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1977 (Iniciativa Dharma)[]

Día 1[]

  • Kate, Jack y Hurley regresan a la isla en 1977 y se hacen pasar por miembros de Dharma. Sayid es encontrado por Jin y es encerrado como un miembro de los hostiles (Namaste)

Día 2[]

  • Sayid es llevado a Oldham para ser interrogado. Ya de noche es ayudado por Ben a escapar y le dispara despues de robarle el arma a Jin (He's Our You)

Día 3[]

  • Ben sufre una fuerte hemorragia y Kate y Sawyer lo llevan con los hostiles para que estos lo curen (Whatever Happened, Happened)
  • Miles tenía que borrar la cinta que compromete a Sawyer y Kate,Horace lo interrumpe y no borra dicha cinta, luego debe entregar un "paquete" a la Orquidia, junto a Hurley que lo acompaña. Phil descubre la cinta y es encerrado por Sawyer. Por la noche Daniel Faraday regresa en el submarino (Some Like It Hoth)

Día 4[]

  • Daniel dice que puede cambiar el futuro detonando una bomba de hidrógeno (Jughead) en El Cisne y va junto Kate y Jack con los hostiles para hablar con Ellie, su madre, quien lo asesina accidentalmente. Radzinsky descubre a Phil encerrado en la casa de LaFleur (The Variable)
  • Jack y Kate comiezan su camino a Jughad con Richard y Ellie, aunque en el camino se encuentran con Sayid. Kate decide regraesar para impedir que detonen la bomba. Chang descubre que Miles es su hijo y que viene del futuro, y evacua la isla por el posible incidente. Juliet y Sawyer son puestos en el submarino con los evacuados, y entonces aparece Kate (Follow the Leader)
  • Kate, Sawyer y Juliet escapan del submarino para impedir que Jack detone la bomba, y de paso se encuentran con Rose y Bernard. Jack y Sayid continuan solos su camino hacia El Cisne, pero en Los Barrancones se enfrentan con los miembros de Dharma, terminando Sayid malherido, pero son rescatados por una furgoneta con Hurley, Miles y Jin en ella. Llendo al Cisne son frenados por Sawyer, Juliet y Kate (The Incident - Part 1)
  • Sawyer intenta detener a Jack pero su charle termina en una pelea que Juliet debe interrumpir. Mientras Sawyer y Juliet discuten, Jack continua su camino a El Cisne y cuando llega descubre que había refuerzos esperandolo. Con la ayuda de Kate, Miles, Sawyer, Juliet y Jin logran ganar el tiroteo con los de Dharma. Cuando comienza a volar objetos por el aire, Jack tira Jughead al pozo pero no pasa nada. Juliet es arrastrada por unas cadenas, y a pesar de los intentos de Sawyer y Kate, cae al pozo. Cuando despierta golpea Jughead ocho veces y esta finalmente explota. Esto causa un flash en el tiempo y regresan al día 5, en 2007.


Posiblemente diciembre de acuerdo al pasaporte de Locke o noviembre basado en el storyboard.

Día 1[]

"Namaste", "Lost: The Story of the Oceanic 6"

  • El vuelo 316 de Ajira Airways experimenta un flash de luz cerca de medianoche un viernes a fines de 2007 10 horas después de tomar vuelo, mientras que Jack, Kate, Hurley, y Sayid desaparecen y el resto de los pasajeros y el avión aparecen en mediodía en 2007, probablemente en diciembre (esto se asemeja al fenómeno que ocurrió en "The Constant" que Sayid notó luego de ir ida y vuelta en lancha de la Isla al Kahana con Frank Lapidus y Desmond. El notó que llegaron en mediodía después de despegar al atardecer pero viajando a 40 millas náuticas). El piloto, Frank Lapidus, maneja el avión alrededor de la Isla y hace un aterrizaje de emergencia en la pista de la Isla Hidra. "Namaste"
  • Frank y Sun siguen a Ben en la jungla. Cuando Ben les dice que vayan a la isla principal, Sun lo golpea con un remo y lo deja inconsciente y ella y Frank parten de allí al atardecer en una de las canoas polinesias llevando la lista de los pasajeros del vuelo.
  • Frank y Sun llegan al muelle en la noche, donde atan allí su canoa. En el centro de procesamiento en los Barracones, ellos encuentran el lugar abandonado y desierto. Allí conocen a Christian Shephard, quien les muestra una fotografía de 1977 en el centro de la pared. Cuando él se la muestra a Frank y a Sun, pueden ver a sus amigos en una fotografía de reclutamiento de la Iniciativa Dharma. Christian les dice que tienen un gran camino por delante.

"The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham"

  • Esa noche, Caesar busca en la oficina de Ben de estación la Hidra y encuentra algunos de los mapas de Faraday, tablas y un arma. Ilana les habla acerca de un hombre misterioso que nadie reconoce, quien se presenta como John Locke.

Día 2[]

"The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham"

  • Ilana y Locke hablan por primera vez, sobre una de las tres canoas la cual ha sido tomada por el piloto y otra mujer.
  • Locke le dice a Caesar lo que recuerda desde que dejó la Isla y sobre la Iniciativa Dharma.
  • Locke pregunta acerca de los supervivientes del accidente, pero Caesar dice que el piloto se llevó la lista de pasajeros y explicó que vio como algunos de los pasajeros desaparecieron, incluyendo a Hurley.
  • Caesar le muestra a Locke el cuerpo herido de Ben entre las demás víctimas.

Día 3[]

"Whatever Happened, Happened", "Dead Is Dead"

  • Ben despierta viendo que Locke lo estaba observando y le pide perdón por lo que le hizo.

"Dead Is Dead"

  • En la oficina de Ben en la Hidra él le dice a Locke que debe ser juzgado por el Monstruo.
  • Ben y Locke tratan de tomar una de las dos canoas restantes para ir a la Isla principal. Cuando Caesar se los prohíbe, Ben le dispara.
  • Ben y Locke usan la canoa y llegan a la isla principal a la noche y atan esta al lado de la canoa usada por Sun y Lapidus. Ellos vuelven a la casa abandonada de Ben, mientras Sun y Lapidus esperaban a Locke.
  • Sun le muestra a Ben la fotografía tomada de los reclutas de la Iniciativa Dharma de 1977, pero Ben afirma no saber que sus amigos estaban allí.
  • Frank decide usar nuevamente una de las canoas atadas en el muelle y volver al avión y arreglar la radio para salir de la Isla. Sun prefiere quedarse y encontrar a su marido.
  • Ben intenta invocar al Monstruo en su habitación secreta en su casa de los Barracones, pero el Monstruo nunca apareció.

