel frattempo, uno dei partecipanti della lotta, Boone, si avvicina alla macchina di Hurley e gli dice che era stata una battaglia portare Shannon qui dall'Australia, ma Hurley risponde che ne è valsa la pena. Danno quindi a Shannon e Sayid il tempo di abbracciarsi e baciarsi a lungo prima di iniziare il loro viaggio. .

Il Concerto di Beneficenza

6x17 EloiseAndDesmond

Eloise chiede a Desmond che parte abbia suo figlio nel suo piano.

Quando arrivano al concerto, Juliet viene chiamata d'urgenza dall'ospedale e lascia che David accompagni Claire all'interno. Nel camerino della band, Charlie dorme sul divano e viene svegliato da Charlotte. Nella stanza c'è anche Daniel Widmore, che si presenta a Charlotte. Fuori, David e Claire prendono posto al tavolo 23. Claire riconosce Kate poichè quest'ultima l'aveva aiutata alcuni giorni prima. Pierre Chang dà il benvenuto agli ospiti del Concerto di beneficenza per il Golden State Natural History Museum e presenta Daniel Widmore accompagnato dai Drive Shaft. Non appena Daniel inizia a suonare il piano, Charlie guarda il pubblico e vede Claire, fissandola meravigliato. Claire ha una contrazione e si alza scusandosi; Kate la segue e la aiuta durante il travaglio. Nel frattempo, Eloise Widmore raggiunge Desmond al tavolo, affermando che pensava di essere stata chiara sul fatto che Desmond avrebbe dovuto smettere di fare ciò che stava facendo. Desmond risponde che in effetti è stata chiara, ma che lui l'ha ignorata. La donna chiede "E una volta che sapranno, cosa succederà?" e Desmond risponde, "Allora ce ne andremo." Preoccupata, Eloise chiede se abbiano intenzione di portare con loro anche suo figlio. Desmond la rassicura: "No, non con me."

6x17 AnAlternateMotherAndSon

Claire stringe al petto Aaron neonato.

Kate inizia ad aiutare Claire che è entrata in travaglio. Claire dice di non essere pronta e di avere paura. Kate afferma di essere a sua volta spaventata. Charlie arriva nel backstage e Kate lo manda a cercare acqua e coperte. Claire inizia a spingere e Kate ha una visione della nascita di Aaron sull'Isola. Dopo il parto, Claire stessa ha una visione simile quando vede Aaron. Charlie arriva con la coperta e Kate lo incoraggia a darla a Claire. Claire prende la mano di Charlie ed anche lui ha dei ricordi della loro vita sull'Isola. Desmond arriva e chiede a Kate se ora comprende. Kate fa segno di sì e domanda a Desmond, "E ora?"

L'Ospedale San Sebastian

6x17 MovingAToe

Locke riacquista il controllo delle gambe.

John Locke viene portato fuori dalla sala operatoria. L'infermiera nella stanza di Locke chiede a Jack del suo collo, che sta di nuovo sanguinando. L'uomo sta per andare al concerto, quando viene richiamato indietro perchè Locke si sta già rosvegliando dall'anestesia. Le sue prime parole sono: "Ha funzionato." Muove i piedi e si sente le gambe. Ha anche una visione del suo arrivo sull'Isola. L'uomo chiee a Jack se si ricorda, Jack ha un flash momentaneo, ma nega. Locke è pronto ad andare, ma Jack oridna all'infermiera di dargli un sedativo e dice a Locke che deve vedere suo figlio. John gli risponde: "Tu non hai un figlio." Jack ora vuole solo andarsene, ma John gli dice "Spero che qualcuno faccia per te ciò che tu hai appena fatto per me."


Juliet e James ricordano.

Sawyer trova Sun e Jin. I due gli sorridono e quando lui mostra loro una foto segnaletica di Sayid, fanno per andarsene dicendo che non hanno bisogno di essere protetti da Sayid. Sawyer afferma che proteggerli è il suo lavoro, ma Sun dice che è tutto a posto e che sono al sicuro. Jin aggiunge "Ci vediamo là" e se ne vanno.

Sawyer incontra Jack e gli chiede dove possa trovare qualcosa da mangiare; Jack gli indica i distributori automatici. James sceglie la barretta Apollo ma il distributore si inceppa. Juliet gli dice che se stacca la spina e poi la attacca di nuovo, la barretta scenderà. James toglie la corrente e la luce si spegne, ma Juliet gli porge la barretta Apollo, dicendo "Ha funzionato." Quando le loro mani si sfiorano, entrambi hanno un breve flash e Juliet dice a Sawyer che dovrebbero prendere un caffè qualche volta. Poi si toccano di nuovo ed hanno un'altra visione, ricordano tutto e si abbracciano.

Il Concerto di Beneficenza

6x17 YouWillUnderstand

Kate promises Jack he will understand the meaning of his flashes.

Jack arriva al concerto quando questo è già concluso. Kate è lì e Jack gli dice che era venuto per vedere il figlio. Jack riconosce Kate e le chiede se si ricorda di lui. Kate gli dice che gli aveva rubato la penna sul volo Oceanic 815. Jack è confuso e dice "e 'questo' il modo in cui ti conosco". Kate gli dice che non è quello il modo in cui la conosce. Kate si avvicina a Jack e gli avvolge la testa tra le mani dicendogli quanto gli fosse mancato. Jack subisce un flash in cui vede immagini di se stesso e Kate sull'isola, ma è ancora restio. Kate gli dice che se la seguirà Jack capirà molte cose.

La Chiesa di Eloise


"Rimarrò qui per un pò."

6x17 YouWereAwesomeDude

Hugo ringrazia Ben per il suo ottimo lavoro come Numero Due.

