Lost Wiki


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Externe Bezüge sind wissentlich eingebrachte Bezüge zu Lost aus Fernsehsendungen, Filmen und anderen Quellen.

Für kulturelle Anspielungen in Lost, siehe auch Portal:Culture.

2P Start (Comic)[]

  • Am 16. Januar, 2008[1], ein Comicstrip, bei dem einer der verworfenen Wii Kanäle der Coutdown Timer aus der Schwan-Station ist.
  • Am 22. Juli, 2009[2], ein Comicstrip, in dem die Fallschirmspringer in dem Flugzeug Sayid, Hurley, Sawyer und Sun sind. Auf dem letzten Bild befindet sich das Logo der Serie.

10 Things I Hate About You (TV)[]

  • In der Episode "Meat Is Murder" erfährt man, dass Cameron ein großer Fan von Lost ist.

30 Rock (TV)[]

  • In der Episode "Stone Mountain", zeigen Twofer und Frank Jenna den Film "Der Exorzist". Die Szene beginnt damit, dass Jenna fragt: "Alles hat also damit angefangen, dass ihr Flugzeug abgestürzt ist?" Twofer wirft daraufhin ein: "Nein, das ist Lost." Jenna sagt dann: "Oh, genau. Weißt du, ich habe einmal JJ Abrams getroffen. Und ich weiß nicht, was genau das bedeutet, aber er meinte, die Insel sei nur Hurleys Traum."
  • In der Episode "The Source Awards", fragt Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) ihr Date Steven Black (Wayne Brady): "Also, was ist mit Lost los in dieser Staffel?"
  • In der Episode "Seinfeld Vision", hat Jerry Seinfeld einen Gastauftritt. Der Chef von NBC würde Jerry gerne digital in jede Sendung eine Woche lang einarbeiten. Nachdem Jerry jedoch diesen Vorschlag ablehnt, gibt Alec Baldwin ihm eine Auswahl an Serien, in denen er gerne einmal auftauchen würde. Daraufhin erwidert Jerry: "Ich mag Lost. Spiel ihr da nicht mit?"
  • In der Episode "The Bubble", als Alec Baldwin Tracy Jordan fragt, wie denn alles ohne Kenneths Hilfe funktionieren könne, erwidert Kenneth: "Oh, ich erledige immernoch alles für ihn. Heute nacht muss ich mit dem Fahrrad zu ihm rüberfahren und seine Hand währen Lost halten."
  • Es wurde angedeutet, dass Kenneth nicht altert - ähnlich wie Richard.
  • Kenneth sagt, wenn er auf Erdbeeren reagiert, ist er eine Weile tot und er glaubt, er habe dann etwas mit sich mitgebracht. Als er sagt, er glaube, etwas mit sich gebracht zu haben, fliegt das Rauchmonster vorbei mit einer etwas höheren Frequenz des Geräusches, das es immer von sich gibt. Das könnte ein Bezug darauf sein, wie das Rauchmonster sich Toten oder Verlorenen zeigt.

Alias (TV)[]


American Dad (TV)[]

  • In dieser Cartoon-Serie, in einer Episode namens "Stan of Arabia", sagt Stan zu seiner Famile: "Ich werde einen Satelliten für uns finden, sodass wir Lost schauen können wenn ich nach Hause komme. Nur weil wir in dieser Einöde festsitzen, heißt das nicht, dass es nicht Mittwoch ist."
  • In der Episode "Home Adrone", fliegen Steve und seine Freunde ein echte Militär-Flugzeuge-Drohne, die sie fälschlicherweise für einen Flugsimulator halten. Als sie eine andere Drohne auf sich zufliegen sehen und begreifen, dass es sich um ein echtes Flugzeug handelt, sagt Barry: "Sie haben uns gefunden. Wir kommen von der Insel runter."

Anger Management(TV)[]

In Folge 34 (Staffel 3 Folge 2) werden im Fernsehen Lottozahlen gezogen. Die Gewinnzahlen lauten 4 15 8 23 16 42.

Arthur (TV)[]

  • In der Episode "Brain Gets Hooked" wird das Gehirn von einer Fernsehsendung namens Junior Island abhängig. Außer dass die gesamte Mannschaft bei Junior Island Kinder sind, ähneln viele Elemente dieser Fernsehsendung Lost; sie sitzen auf eine mysteriösen Insel mit seltsamen Gebäuden fest, und das letzte, was man bei Junior Island sieht, ist, dass die Kinder nach 2 Jahren endlich die Insel verlassen können - indem sie eine Brücke auf die andere Seite der Insel finden. Einer der Arthur-Charaktere erwähnt, dass sie in der darauf folgenden Staffel wieder Schiffbruch erleiden werden, wie auch in der 5. Staffel von Lost, als die Charaktere zurückkehren.

Banjo-Kazooie: Schraube locker (Videospiel)[]

  • Ein Jinjo in der LOGBOX 720-Welt sagt, sein Name sei Hurley und, dass er "auf der Insel gestrandet" sei. Weiterhin sagt er öfters "Alter" und trägt Banjo auf, sich zu beeilen, weil es bald Mittagessen gäbe.

Beano, The (Comic)[]

  • In einer Folge [3] von The Beano namens "Derek das Schaf" stranden Derek und ein paar andere Schafe; Derek sagt daraufhin: "Wir sind verloren, VERLOREN! Wie in dieser Fernsehserie mit Eisbären, Rauchmonstern und geheimen Luken!"

Bo! Selecta (TV)[]

Bo! Parodie

Bo!'s Parodie auf Charlie.

Das Channel 4-Programm (Großbritannien) Bo! Selecta parodiert Lost auf seine übliche Art ("LOST interest"), indem man ganz typisch die physischen Charakteristika der Charaktere übertrieben darstellt (die übliche Bo!-Kinnprothese inbegriffen).

Die Zielscheiben sind:

Black Eyed Peas (Musikgruppe)[]

  • Auf dem Remix ihrer 2009er Single "Boom Boom Pow", welcher Gucci Mane als Gastrapper featured, kommen die Zeilen "Yo, I'm way up high, call me your highness - I'm just so fly call me your flyness - I get you LOST like Benjamin Linus" vor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5qFzle4VMo

Brothers and Sisters (TV)[]

  • Sarah merkt an, dass die Insel mehr Bewohner hat als die Stadt, in der sie und ihr Bruder gelandet sind.

Cal Ripken's Real Baseball (Videospiel)[]


Werbung für Oceanic Airlines im Spiel Cal Ripken's Real Baseball

Call of Duty: World at War (Videospiel)[]

  • Vom Energiegenerator der Nazi-Zombies aus hört man die Zahlen. Jemand zählt sie auf, bis das Geräusch des Zurückblättern zur 108 (auf der Countdown-Uhr im Schwan) wieder zu hören ist.

Catwoman (Comic)[]

  • Das Cover von Nummer 51 der aktuellen Catwoman-Comicbuch-Serie von DC Comics zeigt ein Verbrecherfoto von Catwoman mit den Zahlen als ID-Nummer.

