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Una delle molte gravidanze mostrate in Lost

Sono presenti molte gravidanze in Lost. In aggiunta, una motivazione sconosciuta sull'Isola causa dei possibili problemi di fertilità agli Altri e causa la morte delle donne rimangono incinte sull'isola.

Problemi di gravidanza sull'Isola


L'Isola: un luogo pericoloso per una donna incinta

Infertilità femminile

Appare evidente che le donne sull'Isola soffrano di una forma di degenerazione dei loro organi riproduttivi. In "Non a Portland", Richard Alpert mostra a Juliet una tomografia di una donna sui vent'anni, che sembra più quella di una donna di settant'anni per i segni sull'apparato riproduttivo. Juliet afferma che questa è una delle questioni per cui è giunta sull'Isola ad indagare.

It has not been explicitly stated that this problem was solved by Juliet's research, or indeed even actually existed, but we know that while Juliet was on the Island, women were dying after becoming pregnant, suggesting that infertility was no longer an issue, if it ever was to begin with.

Incapacità di sopravvivere ad una gravidanza

There is also evidence to suggest that a pregnant woman on the Island cannot survive the pregnancy, as for some bizarre reason the body views the fetus as a "foreign invader" and attacks it, which is followed by the shut down of the mother's immune system, leading to the ultimate death of both mother and unborn child.

In "Data del concepimento", Juliet states that if the mother conceived off-Island, they will most likely survive the pregnancy. However, if the baby was conceived on the Island, the mother will likely die before their third trimester, as a result of the mysterious issues surrounding the location.

Juliet Burke

In the outside world, Juliet developed a drug in 2001 for degeneration-based infertility. She tested this treatment on her sister Rachel Carlson who was infertile from cancer treatment, and her sister was able to successfully become pregnant. Her sister later carried the child through to a successful birth. Her work attracted the attention of the Others, who recruited Juliet and brought her to the island to solve their infertility problems. It is unknown whether Juliet was able to solve the former problem of degeneration in reproductive capacity, or whether it was truly a problem and not a flippant example by Alpert, but Juliet did work on ensuring that pregnant mothers survived their pregnancies. However, Juliet's proved unsuccessful, with the mothers always dying during pregnancy, including Sabine, who seemed to still be in the early stages of pregnancy.

Juliet was unable to find a solution to the immune problem. She theorized that the problem occurred at conception and proposed to Ben a plan where she would take a subject off the island for conception to test the theory, but Ben rejected the idea of anyone leaving the island.


Un'ecografia di Aaron, prima dell'incidente del Volo 815

When Oceanic Flight 815 crashed on the island, however, Claire Littleton was 8 months pregnant. She provided the Others with the perfect control case, and having conceived off-island meant Juliet could test her theory about the immunity issue being related to something occurring at conception on the Island. Juliet has said that Ethan, who had infiltrated the mid-section passengers, took blood samples from Claire, but soon discovered that her results were consistent with other mothers who later died on the Island during their pregnancies (despite conceiving off-island). Juliet claimed Ethan began treating Claire and administering injections. These injections were said by Juliet to be her created drug. Ethan was seen injecting Claire with a drug that had the same DHARMA Initiative label as the vaccine.

However according to Juliet, when Ethan's identity was eventually discovered, he decided to kidnap Claire on his own initiative. Claire was kept at the Staff medical facility, where she was given more drug treatments, and her medical condition was closely observed.

Claire escaped from the Staff with the help of Alex. As she was leaving, the medical team of the Others was seen preparing for a surgical procedure probably involving Claire. Alex said that they intended to cut the baby our of her. Ethan pursued Claire and demanded that she be returned to him. He was captured in an attempt to kidnap Claire again and was afterward shot six times while lying unarmed on the ground by Charlie resulting in his death. Claire gave birth without complications to Aaron and after Ethan's death there were no further attempts to kidnap either Claire or the baby.

Claire at one point was concerned that Aaron was ill and obtained some of the vaccine that Desmond had taken every nine days at the Swan. It is unclear how much of the drug Claire gave Aaron or how long she continued to give it to her child.

It was later revealed that Claire has an "implant" under the control of the Others. The activation of the implant was able to induce what was said by Juliet to be a withdrawal symptom from no longer having injections of her serum, within 48 hours. However, this is obviously a lie as it was the Others who activated the implant to cause Claire to be symptomatic. Whatever the cause of illness caused by the implant, Juliet was able to successfully treat Claire's condition with the vaccine.

Juliet then discovered that Sun was pregnant, and revealed that if she conceived off-island, there was a likelihood that the mother and child would both live (confirming Juliet's original theory). However, Sun discovers she became pregnant on the Island, causing Juliet to admit that without help, Sun will die before her third trimester.

Apparizioni di Gravidanze

I seguenti personaggi sono stati gravidi o hanno fatto un test di gravidanza.

Madre Padre Positività alla Gravidanza Risultato Finale
Ana-mini Ana-Lucia Cortez Danny* Greentick Bambino in grembo ucciso da Jason McCormack
Beth Beth* her husband* Greentick Morto prima di venire alla luce
Cassidy-m Cassidy Phillips* James "Sawyer" Ford Greentick Dà alla luce Clementine Phillips
Kate-mini Kate Austen Kevin Callis* Redcross Test di gravidanza negativo
RachelPortland Rachel Carlson* Iniezione Greentick Dà alla luce Julian Carlson
Sarah-m Sarah Shephard* Jack Shephard Redcross Test di gravidanza negativo
Sarah-m Sarah Shephard* Sconosciuto Greentick La gravidanza dovrebbe essere cominciata nel tardo 2006/ inizio 2007, come visibile dal flash-forward nell Aprile 2007
Susan-m Susan Lloyd* Michael Dawson Greentick Dà alla luce Walter Lloyd
Sabine-m Sabine* Sconosciuto Greentick Muore per la gravidanza
Claire-mini Claire Littleton Thomas* Greentick Dà alla luce Aaron Littleton
Mini-Danielle Danielle Rousseau Robert Greentick Dà alla luce Alexandra Rousseau
Sun-mini Sun-Hwa Kwon Jin-Soo Kwon Greentick Attualmente in stato interessante
3x20 emily is creepy Emily Linus* Roger Linus* Greentick Muore dopo aver dato alla luce Ben

(*) Personaggi dei Flashback

Maggiori dettagli sono elencati qui sotto, ordinati per episodio.

Stagione 1

Stagione 2

Stagione 3

Tematiche ricorrenti

Padri persi durante la gravidanza

Separazioni dopo un risultato negativo al test

Immacolata concezione

  • In "Deus Ex Machina", Locke viene portato a conoscenza da sua madre, Emily Annabeth Locke, che è frutto di immacolata concezione. Ma in seguito rivela la vera identità di suo padre, implicando che ha mentito per mantenere il segreto.

Domande irrisolte

  • Perchè le donne incinte muoiono sull'Isola?
  • Le complicazioni che conducono alla morte sono legate al concepimento o alla gravidanza?
  • Quando sono apparse le prime complicazioni della gravidanza sull'Isola?
  • Perchè gli uomini diventano più fertili sull'Isola, mentre le donne non sono in grado di portare a compimento la gravidanza?
  • Gli Altri hanno escogitato qualche modo per evitare la gravidanza, che avrebbe condotto alla morte delle madri e dei bambini? Oppure praticano l'astinenza? Se usano il controllo delle nascite, perchè Ben è preoccupato che Karl metta incinta Alex?
  • I problemi di fertilità sono cominciati con la Purga?
  • Gli esperimenti sulla fertilità facevano parte del lavoro della DHARMA?

Vedi anche