Día 4[]

"Dead Is Dead"

  • A la siguiente mañana, Locke guía a Ben y a Sun hacia el declive en la muralla del Templo. Ben entra y cae en una cámara subterránea con jeroglíficos y un grabado egipcio del Monstruo ante Anubis.
  • El Monstruo sale de un hoyo rodeando a Ben y le muestra memorias de Alex y Widmore, incluyendo la muerte de Alex a manos de Martin Keamy. Posterior a esto, el monstruo toma la forma de Alex. Ben trata de disculparse, pero ella le dice que está al tanto del plan de Ben para asesinar nuevamente a Locke. Ella le pide a Ben que le prometa seguir todo lo que Locke le diga, o ella lo destruiría, luego desaparece.
  • Mientras tanto, en la playa de la isla Hidra, Ilana y Bram adquirieron armas y una gran caja de metal, y le preguntan a Lapidus qué yace a la sombra de la estatua, antes de noquearlo.

"Follow the Leader"

  • Locke, Ben, y Sun van al campamento de la playa de los Otros. Locke le dice a Richard Alpert que tenían un recado por realizar. Ben le dice a Sun que Richard fue su consejero por un largo, largo tiempo. Sun le pregunta también si Richard sabia si Jack, Kate, Hurley, y Jin estarían en 1977. Richard les dice que los vio a todos muertos. Locke les dice que no fueron allí por nada.
  • Locke, Richard, y Ben viajan a la avioneta de los traficantes para ver al Locke del pasado durante el segundo salto en el tiempo.
  • Luego de volver al campo, Locke le da a un discurso a los Otros. Él les dice que iría a encontrarse con Jacob y quería que todos se unieran a él.

Día 5[]

"Follow the Leader"

  • Lo primero que hicieron a la mañana Locke y Richard fue guiar a los Otros hacia donde estaba Jacob. Locke le revela a Ben que estaba planeando matarlo.

"The Incident - Part 1"

  • Locke, Ben, Sun y los Otros viajaban para encontrarse con Jacob. Cuando Locke escucha que Ben haría cualquier cosa que él diga, Locke le dice que mate a Jacob.
  • Ilana, Bram, y otros tres llevan a Frank hacia la isla principal en una de las canoas polinesias, dejando la otra en la isla Hidra. Ellos llevan la caja de metal hacia la cabaña de Jacob, pero se encuentran con que el círculo de cenizas fue corrompido, la cabaña deteriorada y no había nadie allí. Ilana toma una pieza de tapiz con una imagen de la estatua de Tueris. Ellos queman la cabaña y se marchan hacia la estatua.

"The Incident - Part 2"

  • Los Otros toman descanso en el campamento de la playa de los supervivientes de Oceanic. Locke convence a Ben para que asesinara a Jacob. Sun ve la cuna que Locke hizo para Aaron. Cuando ella la da vuelta, encuentra el viejo anillo de Charlie con las iniciales «DS» gravadas.
  • En la estatua, Locke y Ben entran para encontrarse con Jacob. Mientras tanto, Ilana, Bram, y Frank le muestran a Richard qué había en la caja: el cuerpo de Locke.
  • Dentro de la cámara de la estatua, Jacob correctamente deduce que Locke es realmente su némesis y engañó a Ben para que viniera con él. Cuando Jacob no le responde a Ben, él lo apuñala y mientras agonizaba, Jacob pronuncia sus últimas palabras: «están viniendo».

"LA X - Part 1"

  • Dentro del pie de la estatua de Tueris, el hombre que tomó la apariencia de Locke envía a Ben fuera de la estatua para que traiga a Richard, pero cuando él sale es tomado por Richard y lo lleva hacia el cadáver de Locke.
  • Cansado de esperar, Bram, escoltado por otros miembros del grupo de Ilana al igual que Ben, entran a la estatua para enfrentarse a lo que había dentro. Luego que ellos entraron, el hombre que parece ser Locke toma la forma del monstruo de humo y asesina a Bram y a sus tres compañeros, pero sin lastimar a Ben.
  • El grupo de supervivientes que estaba en 1977 vuelve esa misma noche al presente en el sitio donde implosionó el Cisne, y se dan cuenta que el intento de Jack para detonar la bomba de hidrógeno falla. Sawyer ataca psíquicamente a Jack, culpándolo por la muerte de Juliet, pero se detiene cuando escucha llorar a Juliet por ayuda en le centro del cráter del Cisne. Sawyer le dice a Kate que si muere, mataría a Jack.
  • Jin baja al cráter para ayudar a los otros, dejando a Hurley con Sayid, que estaba agonizando. Hurley luego escucha unos ruidos en las cercanías de la furgoneta donde estaba y se encuentra con a la aparición de Jacob, y le informa que él falleció hace una hora, y que la única forma de salvar a Sayid era llevándolo al Templo.
  • Hurley le dice a Jack, quien ya hizo todo lo que pudo médicamente para ayudar a Sayid, que el único modo de salvarlo sería ir al Templo.
  • Con la ayuda de Jack, Kate, Jin, y Miles, Sawyer es capaz de mover los escombros para encontrar a Juliet, sin embargo, ella estaba demasiado herida por su caída al igual que por los escombros que la estaban aplastando. Ella le dice a Sawyer que tenía algo muy importante que decirle, pero luego de su último beso, ella muere. Sawyer sale de allí con el cuerpo de Juliet y culpando a Jack por su muerte.