Locke arriva alla chiesa di Eloise. L'autista del taxi lo aiuta a sedersi sulla sedia a rotelle. Ben è seduto fuori dalla chiesa e John lo saluta; Ben conferma che la maggior parte di "loro" è all'interno. Mentre John sta per entrare, Ben dice che gli dispiace per quello che gli ha fatto e aggiunge di essere stato egoista e geloso e di aver voluto tutto quello che aveva John. Dice poi che John era speciale, mentre lui non lo era. John dice a Ben che lo perdona: Ben risponde che questo conta moltissimo per lui e dice a John che ha delle cose da sistemare e che rimarrà "lì" per un po'. Poi dice a John che ormai non ha più bisogno della sedia a rotelle. John si alza ed entra in chiesa camminando.


Jack chiede, "Pronto per cosa?" Kate risponde, "Per andare."

Hugo vede Ben fuori dalla chiesa. Ben gli dice che non entrerà. Hugo dice a Ben che è stato davvero un ottimo Numero Due e Ben gli risponde che lui è stato un grande Numero Uno.

Jack e Kate arrivano. Jack dice a Kate che quello è il luogo in cui si svolgeranno i funerali del padre e chiede a Kate perchè lo abbia portato lì. La ragazza risponde: "Perchè qui è dove si svolgeranno i funerali di tuo padre." Lei fa per andarsene e dice a Jack che saranno lì ad aspettarlo, quando sarà pronto. Jack chiede: "Pronto per cosa?" Kate risponde "Per andare."

6x17 FatherAndSon

Christian si ritrova con suo figlio.

Jack entra in chiesa dall'ingresso posteriore. In una cappella decorata da simboli di differenti religioni, vede la bara di Christian e la tocca, risvegliando più ricordi dell'Isola. Jack apre la bara e scopre che è vuota. Suo padre è nella stanza. Jack dice di non capire come Christian, che è morto, possa trovarsì lì, in quel momento. Christian semplicemente gli chiede "E tu perchè sei qui?" Jack si rende conto di essere morto lui stesso. I due si abbracciano piangendo e si dicono di volersi bene.

Jack è confuso. Christian spiega che sono reali, che la vita di Jack è reale, che le persone in chiesa sono reali. Jack sembra scosso, ma Christian lo rassicura, spiegandogli che "tutti muoiono prima o poi, ragazzo. Alcuni prima di te, altri molto dopo."


Moving on. Jack e Kate, Charlie e Claire.

Quando Jack chiede perchè si trovino tutti lì ora, Christian risponde che "Non c'è un ora, qui", e che quello è un luogo che hanno creato tutti loto insieme per ritrovarsi, perchè la parte più importante della sua vita Jack l'ha passata con quelle persone. Loro hanno fatto in modo di potersi ritrovare, di ricordare e "andare avanti."

Jack entra nel santuario della chiesa e vede Kate, Hurley, Libby, Sawyer, Juliet, Desmond, Penny, Sun, Jin, Charlie, Claire, Aaron, Sayid, Boone, Shannon, Locke, Rose e Bernard. Jack è accolto dagli altri e tutto il gruppo si scambia abbracci e giosice per il fatto di essersi ritrovati. Poi siedono sulle panche della chiesa e Christian cammina verso l'uscita della chiesa, fermandosi brevemente per appoggiare la mano sulla spalla di Jack. Christian apre le porte della chiesa e una brillante luce bianca da oltre le porte illumina tutti i presenti. Jack scambia un sorriso con Kate, e poi guarda avanti mentre vengono sommersi dalla luce.

Timeline originale (2007)

Montaggio di Apertura


Jack al mattino è il nuovo protettore dell'Isola.

  • Jack si lava nel ruscello e guarda le sue mani.
  • Ben loads a magazine and looks up to see Locke packing rope.
  • Sawyer cammina verso Kate per prendersi poi cura delle sue ferite.

The river

Kate observes Jack as he wades in the creek taking in what has just happened. She leaves him alone, but then Sawyer joins him and asks if he's okay and asks what's going on. When Sawyer asks if Jack feels any different now that he's the "new Jacob," Jack answers, "Not really." Later, Jack tells Kate, Hurley and Sawyer about the Heart of the Island that Jacob told him they needed to protect. Hurley asks if the Man in Black wants to put out the light at the source and Jack explains that, if he does, it would be the end of all of them. Sawyer guesses that Locke hasn't yet put out the light because he doesn't have what he needs: Desmond. After Sawyer suggests that "Jacob didn't really say anything about anything," he goes to get Desmond out of the well while the others go to the Source. Sawyer and Kate banter about whether or not she would come with or follow him. Hurley adds, "I have a bad feeling about this."

Normal the-end0107

Sawyer leaves to search for Desmond, while the rest will go to the Source.

As they walk Jack explains to Kate that he took the job because he was supposed to, and because the Island is all he has left, that it's the only thing he hasn't managed to ruin. Kate stops him and tries to reassure him that he hasn't ruined anything because "nothing is irreversible" ("Los Angeles LA X, prima parte"). Hurley quips that their conversation would be sweet if they weren't all about to die.

The well


The Man in Black lets Sawyer leave.

Sawyer covertly watches Locke at the well. Ben approaches Sawyer from behind, points a cocked rifle at him and invites him to join them. Sawyer tells Locke he came to get Desmond out of the well, but looking down the well notes that they were both beaten to the punch. When Locke asks, Sawyer guesses that Locke wants Desmond so that he can destroy the Island. Locke confirms that is his plan, but says he does not intend go down with the ship, instead Sawyer and the rest of "Jacob's little candidates" absolutely are. Sawyer counters that they are not candidates anymore. With Locke looking surprised at that revelation, Sawyer elbows Ben in the face, steals his rifle and leaves. After Locke makes no effort to go after him, Ben says he thought Locke was speaking figuratively when he said he was going to destroy the Island. Locke say he left out the bit about the Island being at the bottom of the sea. Now he offers Ben a place on the boat he is going to take to get off the Island. Locke notices paw prints near the well.

Il campo di Rose e Bernard


The Man in Black threatens to kill Rose and Bernard.

