This video explores Charles Widmore and his actions both before and after his stated encounter with Jacob.
This video explores Charles Widmore and his actions both before and after his stated encounter with Jacob.
This video reviews the suspiciously frequent rate of crashes on the island in first few years of the 21st century. Might there be a reason for this significant uptick?
This video addresses the longstanding debate about which year the Purge took place in, with the ambitious (unattainable?) goal of settling the issue once and for all.
This video examines whether or not Widmore really had Nadia killed.
This video is aimed at answering a wide range of questions in one (hopefully) satisfying explanation. These questions include:
After the Purge, why did the off-island members of DHARMA, headquartered in Ann Arbor, not try to reclaim the island?
Why does Ben use Sayid as his assassin instead of any other number of triggermen we see in his employ?
Where did Richard and Mittelos Labrotories get its resources?
Did Widmore know about the Lamp Post station, and if so why didn't he use it to return to the island?
How and why were the employees of the Guam facility still being paid to load the food pallets onto drones?
Why does Ben say he can't kill Widmore?
What are the changed rules Ben refers to?
And more!