Día 6[]

"LA X - Part 2"

  • Al amanecer, Sawyer comienza a enterrar el cuerpo de Juliet. Miles estaba a su lado, mientras que los demás usaron una camilla de la furgoneta Dharma para llevar a Sayid hacia el Templo y salvarlo.
  • Cuando llegan al templo, son secuestrados por miembros de los Otros y traídos hacia su líder, Dogen, un hombre asiático acompañado por su traductor, Lennon. Están a punto de ser asesinados cuando Hurley les revela que fueron enviados por Jacob, y cuando les pide una prueba, él le ofrece su estuche de guitarra que trajo con él en el avión. Dogen lo abre y revela un anj de madera, que contenía un mensaje indicando que si Sayid moría, «tendrían grandes problemas».
  • Luego que Sawyer y Miles terminaran de enterrar a Juliet, Sawyer obliga a Miles a que use sus habilidades de médium para comunicarse con Juliet, y qué era eso importante que tenía para decirle. Miles le revela que iba a decirle «funcionó». Poco tiempo después, fueron atacados por los Otros y traídos al Templo.
  • Dogen lidera a un grupo de Otros, junto con Jack, Kate, Jin, Hurley, y Sayid, que estaba inconsciente dentro de una sala con un manantial en el Templo. Sayid es llevado dentro y mantenido bajo el agua por corto tiempo, y aunque parece ser sanado de su herida de bala, se ahoga en el proceso.
  • Sawyer y Miles son traídos hacia la sala de la pileta donde estaba el resto del grupo, y Hurley es llevado a una oficina para hablar con Dogen y Lennon, donde le revela que Jacob estaba muerto. Los Otros inmediatamente se alarman y toman varias medidas de seguridad, incluyendo rodear el lugar con un círculo de cenizas y encender una bengala que podría ser vista alrededor la Isla.
  • Dentro del pie de la estatua, Ben le revela a la entidad oscura que se dio cuenta que él no era realmente John Locke, y sí el monstruo. Ben le pregunta qué era lo que deseaba la entidad, y le responde que quería «ir a casa». Luego, salen de la estatua, donde se encontraban los Otros que estaban afuera y vieron la bengala que fue lanzada desde el Templo, y les dice que está «muy decepcionado» por los Otros, luego ataca a Richard, dejándolo inconsciente y se lo lleva a hacia la jungla.
  • Lennon le pide hablar con Jack en privado, y cuando se niega, hay un altercado entre Jack y dos Otros, pero se detiene cuando Hurley grita el nombre de Jack alarmado para hacerle notar que Sayid, luego de estar muerto por un tiempo, ahora revivió y pregunta desconcertado «¿qué pasó?».

"What Kate Does"

  • Poco después de la resurrección aparente de Sayid, Sawyer toma un arma y escapa del Templo, pidiendo que nadie lo siga. A pesar de esto, un grupo de búsqueda conformado por Kate, Jin, Aldo, y Justin parten poco después de lo sucedido.

Día 6 o 7[]

"What Kate Does"

  • Luego de conferir con Dogen, Lennon trae a Sayid dentro del Templo, donde Dogen lo tortura, con Lennon diciendo que se trataba de una prueba, la cual logró pasar. Sin embargo, inmediatamente que Sayid salió del cuarto, Dogen confirmó que no.
  • Kate toma ventaja de una antigua trampa en la jungla para escapar de Aldo y Justin. Kate decide seguir el camino de Sawyer hacia los Barracones, mientras que Jin busca entre la jungla esperando encontrar a Sun.
  • En el Templo, Dogen le da a Jack una píldora, diciéndole que se la de a Sayid, pero se niega, y cuando Dogen no le dice lo que hay dentro, y la coloca en su boca para tragarla. Dogen inmediatamente le aplica la maniobra de Heimlich, y le admite que en la píldora había veneno. Él le dice a Jack que la razón por la que pensaba matar a Sayid era porque creía que había sido «poseído» del mismo modo que ocurrió con la hermana de Jack.
  • Mientras que su tobillo estuvo atrapado en una trampa para osos, Jin es encontrado por Aldo y Justin. Furioso, Aldo piensa seriamente en matarlo y en ese momento, son disparados y asesinados por un atacante no visto. Jin se da vuelta y se da cuenta que esa persona era Claire.
  • Kate encuentra a Sawyer en los Barracones, donde entró a la casa donde él y Juliet habían vivido, encontrando el anillo de compromiso que había escondido, y que luego le daría a ella. Sawyer va hacia el muelle y tira el anillo hacia el océano, diciéndole a Kate que «fue hecho para estar solo».

"The Substitute"

  • Ilana junta las cenizas de Jacob dentro de la estatua luego que Ben le diga que Locke lo asesinó. Cuando salen, los Otros se fueron, dejando únicamente a Sun y a Frank. Ilana quiere ir al Templo, pero Sun insiste en que deberían enterrar primero el cuerpo de Locke.
  • El grupo liderado por Ilana llega a las tumbas del campamento de la playa, conde entierran a Locke luego que Ben haga un pequeño discurso, disculpándose por haberlo asesinado.
  • El Hombre de Negro, en la forma de Locke, libera a Richard, pero primero le pide que vaya con él. Richard se niega, pero mientras están hablando, Locke ve una visión de un niño con sus brazos ensangrentados. Alarmado, va hacia a los Barracones.
  • Locke camina hacia la casa de Sawyer, y lo convence para que vaya con él bajo el pretexto que le explicaría la razón por la que fue traído a la Isla. Poco después que se van de allí, Locke ve al niño joven otra vez. Luego que lo persigue, dejando solo a Sawyer solo, Richard emerge de la jungla, rogándole a Sawyer que lo siga hacia el Templo. Sawyer se niega, y Richard se va tan pronto como Locke regresa. El chico le dijo a Locke que él «no podía matarlo».
  • El viaje de Locke y Sawyer los lleva hacia la cueva del acantilado, donde los nombres de Sawyer y Locke, al igual que los de muchos otros, se encontraban escritos en las paredes por Jacob, aparentemente porque son candidatos para reemplazar a Jacob como protectores de la Isla. Locke le ofrece a Sawyer unirse en una misión para dejar la Isla, y Sawyer acepta.