At Rose and Bernard's cabin, Vincent runs to Desmond and licks his face. Rose greets him and Bernard goes to check the traps for fish. Rose says they built their camp in '75 but since the sky lit up again she doesn't know when they are now. She tells Desmond he must move on after he eats because their rule is not to get involved with the Island's dramas. However, Vincent and Bernard return with Locke and Ben in tow. Bernard apologizes. Locke draws his knife and threateningly tells Desmond to come with him and do his bidding or he will kill Rose and Bernard, even that he'll make it hurt. Desmond agrees only after receiving Locke's word that he won't touch them, ever. When asked by Locke, Desmond says he must be taking him to a place where there is a bright light, increasing Locke's surprise at how much the survivors seem to know.

Gli Alloggi

When Miles tries to get through to Ben via the walkie talkie, Ben quickly turns it off. On the other end of the walkie is Miles. He was trying to tell Ben that he has found Richard. Richard wakes and asks Miles,whether the smoke monster is still there to which Miles says no. Richard checks that Miles still has the C-4 as he wants to go to Hydra Island to finish what they started: to blow up the plane.

Richard looks at his first gray hair

Richard looks at his first gray hair.

Richard and Miles rush from the Barracks and ready an outrigger. Richard comments on the ominous storm clouds forming and Miles pauses to pluck a single gray hair from Richard's head. Richard smiles and tells Miles of his renewed desire to live. The two begin paddling. They pass through the debris of the sub, including the dead captain, and find Frank Lapidus, alive, hanging on to life preservers in the water. They haul him onto the outrigger and catch him up on the plan to blow up the plane. Frank asks why'd they do that when they could use the plane escape the island, saying, "In case you haven't noticed, I'm a pilot."

Viaggio verso la Sorgente

Sawyer meets up with Jack, Kate and Hurley and tells them Locke plans to destroy the island and how important it is to find Desmond before Locke and Ben do. Jack tells him it doesn't matter who finds Desmond because they are all going to the same place anyway. Sawyer asks what happens then. Jack answers, "And then it ends."


You will not succeed.

Locke's group and Jack's group meet. Kate reacts by snatching Sawyer's gun and shooting at Locke, but to no effect. Locke tells her to save her bullets. He walks up to Jack and says: "So it's you", adding that he's somewhat surprised that Jacob chose Jack, as he is sort of the obvious choice. Jack corrects him and says he wasn't chosen, but that he volunteered. Locke assumes Jack is going to try and stop him but Jack admits that he can't and will instead go with him. Locke then thinks Jack doesn't understand what he plans to do, but Jack is clear that he certainly does, that he's going to the light, the place Jack has sworn to protect, where he thinks he's going to destroy the island. Jack says Locke won't destroy the island. Instead, Jack will kill him, and how he plans to do that is a surprise.

As they hike toward the Source, Sawyer asks Jack how he is going to kill Locke. Jack simply answers, "Desmond," but that he's not yet sure exactly how it's going to work. He's sure Jacob brought him back not as bait but as a weapon. When the group reaches the bamboo forest near the Source, Locke draws his knife and says it should just be him, Jack and Desmond from here on. Hurley steps up to Jack and says "I believe in you, dude." Locke comments on the bad storm approaching.

La Sorgente


Desmond is lowered into the Source.

Once at the cave of the Source, Locke ties a rope to a tree while Jack ties the other end around Desmond. Desmond tells Jack that this - killing Locke and destroying the Island - doesn't matter because once he goes into the cave, he'll go to another place where they can be with the ones they love, where they never have to see the island again, and where a happier version of Jack exists. After saying that maybe there's a way he could bring Jack there too, Jack says he already tried that and that he found there are no shortcuts or do-overs; that whatever happened, happened and that all of this matters. The three men enter the cave.

Jack and Locke enter the cave and begin to lower Desmond into the brilliant abyss. The Man in Black remembers John Locke's memories of Jack and he looking at Desmond down in a hole in the ground, lightheartedly commented on their bickering on whether or not to push the button. Jack cuts him short. "You're not John Locke; you disrespect his memory by wearing his face, but you're nothing like him." Jack insists that John was right about almost everything, and wished he got to tell him this when he was still alive. Locke says John wasn't right about anything and that when the Island drops into the ocean and Jack drops with it, then he will realize this. Jack suggests they just watch and see who turns out to be right, and the two look down the waterfall now that Desmond has reached the bottom.


Desmond finds the Source.


The Man in Black is shocked to see he's bleeding.

Desmond reaches a chamber below after passing skeletons. He finds the Source, a glowing pool, filled by a small waterfall, with an elongated stone with ancient markings engraved on it at its center. He enters the water as electromagnetic energy emanates from the source. Jack and Locke hear his screams. Desmond reaches the center stone and lifts it, like removing a giant stopper in the center of the pool. The stream from the waterfall stops, the electromagnetic force recedes, the light goes out, the pool dries up and there is a red hot glow emitting from the center. Desmond screams "No!" Locke says to a very worried Jack: "It looks like you were wrong." Locke says goodbye and leaves as earthquakes begin to wrack the Island.

Jack chases Locke out of the cave in a fit of fury, punching him in the mouth and jumping on him when he falls. Locke bleeds from the mouth. Jack sees the blood and says, "It looks like you were wrong too." Jack's hands move towards Locke's throat as they struggle. Locke finds a rock and hits Jack over the back of the head with it, and gets up and runs off.

La spiaggia dell'Isola Hydra

The outrigger has reached Hydra island. Miles calls Ben, who is sitting with Sawyer, Kate, and Hurley. Miles informs him they're going to fly off the Island and that they should get to Hydra Island now. Claire emerges from the bushes and hold's Miles' group at gunpoint and shoots into the sand. Through the walkie talkie, Kate hears that Claire is there. Claire assumes Locke has sent them there to kill her. To convince her this isn't the case, Richard tells her they can go home and be free of Locke. He invites Claire to join them but she refuses and leaves.