Verbrecherfoto von Catwoman

Chuck (TV)[]

  • In der zweiten Folge, die am 1. Oktober 2007 zum ersten Mal ausgestrahlt wurde, testet ein Arzt Chuck mit einer Slideshow von Bilder, die in seinem Gehirn gespeicherte Geheimnisse aktivieren sollen. Chuck reagiert auf ein Bild von einem Flugzeug indem er sagt: "Oceanic Flug 815 wurde von einer Boden-Luft-Rakete abgeschossen...". Obwohl der letzte Teil des Satzes schwer zu hören ist, belegen ihn die Untertitel.

Civil War (Comic)[]


Registrierungskarte mit den Zahlen

  • In dem Comicstreifen der Marvel Comics-Story Civil War, hat Ms. Marvels Registrierungskarte für Menschen mit übernatürlichen Fähigkeiten die Zahlen abgebildet.

Champions Online (Videospiel)[]

  • Im Spiel gibt es mehrere zu erledigende Aufgaben - eine davon betrifft ein abgestürztes Flugzeug in der Kanada-Zone. Bei einer bestimmten Aufgabe soll der Passagier "J.J. Shepherd" (eine Anspielung auf J.J. Abrams und Jack Shephard) gefunden werden. Bei einer anderen sollen die Passagiere "John" (Locke) und "Furley" (Hurley) gefunden werden.

Cloverfield (movie)[]

Cloverfield - Dharma Logo

Ein DHARMA-Logo, ähnlich dem Logo der Perle, ist in den ersten Sekunden von Colverfield (2008) zu sehen

  • Während der Eröffnungssequenz sieht man ein DHARMA-Logo in der unteren rechten Bildseite für einen Moment.
    • Am 12. Februar 2008 sagte Drehbuchautor und Schreiber für Lost Drew Goddard nach der Vorführung von Cloverfield während einer Q&A-Session, dass alles, was im Film zu sehen ist, absichtlich inszeniert wurde. Dabei bezog er sich auf das, was am Ende von Cloverfield ins Wasser platscht. Als er gefragt wurde, ob er sich auch auf das zu Beginn zu sehende DHARMA-Logo beziehe, und, ob es somit eine Verbindung zwischen Lost und Cloverfield gäbe, antwortete er eifrig "Vielleicht.".

The Colbert Report (TV)[]


The fake Colbert-Vioxx settlement check

  • J.J. Abrams made an appearance on Comedy Central's The Colbert Report via telephone. Both Abrams and Colbert had been one of 365 celebrities to be included on Mastermedia International's "The Most Powerful People in Media". Each person on the list was given a specific day of the year in which they would be prayed for, J.J. Abrams' was on January 1, 2007. While talking to Colbert over the phone, a picture of J.J. Evans from Good Times was displayed during the interview in place of a picture of Abrams. When asked if anything miraculous happened to him on his prayer day, Abrams replied saying that it was on that day that they had finally figured out just "what the Hell is going on in Lost", claiming that up until that point they had just been making it up as they went along.

Fake resume featuring Lost-inspired references

Coldplay (Musikgruppe)[]

  • Auf ihrer 2008 erschienenen CD "Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends" heißt Lied Nummer drei "Lost!". Das 4. Lied heißt "42".

Ctrl+Alt+Del (comic)[]

  • In one issue, Ethan tries to buy a plane ticket from Oceanic Airlines.
  • In another issue, the video game Command & Conquer 3's usage of famous actors as voice actors for its characters was parodied. Each character was portrayed with the likeness and behavior of a character commonly associated with the voice actor. The character Ajay, voiced by Josh Holloway, looks and acts like Sawyer, calling the reader/player "Twinkle toes" and yelling "We have to get off this island! The Others are coming!"

Curb Your Enthusiasm (TV)[]

  • In der Folge "The TiVo Guy" der Sitcom ,,Lass es Larry!" berichtet Larry dem TiVo Reparateur von technischen Problemen, wegen denen er die letzte LOST Folge nicht sehen konnte. Der Techniker sagt zu Larry:,,Kennst du den Typen, der in ein paar Folgen stirbt? Es stellt sich raus, dass er nicht tot ist, sondern, dass er nur so getan hat." - Hierbei handelt es sich vermutlich um Mikhail, der wiederkehrte.

Cyanide and Happiness (web comic)[]

  • In the April 7, 2008 strip of the popular web comic, Lost is parodied along with the infamous Jackface.

The Daily Show (TV)[]

  • In the Comedy Central news satire The Daily Show, there is a humorous segment where former Daily Show correspondent Rob Corddry did a report in which he wanted to try to find out how he could stop being discriminated against because he was a racist. A "TiVo pause list" scrolled by the screen very quickly which listed people he hated, and one of the entries was "Seriously, stop pausing this. What do you think this is, Lost? 4 8 15 16 23 42"
  • A story highlighting the changing demographics of the United States had Samantha Bee declaring (in front of a Lost cast graphic) that "Right now, our country is 67% white, 12% black, 14% hispanic and 4% Asian. The remainder is made up of super hot Arabs, an evil smoke thing, and that polar bear that showed up for some reason. What the hell is up with that island?"
  • While discussing the issue of torture, a short segment was done in which Jon Stewart's heart was debating his brain over whether torture was right or not. During this segment, which is portrayed by a graphic of a heart and a brain, they are soon interrupted by a loud voice exclaiming, "Hey, that chick from Lost is hot!" The voice turns out to be Stewart's penis.
  • In another episode, The Daily Show gets a new correspondent, Wyatt Cenac. Upon asking him what he thought of the Democratic primaries, he responded that they were "cool", though later went on to say they were boring and lacked entertainment, comparing the primaries to popular shows, among them Lost. After a little while he starts focusing on Lost and mentions the polar bear, Season Two, Michael working for the Others and getting Jack and Kate together.

Dane Cook: Rough Around the Edges (stand-up/DVD)[]

  • In the comedian's stand-up DVD, he makes a joke about recording Lost on TiVo.[4]

Do you ever set your TiVo to record, like, Lost? And when you come home it recorded, like, Antique Roadshow for nine hours? I get so pissed off at my TiVo that I yell at my TiVo, I'm like, "what the f*ck are you doing? I asked you to record Lost. You have one job, and it's to record my sh*t!"

Dane later explains why he likes Lost:

I just want to see Lost because I enjoy being that angry at a television show. Here's my impersonation of me watching Lost, every time it goes to commercial...I'm like this, ready? "What the f*ck is going on here?! I have 42 unanswered questions and now I have 30 more questions, I don't know what's happening here! This is the stupidest show in the history of TV -- oh, it's back! Oh, I like her now, I like her, I used to hate her but now she's my favorite."

He also references the Monster, calling it a "Smokey Dragon", and wonders why no one ever thinks about it when they go into the woods.