  • Jack le informa a Sayid que Dogen intentó envenenarlo. Mientras tanto, Hurley va dentro del Templo donde ve una visión de Jacob, y le dice que alguien está viniendo a la Isla, y que lo necesita para que le ayude a llegar allí.
  • Luego que Jacob le pase el mensaje a Hurley, él lo convence a Jack para que lo acompañe en una misión hacia una localización sin especificar. En su camino, se encuentran con Kate, y les dice que estaba tratando de encontrar a Claire. Luego, en su camino, encuentran con los cuerpos de Adán y Eva al igual que el ataúd vacío de Christian Shephard.
  • Ellos eventualmente hacia un faro en las costas de la Isla. Una vez que entran y ascienden hacia el último piso, descubren un sistema de luces reflejadas por espejos. Jack ve su nombre escrito en el número 23 en un dial, y rota el espejo a los 23 grados, donde ve la casa donde creció a través de los espejos. Enojado, Jack destruye todos los espejos y sale de allí y sale. Jacob una vez más se aproxima a Hurley, y le dice que él y Jack debían dejar el Templo porque algo malo llegaría allí.
  • Claire libera a Jin de la trampa de osos y lo lleva a su tienda.
  • Jin despierta en una tienda. Claire cose la herida de Jin por la trampa. Ella encuentra a Justin, quien está herido en su brazo, y lo ata. Ella comienza a preguntarle a dónde está su hijo, y cuando le dice verdaderamente que los Otros no tenían a su hijo, Jin le responde que a Aaron se lo llevó Kate. Ella mata a Justin con una hacha.
  • Jin le dice a Claire que montió cuando quiso decir que Kate se llevó a Aaron, lo cual dice que mejor, porque de lo contrario mataría a Kate. Luego son interrumpidos por el Hombre de Negro, que entró a la tienda y Claire lo presenta como «un amigo».

Día 7[]


  • Sayid irrumpe en la cámara de Dogen, exigiendo respuestas. Dogen le dice que él cree que él es malo, y el debate se intensifica en una pelea, después de la cual Dogen le dice a Sayid que dejara el Templo y no volviera nunca más.
  • Mientras Sayid se prepara para partir, Claire entra en el Templo a instancias del Hombre de Negro, y le dice a Dogen que quiere que salga y hable con él. Dogen se niega, y envía a Sayid en su lugar, dándole a él la daga y diciéndole que mate al Hombre de Negro.
  • Sayid deja el Templo para encontrarse con el Hombre de Negro, y en su camino se encuentra con Kate, que intenta regresar al Templo y procede a hacerlo. Al encontrarse con el Hombre de Negro, Sayid le clava la daga que le había dado Dogen sin ningún efecto. Después de esto los dos hablan, y el Hombre de Negro le dice que puede resucitar a Nadia. Ya regresar al Templo, le dice a todos que si no se van hasta de la puesta del sol, todos los que estarían dentro, serían asesinados.
  • Una vez que regresó al Templo, Kate se entera de Miles que Claire está ahí, y la encuentra, después de haber sido capturada por los Otros, en un agujero en el interior del Templo. Ella le habla de Aaron y que ella lo crió, y dice que ha llegado para salvarla. Claire responde que ella «no es la que necesita ser salvada».
  • Sayid vuelve al Templo y entrega el mensaje, lo que resulta en que muchos Otros salen del Templo, incluyendo Cindy, Zack y Emma. Luego va a la fuente en el interior del Templo, donde se encuentra con Dogen. Dogen le revela que en su vida pasada fuera de la Isla, estaba conduciendo borracho con su hijo en el coche y se estrelló. Mientras estaba en el hospital, Jacob se le acercó y le dijo que iba a salvar la vida de su hijo si él iba a la Isla. Después de decirle esto a Sayid, él lo tira a la fuente y lo ahoga. Lennon luego entra y es asesinado con la daga que le había dado Dogen.
  • Inmediatamente después de la muerte de Dogen, el Monstruo entra en el Templo y comienza a matar a todos los que tenía a la vista. Justo cuando llega, Ilana, Ben, Sun y Frank llegan al Templo también. El grupo ve a Ben, que fue a buscar a Sayid, y se encuentra con Miles y escapa del Templo a través de un pasadizo oculto.
  • Ben encuentra a Sayid sentado sobre los cuerpos de Dogen y Lennon, y Sayid se niega a ir con él. Mientras tanto, Kate encuentra a Claire, y juntas las dos con Sayid, salen del Templo para encontrarse con el Hombre de Negro, junto con los Otros que dejaron el Templo antes del ocaso. Entonces, dirigidos por el Hombre de Negro, el grupo sale del Templo.

"Dr. Linus"

  • Al escapar del Templo, Ben se encuentra con Ilana, Frank, Sun y Miles a poca distancia. Miles se comunica con el espíritu de Jacob a través de sus cenizas, que Ilana tomó de la estatua, y se entera de que Ben mató a Jacob. Después de esto se van, rumbo al campamento de la playa.

Día 8[]

"Dr. Linus"

  • After arriving at the beach camp, Ilana holds Ben and gunpoint and orders him to dig his own grave.
  • Waking up in the morning, Jack and Hurley set out for the Temple, but are met by Richard, who leads them to the Black Rock. Inside Richard takes a stick of dynamite, and telling him he wants to die, asks Jack to light it for him. Jack obliges, but instead of leaving, sits with him and tells him they both have destinies to fulfill, having realized this by going to the Lighthouse, and as a result they will not die. Indeed, the stick's fuse burns out moments before it would have exploded. Jack then recommends they go to the beach camp.
  • While digging his grave, Ben is suddenly approached by the Man in Black, who tells him to come with him to the Hydra Island, and that there is a rifle 200 yards inland with which he should kill Ilana. After the Man in Black leaves, Ben rushes inland and is chased by Ilana, however, he reaches the gun left for him and holds her at gunpoint. He explains why he killed Jacob, and says he has to go with the Man in Black because no one else will take him. Ilana, finally understanding him, then says she will take him, and they return to the beach, where the others have begun to make camp, and Miles has unearthed the diamonds that were buried with Nikki and Paulo.
  • Jack, Hurley, and Richard reach the beach camp, where they reunite with the others, Sun especially is happy to see Jack and Hurley. Meanwhile, just off shore, a submarine surfaces its periscope, and the man controlling it tells his superior that there are people on the beach. His superior, revealed to be Charles Widmore, tells him to proceed as planned.