La giungla

The predicted wild storm arrives and the earthquakes continue. A large tree falls and traps Ben, pinning him. Sawyer, Hurley and Kate can't lift it. Sawyer says Locke was right, the Island is going down. Miles radios Ben. Kate finds Ben's walkie in the mud. Miles tells Kate that Frank is fixing the plane and they should get over there quick smart. He also tells Kate that Claire is around but won't come. Ben says he knows how they can get to Hydra Island - that Locke has a boat. Sawyer uses a fallen tree branch as a lever to try to free Ben.

La scogliera


The Man in Black attempts his coup de grâce.


"I saved you a bullet!"

The Man in Black stands on the cliff above the cliffside cave, looking at the Elizabeth anchored a short distance offshore. He smiles and begins to descend toward just as Jack arrives and yells "Locke!" The Man in Black turns round and the two face each for the final showdown. The Man in Black draws his knife and they run at each other across the uneven ground. Jack leaps at the Man in Black and they fight as the storm rages and cliffs disintegrate. The Man in Black at first drops his knife, then finds it during the struggle and runs Jack through under the rib cage. He is about to finish Jack off by pushing the knife through his neck, but pauses and says, "I want you to know Jack, you died for nothing.” The point of the blade enters Jack's neck. There is a single gunshot, and the Man in Black falls off Jack. Kate stands in the rain and screams, "I saved you a bullet!" The Man in Black is seriously injured. Jack struggles to his feet and as the Island continues to quake, the Man in Black thinks he won the war when he says to Jack "You're too late." But Jack kicks him off the cliff, sending him down to the rocks below and destroying him once and for all.


The Man in Black falls to his death.

Kate holds Jack who looks at the knife wound in his side. Jack says "I'll be fine, just find me some thread and I'll count to five." Sawyer, Hugo and Ben arrive and as Kate tells them that it's over the Island shakes with a violent earthquake.


Final kiss.

Ben tells the group that Frank and the rest are leaving and if they are going to catch up they had better climb down the ladders on the cliff face, get to the boat, sail to Hydra island, get on the plane, and fast. Jack says that whatever Desmond turned off he needs to turn it back on again. But he says that if people are going to leave they need to get on that plane. Kate tells him that he doesn't need to do this but Jack is adamant that he does. Jack wishes Sawyer good luck. Ben passes Sawyer the walkie saying that if the Island is going down then he is going down with it. Hugo refuses to climb the rickety wooden ladders and tells Jack that he is with him. Kate and Jack share a tearful goodbye - they have a final kiss and declare their love for each other. The island continues to shake uncontrollably. Sawyer calls Frank, who tells them he is going to leave while there is still ground to leave on. Sawyer follows Kate as she jumps off the cliff into the sea. They swim out to the Elizabeth.

Ajira landing strip

Frank, Miles and Richard are in the cockpit of the plane. Frank turns on the electronics, to find that everything is working except for the hydraulics in the nose wheel. He turns to Miles and Richard and asks if either of them has mechanical experience. Richard looks bewildered; Miles says he worked for a contractor for a couple of summers renovating apartments. The island and the plane continue to shake terribly. Frank rips a page from his manual, throwing it and a roll of duct tape at Miles and tells him and Richard to get down there and make sure everything is together.

Miles wraps a wad of duct tape around a metal hydraulic hose. Richard is helping and asks if it is going to work. Miles says that he doesn't believe in a lot of things but he does believe in duct tape and thinks they will have things together soon. Frank is trying to get things squared away in the cockpit. He hears Ben's voice on the radio. Frank tells Ben to leave him alone and throws the radio aside to continue working.


Kate convinces Claire to come with them.

Frank fires the plane up. Kate and Sawyer swim ashore to Hydra Island and find a disconsolate Claire sitting on the beach. The Island continues to disintegrate. They hear the Ajira warming up. Claire says to Kate that she won't come because the Island has made her crazy. Kate offers to help her and they all run for the plane. Lapidus prepares for takeoff and doesn't hear Sawyer's plea on the walkie for him to wait. Just then they make it to the runway, and Kate, Sawyer and Claire climb aboard.

Ajira takes off as the runway disintegrates.

The Source


Jack passes protection of the Island to Hurley.

Hurley helps Jack as they return with Ben to the Source. Jack tells them he is going down alone and makes it clear that he knows he will not survive. Jack explains to an overwrought Hurley that this is what is supposed to happen. Jack tells Hugo that it is he who the Island needs, that his job was to fix the source but after that it should be Hugo. Jack tells Hugo that he believes in him. Hugo agrees, but only till Jack returns. Ben finds an Oceanic bottle and Jack fills it from the stream and gives it to Hurley. After Hurley drinks, Jack tells him, "Now you're like me." Ben and Hugo lower Jack into the Source. Jack finds Desmond and carries him back to the rope. Desmond wants to return the plug but Jack tells him he has done enough and he needs to go home to be with his wife and son. Desmond asks Jack what will happen to him. Jack says that he'll see him in another life, "Brother".


Jack has succeeded, the light returns.

Jack finds the plug and drops it into the Source.

Jack lies exhausted in the empty pool but a trickle of water starts flowing and then the light starts to return. Hugo and Ben haul on the rope and find Desmond on the end of it. Below, Jack sobs with relief as he is engulfed in the light.

Ben and Hugo are with Desmond. Hugo takes in the idea that Jack has gone. Ben comforts him by telling Hugo that he did his job. Ben tells a frightened Hugo that he can do his job as the island's new protector by doing what he does best: taking care of people. Hugo asks how he can do things like helping Desmond to go home when people can't leave the Island. Ben says that that is how Jacob ran things and that maybe there is a better way. Hugo asks Ben for his help, saying he needs someone with experience. Ben says he would be honored.


Live together and you won't die alone.