Desperate Housewives (TV)[]

  • Als Andrew Van De Kamp in der ersten Episode der ersten Staffel "There Won't be Trumpets" in seinem Schlafzimmer ist, läuft auf seinem Fernseher ein Ausschnitt von „Gestrandet, Teil 1“, indem Kate bis 5 zählt. Desperate Housewives läuft wie Lost ebenfalls auf ABC.

Destroy All Humans: Big Willy Unleashed (video game)[]

  • While exploring Fantasy Atoll (a send-up of Fantasy Island) , the player's character, Crypto, encounters a group of characters who are living out a fantasy of being part of the Lost TV experience. If you listen carefully, some of these characters can we heard talking about numbers and a hatch.

Duel Masters (TV)[]

  • In the English dub, a character remarks how he let loose polar bears on a deserted tropical island to confuse anyone that ends up there.

Duma Key (novel)[]

  • In the 2008 Stephen King novel, Edgar Freemantle notes that another character's ease of accepting supernatural happenings is based on being "raised on shows like X-Files and Lost".

The Emperor's New School (TV)[]


The "Emperor Orientation Video"

  • In the final episode of The Emperor's New School, "Graduation Groove," Kuzco watched an "Emperor Orientation Video". This is an obvious parody of the orientation videos. The video is black-and-white, and is hosted by a man who looks and sounds very much like Pierre Chang.

Entertainment Weekly (magazine)[]

  • Inside the cover of the Entertainment Weekly Magazine [of which date?), featuring Harry Potter and Voldemort, is a pull tab that reveals a special two-sided advertisement for ABC's new show The Unusuals featuring Harold Perrineau (aka Michael) from Lost. The back of the ad is designed to look like a desk with stuff all over it, and there is a Word Search-type puzzle with the phrase "ONAFTERLOST" circled, and above the puzzle under a coffee mug is a "claim check" (what it is for is uncertain) but the numbers on the claim check are "42 23 16 15 8 4", which are the numbers backwards.

Fallout 3 (video game)[]

  • In Megaton, players meet a young girl who tells you the combination to a secret safe is 15, 16, 23, 42 (a reference to the numbers).
  • There is also Vault 108 players are able to explore.
  • In the Point Lookout expansion, players meet the ghoul Desmond that mentions use of a fail-safe in case his house is overtaken.

Family Guy (TV)[]

  • Family Guy episode 5-16 "Petergeist" has a spoof on The Muppet Show and Lost. Statler and Waldorf, the old men in the balcony who criticize Kermit the Frog and his friends, appear in a box behind the couch the box where S&W usually are...

Peter: Boy, that was a great episode of Lost, wasn't it fellas?

Statler: Well at least the show's got the right name!

Waldorf: Yeah, I couldn't follow any of it!

Peter: Heheheheh... they don't care for most things.

  • In Episode 7-6, the Griffin family is deciding where to vacation which prompts Meg to suggest that they visit the Island from Lost. Stewie then says that he doesn't want to hear Matthew Fox's heavy breathing. This leads into a clip that shows Jack and Kate..

Jack: (breathing heavily) Kate, you don't get it. We are the Island! Hand me that paper bag.

Kate: Jack, that's got my poop in it.

Jack: (still breathing heavily) "I know, I know. It's got a hint of coconut in it. And something else. But that's part of the mystery."

  • In einer weiteren Folge sagt Peter während eines Sportereignisses: "Das ist langweilig. Ich wäre jetzt lieber zu Hause, um mir das Video von The Ring anzuschauen." In der folgenden Sequenz steht Peter mit einer Videokassette vor dem Fernseher, als eine Frau zu ihm sagt: "Peter, tus nicht. Man sagt, wenn man dieses Video schaut, stirbt man." Daraufhin erwidert Peter: "Ach, das ist doch nur Unsinn.", legt die Kassette ein und man sieht die Anfangssequenz von Lost. Kurz danach sieht man Peter verkrümmt und tot auf dem Boden liegen.

Fire in the Attic (music group)[]

  • Fire in the Attic machten einen Song mit dem Namen "Not Penny's Boat."

FlashForward (TV)[]

Lost Bus

An advertisement for Lost in FlashForward.

  • In the series premiere of FlashForward, during the scene in which FBI agents Mark Benford and Demetri Noh are staking out three suspects from an SUV, a billboard for Oceanic Airlines can be seen behind them. Ironically, the words "perfect safety record" are written on the billboard.
  • In another scene, Lost is briefly seen advertised on the side of a bus.

Fringe (TV)[]


  • In the Pilot episode of JJ Abrams' show Fringe, someone says "Morgan Stieg was passenger number 108."
  • In the episode "Dreamscape", the character Mark Young bought a ticket on Oceanic Air three days before his death.

Gatsby's American Dream (music group)[]


Gears of War 2 (video game)[]

807451-tai kaliso super

Tai Kaliso, a reference to John Locke in Gears of War 2.

  • During the second game of the Gears of War saga, Tai Kaliso is introduced as a man of faith, similar in beliefs to John Locke. After his whole squad is killed by the Locust, he seems to understand this is how things were meant to be, and states that "everything happens for a reason". This has yet to be confirmed as a direct reference to the show by Epic Games.

Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned (video game)[]

  • In the final mission of this video game expansion, a siren is heard which is the same sound effect as the countdown timer's alarm.

Half-Life 2: Episode Two (video game)[]


Ein verstecktes DHARMA logo in Half-Life 2


The Numbers are hidden in Half-Life 2

There are two known Easter eggs in the first person shooter video game Half-Life 2: Episode 2[5]

  • In Half Life 2: Episode Two there is a DHARMA-like logo with three white trees hidden on a wall. This is referring to the "White Forest Station" where the player is headed. This is obviously not a DHARMA station, and any other reference to Lost is made elsewhere.
  • There is a CRT monitor displaying the Numbers in a blocked hidden room in the second level. Switching on the designers comment at this place, you are told that the valve guys promised the directors from Lost to put it there after there had been references to Half Life in Lost; this happened in "The Greater Good," where the terrorists Sayid was spying on were playing Half-Life. A shotgun shot was heard, and the player said, "Crap, out of ammo." Another terrorist, watching the game, told the player to use the crowbar, to which the player responded that the crowbar only worked on zombies.

Hamish and Andy (radio)[]

  • This popular Australian radio duo made a parody song to tell convicted terrorist David Hicks what has happened since he was captured in 2001. One thing they sang was "There's this really cool show called Lost".

Heroes (TV)[]

  • A brochure for Gannon Car Rentals from Lost also made an appearance in episode 1x15, "Run!", of Heroes.
  • In the episode "Unexpected", Nathan Petrelli says he would like to take all those with powers, and "put them in a lab on some island in the middle of the ocean." Although many fans believe this to be a reference to Lost, the creators of Heroes have indicated it's a reference to the island of Genosha from Marvel's X-Men.[6]

Hollyoaks (TV)[]

  • Several characters, including Sonny, are seen watching Lost, or talking about watching Lost.

