This video explores Charles Widmore and his actions both before and after his stated encounter with Jacob.
This video explores Charles Widmore and his actions both before and after his stated encounter with Jacob.
136 Votes in Poll
How did he know so much ab Locke? Obviously he needed information about him in order to impersonate him but what I don't understand is how he knew so much.
122 Votes in Poll
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154 Votes in Poll
If this is the distant past, how was Christian there at all?
Let's say for the sake of argument that the scene takes place just before the Black Rock crashes into the statue of Taweret back in 1867. The Man in Black would exist then on the island, but this 1867MiB wouldn't know who Locke is. He also wouldn't know about Christian Shephard or about his future 2004MiB self.
The only way I can think of to explain how 2004MiB is in the frozen wheel chamber prior to 1867 is that he was time traveling during the time shifts as well as the others. This would explain how he is able to still impersonate Christian (who hadn't even been born yet), plus how he knows what his 2004MiB self had planned and accomplished. He knows all this because he IS the 2004MiB.
If this is the case, the implications are staggering, as far as MiB being able to travel through time and acquire all kinds of info. Perhaps 2004MiB even met with a past version of himself, telling himself everything he knows about the future.
Here are my favorite Lost photo edits i made!! more on Instagram (@lostepedia)
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256 Votes in Poll
This is something that took some time and effort so please dont judge me too hard, it might be too easy for diehard fans, but I just did it for fun and entertainment. I hope you enjoy it.
PS. You can mute my annoying voice but you would miss a couple of "corrections"
Hey guys. This morning I posted a new entry in my series of Lost theory videos. This one is about Matthew Abaddon.
There are parts of this video I'm very proud of, and others I'm embarrassed by... Lol. I'm still finding my way in places as a video editor. But I think overall it's a decent presenting of the case for this theory.
Please let me know what you guys think!
I've always thought that Anthony Cooper didn't look old enough to be Locke's father, and as I'm rewatching the show, it's bugging me all over again. Just not the best casting choice, I think. Has anyone else ever thought about this? Or is it just me.
273 Votes in Poll