Il campo di bamboo

Jack si sveglia vicino al ruscello dove si trova la Sorgente. Sapendo che la sua vita sta per finire, lentamente si alza e comincia a camminare verso il campo di bamboo. Mentre cammina, passa vicino alla scarpa da ginnastica che ancora pende dal ramo di un albero, e collassa a terra proprio dove si era risvegliato dopo lo schianto del volo Oceanic 815.

Ad un certo punto sente un cane abbaiare, e girando la testa vede Vincent corrergli incontro. Jack laughs to himself as the dog licks his face and lies down beside him.

Guardando verso il cielo, vede l'aereo della Ajira volare via dall'Isola. Jack sorride, e i suoi occhi si chiudono.



  • The box Christian Shephard's coffin was transported in has stickers displaying the following airport codes: BWN (Brunei International Airport), GUM (A.B. Won Pat International Airport, Guam), HKG (Hong Kong International Airport, China), and LAX (Los Angeles International Airport).
  • In the scene where Jack opens the empty coffin, the stained glass window shows symbols of various faiths: the star and crescent of Islam, the Star of David (Judaism), the Aum (widely used as a symbol of Hinduism, but also present in Buddhism and Jainism), the Christian cross, the Dharmacakra (Buddhism) and the Yin/Yang disk (Taoism).
  • "You" is the last word spoken in the series. John Locke says it, when he tells Jack: "We've been waiting for you", after Jack and Christian enter the chapel.
  • As Hurley is pulling into Charlie's motel with Sayid, a man walking his dog cross the driveway in front of them. The dog is Jack Bender's adopted dog Lulu, who has appeared in 6 episodes.

The Plug showing Cuneiform script.

  • \ Penny, and Juliet are the only characters in the church scene who were not on Oceanic Flight 815.
  • Every character in the church scene has been on the show since the first or second season, except for Juliet who was introduced at the very beginning of the third.
  • Boone's observation that he had difficulty getting Shannon back from Sydney is likely an inside joke at the difficulty in scheduling Maggie Grace to return for the final season, having had to already write her out of "LA X".
  • The final scene with Jack making his way back to the bamboo field and dying is a recreation of the opening scene of Lost in reverse, with some slightly different camera angles and different behavior of Vincent. YouTube
  • The plug in the Source has markings on it. The clearest markings are cuneiform script. This form of writing was used for a very long time by different civilizations in the area that is now Iraq, notably Akkadian/Sumerian language groups C5000-1000BC.

Lasciare l'isola

  • Kate è l'unico personaggio del cast originario a lasciare l'isola ritornando alla civiltà, a fare ritorno sull'isola e a lasciarla di nuovo.
  • Miles lascia l'isola dopo 3 anni.
  • Sawyer e Claire lasciano l'isola dopo 3 anni e qualche mese.
  • Sawyer e Claire sono gli unici personaggi ad arrivare sull'isola per la prima volta nel primo episodio della serie, e a lasciarla per la prima volta nell'episodio finale.
  • Frank lascia l'isola per la seconda volta, dopo 14 giorni.
  • Richard lascia l'isola definitivamente dopo averci vissuto per 140 anni (in precedenza aveva compiuto diversi brevi viaggi fuori dall'isola, incluso il viaggio di reclutamento di Juliet).

Personaggi sopravvissuti

Dall'Oceanic 815:
  • Hanno lasciato l'Isola: Kate, Sawyer, Claire
  • Sono rimasti sull'Isola: Hurley, Rose, Bernard, Vincent
  • Fine sconosciuta: Cindy, Zach and Emma, and any other Tailies that may have joined the Others
Dal Progetto Dharma/Gli Altri:
  • Sono rimasti sull'Isola: Ben
  • Fine sconosciuta: Amelia, Harper Stanhope, Adam, Vanessa, e quelli che hanno seguito Locke dal Tempio, colpiti dagli attacchi di mortaio, etc.
Dalla Roccia Nera:
  • Hanno lasciato l'Isola: Richard
Dalla Kahana:
  • Hanno lasciato l'Isola: Miles, Frank
Dalla Elizabeth:
  • Sono rimasti sull'Isola: Desmond (Ben suggerisce ad Hurley di rimandarlo a casa.)
Non sull'Isola
  • Precedentemente stati sull'Isola: Walt, Aaron, Eloise Hawking
  • Mai stati sull'Isola: Penny e Charlie Hume, Ji-Yeon Kwon