Homo Zapping[]

  • The Spanish comedy show Homo Zapping, hosted by José Corbacho, presented two LOST parodies. The show is known in Spain as PERDIDOS (The Lost Ones). Homo Zapping could be seen on Antena 3 until its fourth season.

How I met your Mother (TV)[]

In season 6 Episode 9 at minute 6:30 Zoey asked for random numbers. Thats when the actor of Hurley (his character is called Steve in the show) jumps in and says the numbers.

I Love You, Man (movie)[]

  • Peter fragt Sydney nach seiner Lost Staffel 2 DVD. Es sagt er möchte sie zurück, weil Zooey rausfinden möchte, was hinter der Luke ist.

Impossible Quiz, The (Internet culture)[]

  • In the popular web game "The Impossible Quiz"[7], the Numbers and 108 can be seen scrawled on question 50. In question 108 of the "Epic last 10", the player has to type in the numbers into a replica screen of the Swan computer.
  • There is a second "Impossible Quiz". On question 108 a cat from the quiz holds up a sign with the countdown timer on it.

In The Motherhood (TV)[]

  • The character "Jane", played by Cheryl Hines says she is going to use her vacation time to finally watch Lost. She said she's been unable to contribute to workplace discussions about Lost, and whenever anyone asks her about the show, all she can say is "man, what is up with that island?". Later in the episode, the TV shows a quick glimpse of a polar bear and the character says "man, what is up with that island?".

Jeep (TV commercial)[]

  • This commercial features a montage of clips from popular culture into which a Jeep is digitally inserted. Toward the end of the commercial, the scene of John Locke playing backgammon from „Gestrandet, Teil 2“ is seen, as the Jeep passes behind him on the beach.

Jimmy Kimmel Live! (TV)[]


  • Jimmy Kimmel has referenced Lost on several occasions, both obviously in skits and spoofs ("What's in the Hatch?", "Lost: the Musical"), and more subtly, such as having M.C. Gainey (who plays Tom) appear in the TV audience and talk backwards (as Walt once did).

Kevin Bishop Show, The (TV)[]

  • A parody of Lost was featured in this British sketch show, called "Lost UK". Two survivors of a coach crash, named Jack and Kate, wake up in the woods. Shortly afterwards, a man wearing a DHARMA jumpsuit runs past and tells them that they are on an Island with no way to escape. It is then revealed that they crashed in the middle of a roundabout road junction.

King of the Hill (TV)[]

  • Dale tries to break up Bill and his new girlfriend who has recently moved in with him with her two children by mentioning the movie the Stepfather and its plot line, then says, "It stars that bald guy from Lost."

Knights of Prosperity (TV)[]

  • In the episode "Operation: Rent Money," Louis refers to Lost: "Those are all the things that guy Sayid says on Lost."

Late Night with Jimmy Fallon[]

  • On February 12, 2010, Jimmy Fallon debuted Late, a multi-episode parody of Lost. It features Fallon and a group of strangers who are stranded on a deserted office building floor after an elevator crash.
  • Episode 1: "Where Are We?" aired February 12, 2010

Late Show mit David Letterman (TV)[]

  • On November 11, 2006, David Letterman did a Lost-themed "Top Ten". It was presented by actor Jorge Garcia:

Top Ten Signs You're Obsessed With Lost, presented by Jorge Garcia

10. After each episode, you do an all-kitty reenactment in your basement

9. You refer to your in-laws as "The Others"

8. While visiting New York, you stood over every manhole and screamed, "Good God—a secret hatch!"

7. You're halfway to your goal of licking every cast member

6. Your friend phoned during Lost. Next day you beat him to death with a hot poker

5. You pitched NBC a show about 12 people stranded backstage at Saturday Night Live

4. Co-workers affectionately refer to you as "That loser who's obsessed with Lost"

3. Renamed dental practice "Flost"

2. Your wife is getting sick of playing the bedroom game "Find the castaway"

1. You sat through all ten of these lame jokes

  • The show has made several jokes about not knowing what is happening on Lost.
  • On August 30, 2007, Hillary Clinton presented her top ten campaign promises. Number two was, "I will appoint a committee to find out what the heck is happening on Lost".[8]
  • On January 4, 2008, there was a Late Show Fun Facts related to the Writers Guild of America Strike. The very last fact read by Dave was that even if the strike ended tomorrow, people still wouldn’t know what the hell was happening on Lost.[9]
  • On February 12, 2008, the Top Ten list was "Top Ten Things Abraham Lincoln Would Say If He Were Alive Today". Number one was, "Seriously, what the hell is happening on Lost?"
  • On March 3 2009, when Felicity Huffman was a guest, David asked how her show, Desperate Housewives, was going, and if they had opened the hatch yet.
  • The show has also produced spoof videos about Lost.
  • "Dick Cheney on Lost": While Matthew Fox was on the show in February 2006, they played a short video of Jack running after his father in „Das weiße Kaninchen“. When he reaches the clearing just past the beach, it is Dick Cheney with a gun pointed at him.[10]
  • "The Lost Surprise": On March 11, 2008, they ran a video segment with the scene from „Die andere Frau“ where Ben is about to show the video of Widmore to Locke. When they show the television, it is Regis Philbin in an exercise video.[11]

The League of Super Evil (TV)[]

  • In the episode "One Zillion" of the Cartoon Network animated series The League of Super Evil, the numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and 43 can be seen written on a chalkboard as part of an equation used to get "one zillion" TV channels. 43 is seen to have been crossed out and replaced with 42. Later the character The Red Menace points out that the entire equation is wrong.

Lil Bush (TV)[]

  • The episode "Afghanistan" was described by Lil Bush as "a freakin' Lost parody." It included several references to Lost, including a discussion between two Afghanistan Gap employees about who was the best character, Sawyer or Hurley.

Little Britain (TV)[]

  • The 2006 Boxing Day special of Little Britain featured a parody of Lost with Lou and Andy stranded on a desert island.

Lobo: Highway to Hell (comic)[]

MacWorld Magazine (print)[]

  • In an ad for the iPhone, a man is searching for flight information on his iPhone for Oceanic Flight 815.

MAD Magazine (print)[]


MADtv (TV)[]


Mass Effect (video game)[]

  • The default character of Commander Shepard bears a striking resemblance to Matthew Fox. His default given name is John Shepard. Jack is a common nickname for John.

Margaret Cho "Beautiful" (stand-up/DVD)[]

  • On Margaret Cho's 2009 release "Beautiful", Margaret has a small bit about LOST. "I like those Korean people on LOST. They're all looking to see who's going to shoplift something from the Island." Margaret goes on to say, "There are no lesbians on LOST. Cos if there were, they would've built a deck to Australia by now."