  • The group led by the Main in Black arrives at Claire's campsite, where Sawyer is looking after the still injured Jin. Together, they set out and make a camp close to a part of the beach adjacent to Hydra Island
  • The Man in Black sends Sawyer to Hydra Island, showing him an outrigger and telling him to find out as much as he can about the survivors there from Ajira Flight 316.
  • Meanwhile, back at camp, Claire attacks Kate holding her at knife point, while Sayid looks on passively. The Man in Black angrily pulls Claire off Kate and hits her. Kate asks where Sawyer went, and the Man in Black takes her to the beach from which the Hydra Island can be prominently seen, where they talk about Claire, as well as the Man in Black's own mother. Upon their return, Claire apologizes to Kate and hugs her.
  • Sawyer arrives at Hydra Island, and finds the still intact plane, but then stumbles upon a pile of bodies which appears to consist of all crash survivors who remained on the island. He then meets a woman named Zoe who claims to be a remaining survivor from 316. Together they make their way back to Sawyer's outrigger, and Sawyer suspecting she is lying, holds her at gunpoint only for several armed men associated with Zoe to come out of the jungle.
  • Sawyer is escorted to a dock where Charles Widmore's submarine has docked. He enters the submarine and meets Widmore, telling him that he will go to the main island and bring the Man in Black back with him so Widmore can kill him.
  • Sawyer returns to the main island, where he is met by the Man in Black, and tells him everything that happened. That night he returns to camp and meets Kate, telling her that while Widmore and the Man in Black are fighting, he intends to seize the submarine, that will take them off the island.

"Ab Aeterno"

  • Meanwhile, the group lead by Ilana congregate around a fire and discuss what to do next. Richard, once more believing the island to be hell, leaves into the jungle at his wits end. Ilana wishes to pursue, but is stopped by Jack. Hurley, after talking with someone's spirit, decides to pursue. Jack asks who Richard means to talk to. Sun explains that he means Locke.
  • Jack goes up to Hurley who is a few feet away speaking in Spanish to someone. Jack guesses that he is speaking to Jacob and asks what is Jacob saying. Hurley says that it is not Jacob and that it has nothing to do with Jack. Hurley heads towards the Jungle.

"The Package"

  • Someone in Widmore's team, likely Seamus, monitors Locke's group using night-vision goggles.
  • Locke attempts to reassure Jin that he will reunite him with Sun and that he will get them all off of the Island.
  • Widmore's team attacks Locke's camp and captures Jin.

Día 9[]

"Ab Aeterno"

  • The next day, Richard has reached his destination where he buried Isabella's crucifix at the base of a stone seat. He digs it up.
  • Hurley walks out of the jungle and asks Richard what offer he is speaking of.Hurley asks him to calm down and as Richard starts to yell Hurley blurts out that it is Richard's wife, Isabella who has sent him. Isabella says to Hurley that Richard doesn't believe him and Hurley explains that it sometimes takes a while. Although Richard can't see Isabella he now addresses her. He tells her he misses her and would do anything to be with her again. Isabella says that they are already together. She kisses him and then is gone.
  • Hurley reveals that she also said there is something else that Richard must do. He tells him that he has to stop the Man in Black from leaving the island because if he doesn't "We all go to hell." Some distance away, the Man in Black watches.

"The Package"

  • In the morning Ilana's group at the beach camp discusses their options. In her frustration over their stalling, Sun storms off to her old vegetable garden where she is approached by Jack and they have a conversation about Jacob's Lighthouse.
  • After Jack leaves, Sun is startled by Locke who promises to take her to Jin. Sun flees and with Locke in pursuit she knocks herself out on a tree branch.
  • Shortly afterwords, Ben finds Sun unconscious and brings her back to the camp where Jack examines her and deduces that she could be possibly be suffering from a concussion and aphasia.
  • Jin awakens in Room 23 at the Hydra station where he meets Zoe and they discuss his past with the DHARMA Initiative.
  • Locke returns to his camp to find them all unconscious following the attack by Widmore's men. He awakens Sayid and discovers Jin has been taken. Despite Sawyer's pleas to the contrary, Locke takes Sayid with him on an outrigger to Hydra Island.
  • On the beach at Hydra Island, Locke confronts Charles Widmore and announces war has come to the Island
  • During Sun's examination, Richard Alpert and Hurley return from the jungle. Richard devises a plan to destroy the Ajira airplane to prevent Locke from leaving the Island. Growing more frustrated with her present situation Sun berates Richard in Korean and leaves the group.
  • In the Hydra station, Jin meets Widmore and receives Sun's digital camera which contains photographs of his daughter, Ji Yeon. Widmore promises to reunite Jin with Sun and get him off the island.
  • In the evening on the beach, Jack approaches Sun and asks her to trust that he has the best intentions for her and to reconsider Richard's plan.
  • Sayid approaches Widmore's submarine from the water and witnesses Zoe and Seamus dragging a disoriented Desmond along the dock.

"Happily Ever After"

  • Desmond is awoken in the Hydra station infirmary by Zoe. Charles Widmore enters and apologies to a still dazed Desmond that he has brought him back to the Island. Enraged, Desmond attacks him.
  • Despite Zoe's objections and Jin's queries, Widmore insists that they begin with the testing. Seamus powers on a Generator outside but it short circuits. He sends a technician named Simmons to check on it. In the meantime, another technician finds the fault and turns on the Generator with Simmons still inside. The following flux kills Simmons within a matter of seconds.
  • Widmore hastily demands that Desmond be brought into the Generator. As Desmond is placed inside the Generator bound and against his will, Widmore informs him that in the near future he will ask Desmond to make a sacrifice just like he has had to.
  • Back in the control room, final preparations are made to start the Generator. Jin demands to know what is going on and Widmore tells him that Desmond is the only person he knows to survive a catastrophic electromagnetic event and that he needs to know if he can do so again and has the equipment turned on. In the Generator a frightened Desmond witnesses the solenoids begin to activate as he tries to escape. He is soon engulfed in the flux and falls backwards.
  • Immediately afterwords, Widmore and his team turn off the equipment and enter the Generator. Desmond appears in good health and is quite calm. As Widmore tries to begin to explain what he has done and what has happened, Desmond cuts him off to ask him when they can begin with whatever Widmore has brought him back to the Island to do.
  • On the walk back to the Hydra station, Zoe asks Desmond why he is being so cooperative now when only 20 minutes earlier he was hostile. As Desmond explains, Sayid ambushes the party and kills one of the escorts. Pointing his gun at Zoe, he suggests she run which she does. Sayid then turns to Desmond and tells him that Widmore's party is dangerous and that he should follow him. Desmond nonchalantly complies.