Note di produzione


  • Il suono che accompagna il logo "LOST" alla fine di ogni episodio viene in questo caso cambiato: al posto di un suono carico di suspense, ne viene scelto uno più pacato e dolce.
  • I titoli di coda scorrono accanto a immagini dei rottami dell'Oceanic 815 senza che siano inquadrati superstiti. Queste immagini nn facevano parte dell'episodio. LKa ABC ha ammesso di averle aggiunte in un secondo momento per sottolineare una nostalgica transizione tra la fine di Lost e lo show successivo. [1]
  • Matthew Fox ha sostenuto di aver saputo sin dall'inizio che la serie si sarebbe conclusa con la morte di Jack e l'inquadratura del suo occhio che si chiude per sempre.
  • "La fine" è stato originariamente (edizione americana) trasmesso solo 5 giorni dopo il precedente episodio, "Quello per cui sono morti". Si tratta del secondo intervallo più breve nella trasmissione di due episodi originali della serie, dopo "L'assenza e il vuoto" e "La grande menzogna", trasmessi l'uno dopo l'altro nella stessa serata.
  • "La fine", con i suoi 105:34 minuti, è l'episodio più lungo di Lost.
  • Dopo "La fine" è andato in onda JKL! Aloha to Lost, uno speciale riassuntivo della serie con contributi di gran parte del cast.
  • ABC stima che, durante le due ore e mezza di trasmissione, ci siano stati 20.5 milioni di contatti. La mezz'ora finale è stata seguita da 15.31 milioni di spettatori, un rating di 6.4 e uno share del 19% tra gli adulti da 18 ai 49 anni. 1
    • The simulcast broadcast between 5 and 7:15 am in the UK attracted an average audience of 635,000 viewers, more than its regular Friday night time slot. In Spain the same simulcast had an audience of 400,000 viewers. 2
    • Despite the simulcast (which was partially to reduce piracy), this episode was the most pirated television episode ever on bit torrent networks. [2]
  • Quando l'Ajira 316 vola sopra l'Isola, produce lo stesso suono usato in precedenza come transizione nella "Realtà parallela".
    • Si tratta anche dell'ultimo suono che Jack sente prima di morire.
  • Elizabeth Mitchell ha girato le scene ambientate in ospedale durante le prime ore del 27 marzo, nel giorno del suo compleanno, e poco dopo ha festeggiato con il cast e la troupe.
  • La fine delle riprese è stata sabato 24 aprile 2010, esattamente 6 anni dopo la fine delle riprese del pilot, e giorno del compleanno di Damon Lindelof.
    • La post-produzione è stata conclusa lunedì 17 maggio 2010.
  • The scene where the MiB stabs Jack on the cliffs involved swapping out a real knife for a collapsible one. During one take, the swap was not made properly and Matthew Fox was stabbed by the real knife, which was fortunately stopped by a Kevlar pad that Fox wore under his shirt. Matthew Fox tried out various protection pads for that scene and it just so happened that when the accident happened he was wearing the kevlar pad, the others of which were not stab proof. It was even suggested that he not bother using a pad at all before the incident happened. (Geronimo Jack's Beard)
  • The penultimate scene with Jack and Christian in the back room of the Church was withheld from some copies of the shooting scripts. When the scene was filmed, the set operated with a high level of security and was off-limits to everyone with the exception of Matthew Fox, John Terry and a few select members of crew. Even other cast members were not allowed near the set when that scene was taking place. (Geronimo Jack's Beard)


  • Zuleikha Robinson (Ilana) non compare nell'episodio.
  • Maggie Grace (Shannon) compare in questo episodio per la prima volta da "Exposé", dopo 59 episodi.
  • Vincent compare in questo episodio per la prima volta da "L'incidente, prima parte", dopo 17 episodi.
  • Ian Somerhalder (Boone) compare in questo episodio per la prima volta da "Los Angeles LA X, prima parte", dopo 15 episodi.
  • La gran parte delle guest star dell'episodio compare nei titoli di testa insieme al cast principale, anziché durante i titoli di coda. Ciò significa che 28 attori sono stati accreditati come parte del cast principale, più che in ogni altro episodio. Tra gli altri:
  • Ana Lucia, Eko, Ilana, Michael, Nikki, Paulo, e Walt sono gli unico personaggi principali della serie a non comparire nella scena pre-finale dell'episodio. Eko, Nikki, Paulo, e Walt sono anche gli unici a non comparire affatto nella sesta serie.
    • Walt viene mostrato in un flashback rivelatore e Ana Lucia compare in una scena d'archivio nella parte iniziale "Nei precedenti episodi di Lost".
    • Eko, Nikki and Paulo are the only main characters never to make an appearance after departing the series, all in season 3.
    • Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje (Eko) was offered a guest spot in this episode, but negotiations failed as it is claimed he asked for a fee five times what he was offered. [3]
  • Saïd Taghmaoui (Caesar) was originally meant to be an important part of the setup of the ending of Lost, but this was changed when the actor refused to come back because of other filming commitments. [4]. [5]
  • Jack, Kate, Hurley, Locke, Sun, Jin, Boone, Shannon, Claire, Charlie, Sayid, Sawyer, Rose, Walt e Vincent sono gli unici protagonisti a comparire sia nel primo episodio della prima serie, sia nell'ultimo episodio della sesta serie. Michael è l'unico protagonista del primo episodio della prima serie a non comparire in "La fine" (Walt compare perlomeno in una sequenza d'archivio).
    • Rose e Vincent sono le uniche guest star ricorrenti a comparire sia nel primo episodio della serie 1 che in "La fine".

Blooper ed errori di continuità

  • In the scene where the Man in Black asks Desmond if he knows where they are going, the same shot of MiB turning around in surprise is used twice. First when he is surprised to hear Desmond guess correctly that they are going to a "very bright light", then again when he hears Ben's walkie-talkie.
  • When Jack and the Man in Black are standing over the Heart of the Island, the rope hangs slack when he reaches the bottom but the wires of his harness can be seen on the left side of the screen.
  • Where Jack and the Man in Black fight in the rain on the cliffs, the aerial shots show dry cliffs and surfaces.
    • When the rain stops and Kate, Hurley and Sawyer appear, the ground around them changes from wet to dry repeatedly.
    • During the fight in the rain, several nearby cliff faces collapse but when the sun comes out the cliffs look no different than they did previously.
  • Kate's breath briefly fogs the camera while she talks to Jack after his fight with the Man in Black.
  • While Jack is walking through the bamboo, the blood from his nose appears and disappears.
  • The amount of blood on Ben's chin changes between shots after Sawyer hits him at the Well.