Marvel Comics (comics)[]

  • On January 23, 2008 ABC Marketing announced that they had strategically placed images and references from the show in various comic books, including Uncanny X-Men, Incredible Hercules, Thunderbolts and Wolverine Origins. Examples of Lost references include a Lost poster, the number six, and the slogan "Find Yourself" in the latest editions of numerous Marvel comics throughout the month. More Lost placements to pop up in comic books on stands January 23 and January 30 were to be expected.[12][13]

Metal Gear Solid: 4 Guns of the Patriots (video game)[]

  • The channels during TV sequence at the beginning of the game are 15, 16, 23, 42, and 48.

M.I.A. (music group)[]

  • One verse from "Bird Flu" on M.I.A.'s album Kala is: Put away shots for later / so I'm stable / Live in trees, chew on feet / Watch Lost on cable.

Mission Impossible III (movie)[]

On Screen

Screen credits at the end of MIII

Monday Night Football (TV)[]


Moneen (music group)[]


Monty (comic)[]

  • In this comic by Jim Meddick, one of the features from comics.com, the eponymous character arrives to the island to meet the castaways and the Others in the storyline for the first half of March 2006.

Mosaik (Comic)[]

  • Hurley steht in Heft 414 am Strand und hält das altägyptische Ankh-Symbol in der Hand (S. 5).
  • In Heft 421 sieht man zunächst die Statue des Sobek (S. 16), ebenfalls mit dem Ankh-Symbol, später dann auf einem Hai das Symbol der DHARMA Initiative (S. 36). Außerdem heißt eines der vom Wal verschluckten Schiffe Black Rock (S. 39).
  • Im SUPERillu-Strip Junge, Junge, dieser wacklige Tisch macht mich noch irre! wird der wacklige Tisch mit dem Buch LOST wieder gerade gestellt.


My Wife and Kids (TV)[]

  • During the episodes where the family is on vacation in the Caribbean, Jay & Michael get stuck on a small island, where they reference Lost in a humorous exchange of dialogue.

Notes from the Underbelly (TV)[]

  • On the December 3, 2007 episode "The Blackout", the characters are spending the night together to watch Lost and Andrew goes over the rules for watching Lost. He says there will be no late seating and tells Danny that he can't get up to get a drink until the first commercial break. He tells Eric "no constant gasping", Julie "no stupid questions", and Danny "no answering Julie's stupid questions". Lost then begins with (a dubbed over) "Previously on Lost" when the power immediately goes out. When the power later comes back on, a voice on the TV is saying, "Southern California audiences are reeling from the big surprise on Lost tonight." The characters immediately begin covering their ears and making noises so as not to hear the big surprise, and Andrew dives across the room to turn off the television. [14][15]

Numb3rs (TV)[]

  • In the usual black screen which precedes the 15th episode of the 5th season, the numbers are displayed as 481-5162342 (a Juror ID number).

Office, The (TV)[]


Dwight in The Office

  • The U.S. version of the sitcom The Office has an episode entitled "Boys and Girls". In one scene, the white collar workers of the office meet their blue collar counterparts in a visit to the warehouse. Dwight turns to the camera and says, "Remember on Lost, when they met the Others?"
  • In the episode titled "The Fire", the office crew is standing outside the office as firemen are tending to the fire, and they are playing "what would you bring" "desert island edition", when Jim asks Dwight what he would bring, he explains what he would bring, and expands on how they got to the island by saying, "Question: Did my shoes come off in the plane crash?"
  • In the episode titled "Initiation", Dwight quizzes Ryan. He asks the question, "What is the DHARMA Initiative?".
  • Dwight Schrute makes repeated mentions of Lost on his official NBC-hosted blog. Examples: THE DHARMA INITIATIVE (1/13/06); LOST BATTLESTAR (7/18/06)
  • In the episode "The Return", Andy Bernard says "TGI Wednesday, am I right? Gonna go home, get my beer on, get my Lost on."
  • Conan O'Brien's intro for the 58th annual Emmy awards included a segue from the Hatch, which led into The Office.
  • J.J. Abrams directed the season three episode "Cocktails".
  • In a deleted scene from "The Job", Dwight asks Andy "what is the DHARMA Initiative?" Andy guesses that it is the source of all energy on Earth, to which Dwight replies, "No, it was created by aliens."
  • During the commentary for "Casino Night", Rainn Wilson (Dwight) says he missed the famous Pam/Jim kiss-scene because, "...I was watching Lost instead."

Once Upon a Time (TV)[]

  • Die Zeit in Storybrooke ist bei 8:15 stehen geblieben. Am Ende der ersten Folge wechselt sie auf 8:16.
  • Regina hat die Hausnummer 108.
  • Es gibt Apollo Schokoriegel.
  • In der Folge "Der Hirte" trinken Emma und Mary Margaret MacCutcheon Whisky.
  • In der Folge "Fruit of the Poisonous Tree" wollen Emma und Mr. Glass einen Handel, den Regina angeblich bei Route 23 macht, untersuchen.
  • In der Folge "Dreamy" sagt Astrid Leroy, dass sie im letzten Jahr nur 42 Kerzen verkauft haben.
  • In der Folge "Hat Trick" lebt Jefferson (der verrückte Hutmacher) in dem Haus Nummer 316.
  • In der Folge "The Stranger" sieht Pinocchio ein Oceanic Airlines Flugzeug, gleich nachdem er in unserer Welt gelandet ist.
  • Das Nummernschild von August Booths Motorrad hat die Nummer 23.
  • Eine Folge der zweiten Staffel hat den Titel „Tallahassee“, was eine Anspielung auf die Folge „Der Mann aus Tallahassee“ sein könnte.
  • Auf Emmas Auto befindet sich ein Geronimo Jackson Aufkleber und Dopey trägt in Storybrooke ein Geronimo Jackson T-Shirt.
  • Als Ruby Belle in der Episode "Tiny" im Krankenhaus besucht, wird im Fernsehen gerade die Serie Exposé angekündigt.

Onion, The (Internet satire)[]

  • On September 1, 2007, The Onion featured a satirical article on their front page titled "Area Man Likes To Compare Circle Of Friends To Cast Of Lost". The article reports about a man who has recently been watching episodes of Lost on DVD, and constantly finds similarities between his friends and the characters on the show. He compares himself to Locke because he has a good sense of direction and faith. He dubbed a new group of people that his friend invited to a bar "the Others".
  • On May 29, 2009, The Onion featured a lead article on their front page titled "Smoke Monster From 'Lost' Given Own Primetime Spin-Off Series". In the satirical article, ABC Entertainment president Stephen McPherson announces that the smoke monster from Lost will be given its own spin-off series on ABC called Where There's Smoke. Described as a "half-hour family-oriented comedy" about life, love, and good friends having good times, the new series will anchor the network's Thursday-night lineup in the fall. Actress Lea Thompson has signed on to play the monster's long-suffering wife, and actor Michael Emerson will appear in the pilot episode as a slobby houseguest named Benjamin Linus who overstays his welcome. Despite the risk of being typecast as "just a smoke monster", the mysterious, billowing actor agreed to the project for $2 million per episode after scenes tested well between the smoke monster and a nosy, ethnic next-door neighbor.