Día 10[]

"Everybody Loves Hugo"

  • Hurley visits Libby's grave and laments that while he continues to see dead people, Libby has not been one. Ilana approaches and tells Hurley they will leave for Hyrda Island as soon as she returns from the Black Rock to retrieve dynamite to use to destroy the Ajira airplane.
  • Hurley is then approached by the ghost of Michael Dawson who warns him that if they follow through with Richard's plan to destroy the Ajira airplane, people will die and the blame will be on Hurley.
  • Once Ilana returns with the dynamite she urges everyone to prepare to leave immediately. Hurley proclaims that if they go ahead and destroy the Ajira airplane they themselves will be stuck on the Island with the Monster. Ilana rebuffs and declares that she is just doing her best to protect the Candidates, but while she is explaining herself she accidentally detonates the unstable dynamite, killing herself.
  • At Locke's camp, Sawyer and Kate express frustration over the lack of action Locke has taken since Jin has been captured by Charles Widmore. Locke states that they can only leave once Jack, Sun, and Hurley join them and until them they must wait. Sayid returns from Hydra Island and shows Locke the contents of Widmore's package, Desmond.
  • Back at the beach camp, the group debates what they should do in light of Ilana's death. Richard suggests they continue to carry out the plan and journey to the Black Rock to find more dynamite. Jack is skeptic but agrees to go when Hurley suggests that it is the right course of action.
  • At the Black Rock, Richard realizes Hurley has gone missing. Just then Hurley runs out from the Black Rock which suddenly blows up. Richard angrily demands to know why Hurley destroyed the ship to which he replies he is protecting them all. Richard suggests the group go to the DHARMA Barracks where there might be some more explosives. Hurley states that Jacob has told them they should in fact go speak with Locke. Unbelieving, Richard emphasizes the importance of stopping Locke and asks who will join him to go to the Barracks to which Ben and Miles agree.
  • Upon freeing Desmond and sending Sayid back to camp, Locke takes Desmond on a walk to show him something. Along the way they see a brown-haired boy dressed in similar fashion to the boy Locke saw with Sawyer on their journey to the cave. Locke tells Desmond to just ignore him.
  • In the jungle at night, Jack tells Hurley about how he is gripping with his choice to stop trying to fix everything and not always having to be a leader and that he knew Hurley hadn't seen Jacob back at the Black Rock. Uncomfortably, Hurley suggests that they all do need Jack's leadership and that he doesn't know where he is going. Just then, they hear Whispers and Hurley goes off alone in their direction. Hurley is once again greeted by Michael, who explains to Hurley that the whispers are the voices of people who have died but who can't move on. Michael points Hurley in the direction of Locke's camp and tells him finally that if he ever talks to Libby to apologize on his behalf.
  • Locke and Desmond arrive at a well on the beach. Locks explains that a long time ago, people on the Island were intrigued by its magnetic properties which caused their compasses to malfunction. He continues that in their search for answers they dug wells by hand and that Widmore may be using Desmond to ascertain the same answers. In disbelief that Desmond is not afraid of him, Locke surprises Desmond and throws him down the well.
  • Arriving back at his camp, Locke informs Sayid that Desmond is no longer a worry. Sawyer approaches, but just then Hurley emerges from the jungle and steps towards Locke. Hurley requests that they talk and asks for assurances from Locke that he or anyone in his camp will not harm the people he has come with. Locke hands over his knife and so Hurley calls out signaling Jack, Frank, and Sun to emerge from the jungle. Locke greets Jack who looks over at him incredulously.

"The Last Recruit"

  • Jack meets alone with Locke where he confirms for Jack that he in fact the manifestation of Christian Shephard Jack had seen when he first arrived on the Island. Locke attempts to convince Jack that they all need to leave the Island together.
  • Claire appears to Jack and Locke and Locke leaves them to catch up. They acknowledge their sibling relationship and Claire goes on to mention that Jack, despite what he thinks, is now a follower of Locke.

Día 11[]

"The Last Recruit"

  • In the morning at Locke's camp Sawyer tells Hurley about the deal he made with Charles Widmore and about the submarine. Shortly after Locke and Jack return to camp, Zoe enters the camp and demands that Locke return what he stole (Desmond) from Widmore, to which Locke denies. Zoe radios in a drone missile that explodes just behind Locke's camp following that if the package is not returned by nightfall another missile will be called that will destroy Locke and his camp.
  • Locke announces to the group that they are headed over to Hydra Island to assault Widmore's team. He gives Sawyer the task to retrieve a boat a few hours away up the coast and bring it to a rendezvous; Sawyer elects to take Kate with him. After Locke leaves the camp with Sayid, Sawyer informs Jack of his plan to commandeer Widmore's sub and to bring only Sun, Frank, and Hurley to an abandoned dock as soon as he can sneak away from Locke.
  • In the jungle, Locke asks Sayid to go to the well where he left Desmond and kill him. Sayid finds Desmond and Desmond asks what Locke offered Sayid in exchange for his murder. Sayid explains that Locke promised him a reunion with Nadia, despite the fact that she is dead.
  • Emerging from the jungle onto the beach, Kate and Sawyer find Desmond's old sailboat, the Elizabeth. Sawyer explains to Kate that they will not be meeting up with Locke and that Claire will not be joining them because she is dangerous and a threat to Aaron Littleton.
  • Journeying through the jungle, Jack leads Sun, Frank, and Hurley away from Locke's group but are unknowingly being followed by Claire. Locke finds Sayid in the jungle where under Locke's suspicious questioning, affirms that he killed Desmond.
  • Jack's group meets up Sawyer and Kate but as they board Claire emerges and pulls her rifle out on them. Kate explains to Claire that reuniting her with Aaron was her sole reason in returning to the Island. Agreeing, Kate disarms Claire and, but Claire warns that Locke will not be pleased.
  • Out on the water, Jack tells Sawyer that perhaps it was not the best idea to leave the main Island and join with Widmore citing the Island is not done with them yet. Angered, Sawyer demands that Jack get off the boat. Jack apologizes for getting Juliet killed and jumps into the ocean.
  • On the shore at Hydra Island, Widmore's men lead by Zoe hold up the group from the Elizabeth. Jin appears and is finally reunited with Sun. Just then, Zoe concludes a walkie conversation with Widmore and once again holds the group at gunpoint. Much to Sawyer's dismay, Zoe declares that the deal he had with Widmore is off.
  • Jack washes ashore and is immediately greeted by Locke and some of the Temple Others. Shortly thereafter, a barrage of drone missiles fired by Widmore explode around them. Locke carries a slightly wounded and dazed Jack into the jungle stating that all will be alright now that he is with him.