Temi ricorrenti

Tematiche ricorrenti in Lost
AnimaliBianco e neroIncidenti stradaliConnessioni tra i personaggiBambiniOcchiFato contro libero arbitrioBuoni e cattiviPrigioniaIsolamentoVita e morteParti del corpo mancantiSoprannomiI NumeriProblemi familiariGravidanzeGiustapposizioniPioggiaRinascitaRedenzioneRelazioniSacrificioSegretiSogniTempoTruffe e inganni
  • L'episodio finisce con l'inquadratura degli occhi di Jack. (Eyes)
  • Jack e l'Uomo in Nero muoiono. (Life and death)
  • Richard e Frank si scopre che sono ancora vivi. (Life and death)
  • Jacob, poi Jack e poi Hurley credono che il mondo verrà distrutto se smetteranno di proteggere la Luce. Ricorda la ragione per la quale Desmond premeva il pulsante. (Faith)
  • Sun e Jin si riuniscono. (Relationships)
  • Jack dice all'Uomo in Nero che è stato lui a scegliere di essere il protettore dell'Isola, più tardi Jack dirà a Hurley anche se lui non vuole. (Fate versus free will)
  • Sawyer chiama l'Uomo in Nero "Smokey", Miles "Enos", Hurley "Bigfoot", Frank "Chesty", Juliet "Blondie" and refers to Jacob as "the burning bush" and Desmond as a "magic leprechaun." (Nicknames)
  • Desmond scopre degli scheletri] nel Cuore dell'Isola. (Life and death)
  • Al Concerto i più importanti invitati siedono al tavolo numero 23. (The Numbers)
  • Il numero della merendina nella macchinetta automatica che Sawyer G23. (The Numbers)
  • Nella posizione G24 nella macchinetta c'è una barretta chiamta "Avalon." (Religion)
  • L'Uomo in Nero dice a Benjamin he would leave him in charge of the island only to later tell him he's going to bury the island at the bottom of the ocean. (Deceptions and cons)
  • Sayid and Shannon reunite. (Relationships)
  • It rains when the stone in the Source is pulled out. (Rain)
  • Claire gives birth to her son Aaron in the afterlife. (Life and death)  (Rebirth)
  • Claire and Charlie reunite. (Relationships)
  • Sawyer and Juliet reunite. (Relationships)
  • Kate tries to shoot the Man in Black for killing their friends on the sub. (Revenge)
  • Desmond successfully pulls out the stone in the Source because of his resistance to electromagnetism. (Electromagnetism)
  • Ben suggests to Hurley that the latter can run things on the Island different to Jacob. (Leadership)
  • Hurley and Ben forge a new partnership to protect the Island. (Relationships)
  • After all the survivors reunite in the church, they proceed to "move on." (Religion) (Redemption)
  • Vincent is with Rose and Bernard and later beside Jack as he dies. (Animals)
  • A low electromagnetic hum can be heard during each character's revelatory montage. (Electromagnetism)
  • Ben seems to join the Man in Black. He then joins Jack in his effort to halt the Man in Black. He then risks his life to save Hurley and ultimately allies with him to protect the Island. (Redemption)
  • Jack appears to be the best candidate to protect the island, but soon realizes and explains to Hurley "it was always meant to be you." This is what Jacob's mother told Jacob after his brother dug into the island and found the light. (Fate versus free will)

Analisi della storia

Analisi della storia
  • Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Desmond e Hurley cercano di uccidere l'Uomo in nero. (A-Missions)
  • Jack, Hurley, e Ben travel to the Source to turn the Light back on. (A-Missions)
  • Frank, Miles, e Richard vanno all'aereo Ajira e provano a ripararlo cosi da poter scappare dall'Isola. (F-Missions)
  • Sawyer, Kate, and Claire race to catch the Ajira plane before it takes off. (A-Missions)
  • The Man in Black becomes mortal again upon the disconnection of the Source. (Life and death)
  • Jack passes the job of the Island's protector to Hurley after he decides to restore the Source. (Leadership)
  • Sayid and Shannon, Claire and Charlie, Sawyer and Juliet, and Jack and Kate all reunite in the afterlife. (Relationships)
  • The Man in Black mentions Jack and Locke's previous disagreement over pushing the button in the Swan. (Rivalries)

Riferimenti culturali

Riferimenti e citazioni culturali in LOST
(solo riferimenti diretti)
ArteLibriAutoGiochiFilm e TVMusicaFilosofiaReligione e ideologie
  • Star Wars
    • Hurley thinks that Jacob is worse than Yoda, the enigmatic Jedi master. (Movies and TV)
    • Later in the same scene he says "I have a bad feeling about this", a recurring phrase in all of the Star Wars movies. (Movies and TV)
  • The Dukes of Hazzard: Sawyer refers to Miles as "Enos," the deputy on this 1970s television show. (Movies and TV)
  • Bigfoot: Sawyer refers to Hurley as "Bigfoot", after the large hairy creature that supposedly inhabits forests in the Pacific Northwest region of North America. (Pop culture references).
  • Mountain/Burning bush: Sawyer says to Jack "Why don't you come down from the mountain and tell us what the burnin' bush said." In the Biblical book of Exodus, the burning bush is the location at which Moses was appointed by God to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and into Canaan. "Come down from the mountain" refers to the later story of Moses descending from Mount Sinai with the Ten Commandments, which had been written onto stone tablets by God Himself. (Religion and Ideologies)
  • The Prisoner: Hurley says Ben was "a real good Number Two" and Ben says Hurley was a "great Number One" - on the 1960s British sci-fi/espionage series "The Prisoner," the mysterious leader of The Village and his second in command were refered to as "Number One" and "Number Two." Like Jacob (and possibly Hurley), Number One is never seen and issues orders from behind the scenes, while Number Two, like Richard and Ben, acts as an emmissary for and advisor to Number One. (Movies and TV)