Order of the Stick, The (comic)[]

  • Page #560 of the comic, the last to be posted before the American broadcast of "There's No Place Like Home, Parts 2 & 3", features protagonists fleeing from indigenous orcs on a tropical island. They enter a door marked with a DHARMA logo, with a smiley face in the comic's idiosyncratic style at its center, which leads to a tunnel. Later in the same strip, one of the characters comments, "I keep having flashbacks to earlier strips."
  • In the following page, which was the first posted after "There's No Place Like Home, Parts 2 & 3", a character exiting the far end of that tunnel (with a similar door) says, "Thank the Twelve Gods! I was beginning to think the people who built that tunnel had absolutely no idea where it was going."

Penny Arcade (comic)[]

  • Penny Arcade, a webcomic written by Jerry Holkins and drawn by Mike Krahulik, has featured the show in its comic strips several times.
  • In the strip entitled "Don't Forget Doppelgangers!" from October 20, 2004, Gabe and Tycho propose various theories related to the shows early mysteries.
  • On November 1, 2006, in a strip entitled "Ba Dum Bum Psh", Tycho criticizes the show's second season.

Person Of Interest (TV)[]

  • In der Pilotfolge bilden die Zahlen 4-8-15-16-23-42 den Zeitstempel einer Aufnahme einer Überwachungskamera.

    Die Zahlen in Person Of Interest

  • In der Episode 1x15 "Zeit der Maulwürfe" warnt Finch (gespielt von Michael Emerson) Detective Fusco, der gerade dabei ist eine Akte zu stehlen, dass dieser nur noch 23 Sekunden Zeit hat, um aus dem Gebäude zu flüchten.
  • In der Episode 2x08 "Til Death" versucht ein Ehepaar, bei dem der Mann von Mark Pellegrino gespielt wird, sich gegenseitig umzubringen, indem es Auftragskiller engagiert, ähnlich wie im Streit zwischen Jacob und dem Mann in Schwarz.

Pete Holmes (TV)[]

  • Holmes is known in Lost fandom for a tongue-in-cheek video where he pretends to be a Lost fan and rants about how bad the show has become.[16][17]

Pushing Daisies (TV)[]

  • In der Pilot Episode im Oktober 2007 wurde Flug 815 kurz erwähnt.

PvP Online (comic)[]


The Lost roleplaying game.

  • PvP, a webcomic written and drawn by Scott Kurtz, has referred to the show on a few occasions. In a comic from Jan 12, 2005, the debunked purgatory theory is mentioned by a character.
  • The comic from April 11, 2007, featured the fictitious Lost roleplaying game. One character comments that the sourcebook for the Lost RPG consists of "nothing but pages and pages of random encounter tables". This, according to the character playing the game master, leaves it up to the players to "add the context". The roleplaying scenario depicted in the comic takes place in the immediate aftermath of the crash of Oceanic Flight 815. These events were depicted on the show during „Gestrandet, Teil 1“.
  • The PvP Online comic from May 14,2009 gives an alternative set of Others for Jack and Sayid to encounter - Gilligan and Skipper from Gillian's Island, who have been expecting them.

Red vs Blue (machinima)[]

  • In the season five finale of the machinima show Red Vs Blue (parody based on the Halo game series), a Caboose's mental version of a female character confirms her appearance by saying: "I came here in a spaceship, that came from the moon. It crashed next to the Blue Base, and now I live with Caboose, and the people from the tail section of the spaceship, live on the other side of the island". This is actually a confusion made by Caboose due to his low capacity of understand what's going on. Also, it's a clear reference to the Tailies.
  • In their new PSA, #36, they discuss things they have never seen posted in an online Forum. As a lead in to #4 (ironically one of the numbers) which is "excuse me, but I'm new here...", Sarge is seen talking to a fellow red team member and saying "And what ever happened to the numbers on the hatch!? It's like they're making it up as they go along!". The polar bear, flashforwards, and the Monster are also mentioned.[18]

RiffTrax (downloadable audio commentaries)[]

  • Rifftrax has done commentary for the pilot episode of Lost.
  • In the RiffTrax commentary for Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, they mention the smoke monster. When the characters in the movie are setting up pylons to capture the Silver Surfer, a noise/disturbance appears in the woods, and they offer the following commentary:

Mike: "Not if the smoke monster from Lost has anything to say about it."

Kevin: "The smoke monster is the Silver Surfer?"

Mike: "You know, in five years, if the truth is less retarded than that, I'll buy you a beer."

Kevin: "Okay."

Robot Chicken (TV)[]

  • The episode "Losin' the Wobble" references Lost in a sketch about the newly enacted Asshole Laws, which allow police to brutally beat anyone who makes "obvious" comments:

Man: Heroes is way better, because it actually answers stuff. On Lost, they don't know what they're doing. [Man is beaten up by two police officers]

Runaway 3 - A Twist Of Fate (Videospiel)[]

Dharma runaway3

Ein verstecktes DHARMA logo in Runaway 3

  • Im Adventure Runaway 3 befindet sich ein Dharma-Logo der Schwanstation in einer Spiegelung.

Sam and Max: Moai Better Blues (video game)[]

  • In the old cavern on Easter Island, the Swan entrance is half buried in the sand, with the numbers carved into the hatch door. Next to the hatch, there is a plane wreck. Examining the Hatch causes Sam to use a bunch of synonyms for "lost", then says he does not want to wait years to find out what it all means. Examining it again causes Sam to tell Max to stay on the lookout for polar bears.

The Sarah Silverman Program (TV)[]

  • On October 25, 2007, the episode "Doodie" referenced Lost. Stencil Mustang said, "This is just like an episode of Lost!"
  • On the November 20, 2008 episode "I Thought My Dad Was Dead, But It Turns Out He's Not," Sarah is told that all the best television shows are about doctors and cops, to which Sarah replies "Lost isn't a hospital or a cop," to which her friends correct her: Jack is a doctor and Ana Lucia is a cop.
  • In the episode "The Silverman and the Pillows" aired on February 11, 2010, Sarah is seen watching the end of the episode "LaFleur" and is overcome with emotion at Sawyer's reunion with Kate, Jack and Hurley.