"The Candidate"

  • Jack awakens in a canoe on the shore of Hydra Island at night. Sayid explains that they were attacked by Widmore and that all of the Others have been killed or fled. Locke appears and tells Jack that they need to rescue his friends from Widmore and leave the Island using the Ajira plane. Jack agrees, but states that he is not going to leave the Island.
  • The group from the Elizabeth are taken to the polar bear cages by Seamus and members of Widmore's team. Sawyer steals Seamus' rifle, but Charles Widmore appears and holds Kate hostage saying he can kill her because she is not on a list of names that he possesses. Sawyer surrenders and the entire group is locked into the cage.
  • In the cage, Sawyer explains to Kate that he saw her name crossed out in the Cliffside cave while Jin tells Sun that Widmore showed him pictures of Ji Yeon. Suddenly, the power cuts and the Monster attacks Widmore's team throwing Seamus violently into the cage bars and killing him in the process. As Kate reaches for Seamus' keys, Jack shows up and frees them.

Día 12[]

"The Candidate"

  • Locke arrives at the Ajira plane and quickly kills Widmore's two guards. He enters the plane and traces some electrical wiring to an overheard storage compartment bin. He removes what he finds inside and places it in his backpack.
  • The Survivors journey behind Lapidus towards the Ajira plane where they are joined by Sayid and Jack affirms for everyone that he does not intend to leave the Island. Arriving at the Ajira plane, Locke emerges from the cabin and shows the the C4 he found that he guesses Widmore placed in order to explode should the plane be started. Deeming the plane to be an unsafe means to leave the Island, Locke suggests commandeering Widmore's submarine instead. The group agrees, but as they head out Sawyer discretely tells Jack that he does not intend to have Locke join them.
  • Arriving at the submarine, Lapidus and Sawyer hold the captain hostage and order him to start the submarine. As the rest of the group begins to follow, Locke switches backpacks with Jack without his knowledge. As the two approach the submarine, Jack explains to Locke that it was John Locke who told him to stay on the Island and follows that with shoving him into water. Just then Widmore's team ambushes the group and shoots Kate just below the shoulder. Jack fires his rifle and then carries her aboard the submarine.
  • During the gunfight, Locke pulls himself from the water onto the dock and kills Widmore's men. Inside the submarine, Jack asks Hurley to locate a first aid kit so that he can treat Kate's gunshot wound. Sawyer has Lapidus instruct the captain to have the Submarine dive, leaving Claire and Locke on the dock. Failing to find a first-aid kit, Jack retrieves his bag to discover that Locke switched his own bag with his and the C4.
  • Sayid explains that it is possible to disarm the bomb when it is ascertained that they will not have enough time to surface the submarine and toss the bomb overboard. Jack explains to Sawyer and the group that a failed attempt to disarm the bomb would only do exactly what Locke wants since he believes that he is not allowed to kill the Candidates directly. Unable to trust Jack, Sawyer quickly removes the wires from the timer to the C4 which stops the countdown. Momentarily relived, the countdown resumes however counting down much more quickly. Sayid explains to Jack that Desmond is trapped in a well south of Locke's camp and that he is important to Locke. Sayid then grabs the C4 and runs down the hallway where he dies in the explosion.
  • As water begins to fill inside the submarine, Frank climbs down a ladder where a bulkhead suddenly gives way knocking him unconscious. Jack tasks a frightful Hurley to carry Kate outside the submarine. Jack, Sawyer, and Jin try to free a trapped Sun. Sawyer is then knocked out by a falling pipe as Jack tries to hold him above water. Jin pleads with Jack to take Sawyer to safety while he continues to try and free Sun. Realizing the situation to be hopeless, Sun pleads with Jin to follow Jack out, but he declares his love for her and recites his promise to never leave her. As the submarine sinks to the bottom of the ocean, the two perish.
  • Washing ashore after nightfall Jack, Kate, and Hurley grieve over the loss of their friends while Sawyer remains unconscious yet breathing. Back at the Hydra Island dock, Locke announces to Claire that the submarine has sunk. Claire is in disbelief as Locke walks off the dock stating it's time to finish what he started.