Tecniche letterarie

Tecniche narrative
FlashbackFlashforwardIroniaGiustapposizioneArchetipoMindfuckColpi di scenaSimbolismoForeshadowingCliffhangerRedshirtPersonaggi mai mostrati
  • The flash-sideways is revealed to be a place created by most of the characters to find each other after death before "moving on". (Plot twist)
  • In the opening montage, we see Ben loading the gun that would eventually defeat MiB as he glances at him. (Foreshadowing)
  • As Kate empties her gun pointlessly on the Man in Black, he jokingly advices her to save her bullets. Later on, Kate would use the remaining bullet in the decisive moment of the fight. (Irony)  (Foreshadowing)
  • Jack and MIB, representing good and evil, work together to lower Desmond into the cave. (Symbolism)
  • After Desmond is lowered into the Heart of the Island, Jack and Locke peer from above in the same way they once did, down on the Swan's hatch, where Desmond first appeared. (Juxtaposition)
  • Though Boone disliked his sister's relationship with Sayid, in the flash-sideaways he willingly helps bring them together again. (Juxtaposition)
  • Before Locke is wheeled into his operation, Jack jokes that he could kill him. On the Island, Jack would kill the Man in Black in Locke's form. (Foreshadowing)
  • After being thankful he was not Jacob's replacement, Hurley instead becomes Jack's replacement. (Irony)  (Plot twist)
  • The Man in Black takes the form of John Locke, a man who fell eight stories and broke his back, to manipulate the other characters. He dies after being kicked off a cliff and landing on his back, presumably breaking it. (Irony)
  • Sawyer hits Ben with his elbow, only to later try to save Ben when he's pinned under a fallen tree. (Irony)
  • When Juliet tells Sawyer the secret to get the candy bar out of the vending machine, she says you can unplug it and plug it back in again and that it's technically legal. This is what Desmond and Jack do with the Heart of the Island. (Foreshadowing)  (Symbolism)
  • After Jack plugs the Source, sacrificing himself, we cut to the statue of Christ the Redeemer. (Symbolism)
  • As the flash-sideways ends, the characters sit in rows on either side of an aisle, forming a scene similar to an airplane cabin. (Symbolism)
  • Jack goes to the same spot and dies where he originally regained consciousness right after the crash of Flight 815. On his way there, he passes the same single white sneaker he passed running to the crash site. It is now very dirty and worn after more than three years of hanging on the branches in the elements. (Symbolism)
  • Before Jack's death, Vincent arrives so he doesn't "die alone." (Symbolism)
  • The series finale ends with a visual effect opposite to how the show began, with the closing of Jack's eye and a pan over the wreckage. (Symbolism)
  • After Jack kills the Man in Black, the scene cuts to flash-sideways where a nurse comments "Nice work, Dr. Shephard." (Juxtaposition)
  • Jacob, the protector of the Island was kicked into fire by the Man in Black. Jacob's successor, Jack, kicks the Man in Black off the cliff much in the same manner. (Symbolism)

Episode connections

Revelatory montages

  • Sayid and Shannon: When Sayid and Shannon touch, we see clips of them at Shannon's shelter on the night they made love, Sayid brushing Shannon's hair at her first shelter he helped build, Sayid helping Shannon pick up her belongings, their last and first kisses and Sayid taking Shannon to a planned picnic. ("Abbandono")  ("Cambiamenti")  ("Esodo, seconda parte") ("Non nuocere")
  • Kate and Claire: As Claire gives birth, we see a clip of her earlier delivery. ("Non nuocere")
  • Jack

Riferimenti con gli episodi

Episode allusions

  • The first episode of the series, "Pilota, prima parte", begins with Jack opening his eyes, near Vincent, in the bamboo grove with Christian Shephard's white tennis shoe nearby. The final episode of the series ends with Jack returning to the same location and closing them, as Vincent lies down beside him. ("Pilota, prima parte")
  • Jack dies with a stab wound in the right side of his abdomen, mirroring the wound he had on the left side of his abdomen when he woke after the crash. ("Pilota, prima parte")
  • Claire gives birth to Aaron assisted by Kate. ("Non nuocere")
  • The scene of the Man in Black and Jack looking down the cave is similar to Locke and Jack looking down the blown up hatch. ("Esodo, seconda parte")
  • When Sawyer hears of Jack's plan, he says, "That's one hell of a long con." ("Il lupo")
  • Juliet gives Sun an ultrasound. ("Data del concepimento")
  • Jack, Kate, Hurley and Sawyer meet the Man in Black, Ben and Desmond on the very same ridge where the survivors met Ben and Alex in the Season 3 finale. ("Attraverso lo Specchio, prima parte")
  • The title of this episode hearkens back to the title of the first episode of Season 4. ("L'inizio della fine")
  • The opening of the coffin is similar to opening Locke's coffin in the Season 4 finale. ("Casa dolce casa, terza parte")
  • The circular pool at the bottom of the cave of light, with a removable plug in the center, appears to be a larger version of the sink hidden in Ben's house which Ben drained to summon the Smoke Monster. ("Ciò che è morto è morto")
  • The hospital vending machine again sticks when delivering an Apollo bar. ("L'incidente, seconda parte")
  • Juliet's last words (both before and after her death) are repeated. ("Los Angeles LA X, prima parte")  ("Los Angeles LA X, seconda parte")
  • Jack announces the ending to Sawyer, as foretold by Jacob. ("Al di là del mare")
  • Jack is stabbed right where his appendix was taken out, preventing more serious damage. This mirrors Locke losing his kidney and it saving his life when Ben shoots him. ("Intervento imprevisto")  ("Deus Ex Machina")  ("L'uomo dietro le quinte")
  • Jack kicks the Man in Black down the cliffs reminiscent of the way the Man in Black kicked Jacob into the fire. ("L'incidente, seconda parte")
  • As the Man in Black observes to Jack, the act of lowering Desmond into the cave of light is reminiscent of the survivors' initial exploration of the Hatch. ("Uomo di scienza, uomo di fede")
  • Hurley shoots Charlie with a tranquilizer dart and brings him into his car with Sayid. ("L'assenza e il vuoto")
  • Locke regaining feeling in his legs after the operation is similar to Jack's ex-wife realizing she still has sensation in her legs after her operation. ("Uomo di scienza, uomo di fede")
  • The stone plug we see in the light cavern was alluded to by the corked wine bottle that Jacob showed Richard and the Man in Black, a bottle which the Man in Black was unable to uncork. ("Ab aeterno")
  • Jack looks into Christian's empty coffin. ("Il coniglio bianco")
  • The Man in Black being kicked off the cliff by Jack mirrors Locke being thrown out of the window by Anthony Cooper. ("L'uomo di Tallahassee") ("L'incidente, seconda parte")
  • Christian's final conversation with Jack about "all things being real" was very similar to the speech Libby gave to Hurley when they were on the cliff. ("Dave")

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