Saturday Night Live (TV)[]

  • On February 5, 2005, there was a sketch where Paris Hilton is sitting at a bar and a guy (Seth Meyers) sits down next to her. He attempts to hit on her, and eventually says "Hey, you ever watch the show 'Lost'? Hilton: "No" Guy: "Oh then let me tell you something, that's a good show, that's a quality show right there. See what happens is they got this plane, right, crashes into the island. And all the people, right, they got no idea where they are, no idea. What they do is each week the show, shows you a little bit about what's going on with the island, but they also go back in time and show you what the people were doing before the plane crashed. Shows you your histories, very clever, very clever show. Very clever."
  • On November 11, 2006, during the Weekend Update segment, Seth Meyers made a joke about certain issues now facing the Republicans after the Democrats took control of the American House of Representatives and Senate previously in the week: "Political analysts are saying that the Democratic victories of Tuesday’s elections were a referendum on President Bush’s handling of the war in Iraq and various Congressional scandals. As well as the environment, the economy, wiretapping, torture, Katrina, military tribunals, illegal immigration, Osama’s continued freedom, Kyoto, abortion rights, the national debt, SARS, the XFL, and the death of Mr. Eko".
  • On December 2, 2006 Matthew Fox hosted the show, and many references to Lost were included in the episode.
    • Castmember Bill Hader appeared during Fox's monologue as Michael Richards (acting as Richards' trademark character Kramer, from Seinfeld) asking for work on Lost, offering to be one of the Others, the smoke monster, or to appear in a flashback.
    • A sketch featuring Lost fans in an elevator with Matthew Fox, discussing their theories, which range from "The producers don't know what's going on" to "It's all in Walt's imagination" to "The Island's on the toenail of a giant" to "Purgatory". As well, two female fans ask if Matthew is single, to which he replies "Married for 15 years" and "Two kids", and one female fan leaves the elevator because of the rest discussing spoilers while she is only halfway through Season 2.
  • In January 20, 2007, there was a sketch "Two A-holes and an adoption agency". The A-holes mention that adoption is complicated like sudoku and the 2nd season of Lost.
  • On the September 13, 2008 episode, Bobby Moynihan played a waiter in a sketch who mentioned "the smoke monster from Lost".

Scrubs (TV)[]

Scrubs Apollo Candy

An Apollo Bar visible in Scrubs

  • Apollo Bars featured in the season 7 premiere of Scrubs "My Own Worst Enemy" (October 25, 2007) where they were visible in the supply of a vending machine. Because the prop seemed identical to that used in Lost and The Lost Experience, this reference may also be considered a crossover. The same vending machine with the Apollo Bars can also be seen in the season 8 episode '"My Chief Concern" (May 5, 2009).
  • In the season 7 finale "My Princess", a smoke monster is used to personify a patient's illness during the fairy tale scenes. As well as bearing resemblance to the Monster, it may also be a reference to the show moving to ABC for its 8th season.
  • In the season 8 premiere "My Jerks", the new intern Ed discusses time he spent on a Lost fan site.
  • In the season 9 episode "Our White Coats", in a flash back, medical student Cole is messing with a fellow student who apparently is a huge Lost fan (he has a laptop full with Lost stickers and wears a hat with the DHARMA logo) by pretending that Lost has been cancelled and that the finale is never going to air.

Senses Fail (music group)[]

Shortpacked! (webcomic)[]

Simpsons, The (TV & and video game)[]

  • In the commentary forThe Simpsons episode 09x14, "Das Bus", the producers joke about how Lost was inspired by this episode (tongue-in-cheek). They further make references to unanswered questions, the Others and the Smoke Monster.
  • In The Simpsons episode 19x08, "Funeral for a Fiend", Marge becomes addicted to TiVo when Homer signs up for it just to get free camera batteries. Marge is excited because "I've gotten so much accomplished: I saved Lost, watched all of Rome in a day, and got through Two and a Half Men in two and a half minutes!"
  • In The Simpsons Game, Lenny states whilst in peril that he'll never find out what happens with Charlie and Claire on Lost.
    • Also, football player enemies say "4! 8! 15! 16! 23! 42! Hike!" upon attacking.

Singularity (video game)[]

  • In the old shipping yard, the numbers are written on huge crates of cargo, only backwards (42, 23, 16, 15, 8, 4).
  • In the room with the last upgrade for the TMD you can find a path to the Frozen Donkey Wheel

Skate (video game)[]

  • On the main loading screen, it shows in the bottom-right corner "4M815.16".

Sonic Weapon Fence (music)[]


  • Sonic Weapon Fence is a Chicago based rock trio that exclusively writes and performs songs about Lost.

Soup, The (TV)[]

  • In 2005, on The Soup, a fake Lost commercial was shown, saying people who missed some episodes are losers who'll never catch up.[19]
  • In 2006, a clip of „Jeder für sich“ where Ben kills a rabbit in front of Sawyer is shown. Host Joel McHale commented: "The rest of the episode were flashbacks of the bunny's life. Looks like he couldn't walk before crashing on the Island."
  • In November 9, 2007, after a clip of "America's Most Smartest Model", McHale commented about the poor quality of the show's writing and writer's strike with the following: "Can we get the studios to give the writers some download residuals and fire up a Lost or something?"
  • A running gag on the show involves clips from I Love Toy Trains; a show about model trains. The clips are usually rather dry and pointless. At the end of the clips The Soup cuts to a graphic resembling the LOST logo: ILTT (an acronym for the show's title), and plays the sound effect used at the conclusion of every LOST episode. Host Joel McHale and The Soup staff then make ironic comments about how mind-blowing and edgy I Love Toy Trains is.

South Park (TV)[]


Reference in the Thing to the Numbers

  • In the episode "Bloody Mary", Cartman and friends were trying to get home to watch the season finale of Lost.
  • In the episode "Smug Alert", a cloud very similar to The Monster is seen, representing George Clooney's acceptance speech. Whispers can also be heard.

Spiderman: Friend or Foe (video game)[]

  • At the beginning of the second level of the game, known as Tangaroa Island, you find out that it is a mystical, mostly unexplored, Island just off the east coast of Australia, at latitude 4.815 and longitude 162.342.

Spoony Experiment, The (website)[]

  • In his Final Fantasy VIII review, Noah Antwiler compares the Laguna flashbacks to the flashbacks on Lost.
  • In his Phantasmagoria 2 video, Noah asks if he has to enter the numbers to access the Threshold portal.

ThatGuyWithTheGlasses.com (website)[]

  • The first episode of "That Cartoon Show" explores what would happen during the last episode of the series. Ben reveals that the answers to everything in the series can be found behind a metal door, and Jack says that, even though Ben is a notorious liar who has lied about everything in the past, he trusts him. The door opens, and out steps J.J. Abrams, who admits that, to create a show that kept people's attention, he opened up a bunch of questions back in Season 1 that he had NO intention to ever answer.

That Mitchell And Webb Look (TV)[]

  • In the sixth episode of season two, during the 'history of numberwang' sketch, a 1940s scientist asks the computer if the number "4 8 15 162 3420" is numberwang. The response is positive.
    • On the online game of Numberwang found on the BBC website, inserting the numbers "4 8 15 16 23 42" will achieve Numberwang on level 1.

Thing, The (comic)[]

  • One issue of this Marvel Comics series mentioned punching in the Numbers as a code.

This Morning (TV)[]

  • During the week beginning the 6th July, the UK television programme "This Morning" ran a feature on cheap holidays. For each holiday it showed a flight screen with the flight number and time of departure. The flight numbers included "108", "316" and "815" and the times of departures were made up from a combination of the numbers.