Día 13[]

"What They Died For"

  • On the beach, Jack attends to Kate's gunshot wound as Kate continues to grieve over the loss of their friends. Kate informs Jack that Jin and Sun had a daughter whom Jin had never met and that they must kill Locke for what he has done. Jack agrees.
  • As the group journeys through the jungle on their search for Desmond, Sawyer laments that he is responsible for the deaths on the submarine. Further back, Hurley is confronted by the teenage version of Jacob, who takes the ashes Hurley obtained from Ilana and runs off further into the jungle. In pursuit, Hurley comes to a clearing where he finds the adult Jacob.
  • At the Barracks, Ben, Richard, and Miles, retrieve C4 from a safe in Ben's hidden closet. A noise is heard from the kitchen and Zoe is reveled soon followed by Charles Widmore. As Widmore sends Zoe back to the outrigger to retrieve some equipment, Widmore explains that he was visited by Jacob who reveled the location of the Island to him and gave him the task to return Desmond Hume to the Island.
  • Zoe radios to Widmore that Locke is approaching and heads back to the Barracks. Miles decides to run while Richard agrees to try to handle things with Locke peacefully. Richard cautiously walks outside Ben's house where he is soon rushed by the Monster and thrown skyward. Ben is approached by the Monster back in the form of Locke who tells him there are people he wants Ben to kill. Ben tells Locke that Widmore is hiding inside his house. Inside, Locke kills Zoe by slashing her throat and then intimidates Widmore to tell him that he brought Desmond back because of his special resistance to electromagnetism. When pressed for more information, Widmore begins to whisper it to Locke only to be shot dead by Ben.
  • At night, Hurley brings the group to where he found Jacob. Jacob informs them that they are the remaining Candidates to replace him as the protector of the Island. Jacob says there is a light at the center of the Island that needs protection from the Monster and that the best way to do that is to kill him. Jacob asks for a volunteer to accept the role and Jack accepts. Jacob takes Jack to a creek where Jacob explains to him where he can find The Source. Jacob performs a ritual and asks Jack to drink from a cup which Jack does.
  • Locke leads Ben to the well he previously threw Desmond into. Noticing that Desmond is no longer there, he deduces that Sayid in fact helped him escape rather than kill him as he asked. Locke reveals to Ben that Widmore was told by Jacob that Desmond is a failsafe should he succeed in killing the candidates and that in fact this is not a problem as he will use Desmond to do the one thing he couldn't do alone: destroy the Island.

Día 14[]

"The End"

  • Back at the campfire, Jack explains to Hurley, Kate, and Sawyer that he is the new protector of the Island and that's job is to protect the light at The Source from Locke who intends to put it out. Sawyer offers to continue the search for Desmond alone while the rest of them continue to travel to the Source.
  • At the well, Ben captures a spying Sawyer and brings him to Locke. Sawyer infers that Jack has become the new Island protector and Locke reveals his intention to sink the Island. Once Sawyer leaves, Locke notices that there are dog tracks and suspects this has something to do with Desmond's escape.
  • Desmond awakens at the camp of Rose and Bernard. Bernard returns from gathering food followed by Locke and Ben. Locke threatens Rose and Bernard if Desmond doesn't come with him. In the jungle, Desmond correctly guesses that Locke will use him to destroy the Island.
  • At the Barracks, Miles locates a wounded Richard. They decide to continue their mission to destroy the Ajira airplane. On the outrigger on the way to Hydra Island, they rescue Frank Lapidus who has survived the submarine explosion. As an alternative to destroying the plane, Frank explains that he can repair it and fly the survivors off the Island.
  • Locke's group meets with Jack's group. Kate attempts to shoot Locke but to no avail. Jack tells Locke he would like to venture to the Source together and Locke agrees despite pointing out to Jack that he has different intentions over what to do once they arrive. Jack responds by promising to kill Locke.
  • At the Source, Desmond explains to Jack that none of this matters since he experienced the flash-sideways life where they are all happy as a result of Widmore's experiment. Jack affirms the importance of what they are doing as they prepare to lower him into the Source. Inside the Source cave, Desmond enters a brightly lit pool and after experiencing a jolt of electromagnetism removes the cork. As the pool drains and the light dies out, short but powerful earthquakes erupt leading Locke to believe he has succeeded. Upon exiting the caves, Jack attacks Locke and is able to wound him. Shocked at this turn of events, Locks knocks Jack out with a rock and flees to the Elizabeth.
  • Miles, Richard, and Frank reach Hydra Island where they are greeted by Claire who believes they are under Locke's orders to kill her. Richard tries to convince her to come with them off the Island but she declines. At the Ajira plane Richard and Frank work on repairs while Miles radios to Ben to plead with them to hurry over to Hydra Island as the storms and earthquakes intensify.
  • At the Cliffside cave, Jack catches up to Locke. During the ensuing fight, Locke stabs Jack in his abdomen and is about to be killed when Kate arrives and shoots Locke in the back. Jack stands up and kicks Locke off the cliff killing him as he crashes against the rocks. The rain subsides as Jack announces to Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, and Ben that he must return to the Source and put the light back on. Believing it to be a suicide mission, Kate begs Jack not to go as Jack implores them to take the boat to Hyrda Island and join Lapidus on the Ajira plane. Heartbroken, Kate kisses Jack and the pair say "I love you" to each other. Hurley and Ben decide to stay with Jack while Sawyer and Kate take the Elizabeth over to Hydra Island.
  • At the Ajira plane, Frank tasks Miles with repairing the front wheel hydraulics. Kate and Sawyer arrive and Kate convinces Claire who is sitting on the beach to join them. As Frank is beginning to prepare the plane for take off, Sawyer, Kate, and Claire appear on the runway where they all board together. Frank then accelerates the plane for take off, just clearing the trees at the end of the runway.
  • Back at the Source, Jack anoints Hurley as the new protector of the Island. Ben and Hurley then lower Jack into the Source where he finds a semi-unconscious Desmond. Jack telling Desmond to go home and be with his wife and son, sends him back up on the rope. In much pain, Jack returns the cork into its place and the light returns to the pool. At the top of the waterfall, Hurley and Ben lift Desmond to safety. Hurley, afraid he will never see Jack again, is fearful over his job as the new protector of the Island and asks Ben if he would help him. Much to Ben's honor, he agrees.
  • Jack awakes beside a creek outside the Source. He slowly finds his way back to the bamboo grove he awoke in after the crash of Oceanic 815. Succumbing from his stab wound, he lays down and turns his head to see Vincent come to his side. As he sees the Ajira plane fly overhead, he smiles and passes away.


The New Man in Charge

  • Ben arrives at the DHARMA Logistics Warehouse in Guam to shut it down. He explains The Island to Hector and Glenn and shows them the Hydra Orientation film.
  • Ben arrives at the Santa Rosa Mental Health Institute and asks to see "Keith Johnson" who turns out to be Walt Lloyd. He and Hurley recruit Walt to return to the Island to help his father.