
Walkin' After Midnight est une chanson interprétée par Patsy Cline. Elle a été écrite par Alan Block et Don Hecht. Elle est sortie en 1957 sur l'album Patsy Cline.


Cette chanson apparaît à trois reprises dans LOST :


I go out walking after midnight
Out in the moonlight just like we used to do
I'm always walking after midnight searching for you
I walk for miles along the highway
Well that's just my way of saying I love you
I'm always walking after midnight searching for you
I stopped to see a weeping willow
Crying on his pillow maybe he's crying for me
And as the skies turn gloomy
Night blooms will whisper to me I'm lonesome as I can be
I go out walking after midnight out in the moonlight
Just hoping maybe you're somewhere walking after midnight searching for me
I stopped to see a weeping willow
Crying on his pillow maybe he's crying for me
And as the skies turn gloomy
Night blooms will whisper to me I'm lonesome as I can be
I'm out walking after midnight out in the moonlight
Just hoping maybe you're somewhere walking after midnight searching for me