Timeout UK (Magazine)[]

  • In the October 15-21 2009 Issue, a fake DHARMA letter was written from Dr. Pierre Chang to someone at The Orchid. On closer inspection, the letter was a clever advert for Lost S5 on Bluray and DVD.

Top Chef: Masters (TV)[]

  • In episode 2 of Top Chef Masters titled The LOST Supper, the contestants' challenge was to create a meal only using meat and DHARMA Initiative food to create a meal that would be be presented to judges as well as Lost creator J.J. Abrams and executive producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse.

Transformers: Cybertron (TV)[]

  • In the episode Inferno of the 2005/2006 cartoon series Transformers: Cybertron, the pilot of a military jet fighter identifies himself as "Oceanic Flight 815, requesting clearance for landing" right before the Decepticon Thundercracker scans the plane and adopting its form as his new disguise. The plane's ID code was one of many pop-cultural in-jokes explicitly added for the English dub of the show.

Treasure Isle (Internet culture)[]

Treasure Isle Lost

Treasure Isle Lost-Dekorationen

  • Bei dem Facebook-Spiel "Treasure Isle" erschienen am 20. Mai 2010, kurz vor dem Finale der 6. Staffel, einige Lost-Dekorationen: eine sechszehige Statue, eine Luke, ein abgestürztes Flugzeug und eine Holzkiste mit einem DHARMA-Logo. Außerdem konnte man ein Rauchmonster kaufen und weiße Karma-Kisten verschenken.

Tripping the Rift (TV)[]

  • In episode "Six, Lies and Videotape", 4-8-15-16-23-42 is Chodes' customer number at the post office.

Under the Dome (Book)[]

  • In Stephen King's 2009 book "Under the Dome," there is a quote from "the Scottish guy" (Desmond), "Don't mistake coincidence for fate" (although the quote was actually said by Eko and repeated later by Locke to Desmond).
  • There is also a reference to "The Hunted Ones," which is described as "a clever sequel to Lost."

Unusuals, The (TV)[]

  • The character Detective Leo Banks, played by Lost alumnus Harold Perrineau, is superstitious about the number 42.
  • The April 3, 2009, #1041 issue of Entertainment Weekly contained a pull-out, full page ad for The Unusuals, which featured the Numbers in reverse order, the name "Walt" and a word find with "Afterlost" as one of the words to find.

V (TV)[]

  • V's pilot episode features a scene that is homage to Lost's opening scene. The scene shows her closed eye close-up, her eye opening, and her pupil contracting, just as Jack's did in the „Weil du gegangen bist“.
  • In season 1, episode 4 ("It's Only The Beginning"), a DHARMA looking logo can be seen on the V's computer screen at the 31:51 time mark.

Veronica Mars (TV)[]

  • In der Episode 2x11 "Flucht nach vorn" bekommt Veronica einen Glückskeks, in dem als Spruch "Wahre Liebesgeschichten haben niemals ein Ende" und die Zahlen stehen. Interessanterweise ist ein Komma zwischen 23 und 42. (Die letzte Nummer ist von den anderen getrennt, wie es bei der amerikanischen Lotterie üblich ist. Auch auf Hurley's Lottoschein war die 42 separat ausgewiesen. Zufälligerweise wurden Lost und Veronica Mars zur gleichen Zeit ausgestrahlt. (Die Folge "Flucht nach vorn" zeitgleich mit "Feuer und Wasser". [20]
  • In der Episode 3x18 "Ich weiß, was du nächsten Sommer tun wirst", gibt Sheriff Keith Mars gibt seinen Deputies Anweisungen. Zwei dieser Deputies heißen "Kitsis und Horowitz", eine Anspielung auf die Autoren/Produzenten Edward Kitsis und Adam Horowitz. [21]

WheresMyCellPhone.com (Internet Service)[]

  • The internet service WheresMyCellPhone.com provides a service to people who have lost their cellphones - users simply enter their cellphone number and the website calls the number, so users can listen for their lost cell phone. However, the incoming call shows up on the caller ID as "1-481-516-2342", an obvious reference to LOST.


  • According to Prowrestling.net, one WWE writer pitched the idea to use the infamous Lost numbers for some money increments during McMahon’s Million Dollar Mania. For example, while most contestants won thousands of dollars, one unlucky contestant received only $16. The use of the numbers was to foreshadow the “tragic accident” that occurred at the end of the June 23, 2008 (another use of the numbers) RAW event where the stage set malfunctioned, leaving Vince McMahon “injured.”

Will and Grace (TV)[]

  • In an episode of Will and Grace, one character remarks, "Grace is like that show Lost - when you find out what's in the Hatch, it's less interesting!".
  • In another episode, Grace mentions dreaming about "the hot Korean guy on Lost".

World of Warcraft - Wrath of the Lich King (video game)[]

WoW Luke

The Numbers found on the Hatch in World of Warcraft'

  • In the latest expansion of World of Warcraft, Wrath of the Lich King, there is a tropical jungle named Sholazar Basin, found on the continent of Northrend. In the northeastern part of the map you will find a tiny island in the middle of a lake. When you get closer to the island, you'll see a hatch. Hover your mouse over it, a series of numbers will appear. The series is 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and 42, which is The Numbers. The music also changes into a "mystic" theme, resembling the Lost theme.
  • The numbers in the World of Warcraft game have now been changed to 5, 9, 16, 17, 24 and 43, simply The Numbers with 1 added to each in the sequence.

Venture Brothers (TV)[]

  • In the episode "Fallen Arches", the Monarch has a prostitute trapped in a series of passages bellow his lair. As she is finding her way through the corridors, the Monarch yells over the intercom, "What could be behind that door? It could be a years supply of turtle wax, or it could be the polar bear from Lost!" Surprisingly, the polar bear is behind the door.

Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series (online)[]

  • LittleKuriboh made a video using footage from the episode "Dead is Dead". As soon as Ben looks at the stone tablet in the Temple, Kaiba appears behind him and exclaims "Oh my God, a giant rock!"
  • In the spinoff Cr@psule Monsters, after surviving a plane crash, the character of Joey insists on making a Lost joke. (Settling on looking for the smoke monster.)

Zack and Miri Make a Porno (movie)[]

  • During the scene where Zack and Miri have sex for their porno (1:03:50) , Lester (Jason Mewes's character) asks Deacon (Jeff Anderson's character), "Deacon...did you see Lost this week...I missed it, what happened?" to which he replies, "Ah dude they're on the island, they're off the island...who can follow that s**t". Stacey (Katie Morgan's charater) then said, "I think they're in hell".

Zero Punctuation (online)[]

  • In his last post[22], Yahtzee reviews Spore, and claims the that whole game is about the space exploration stage and that everything before it seems like a unnecessarily detailed intro sequence,

"like the recap at the start of an episode of Lost!"

See also[]

