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اقتباس اليوم


تحتوي هذه الصفحة على كل إقتباس في قالب: اقتباس اليوم وقسم اقتراحات للقالب.

إقتباسات مستعملة حالياً[]

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الموسم الأول[]

بون: هذا هو ما كنت أفعله تماماً.أنا منقذ. أنا لدي رخصة.
جاك: نعم, اذاً عليك التفكير جدياً في إعادة هذه الرخصة.
-"الأولى، الجزء 1"

هيرلي: لقد كنت أنظر بداخل جسم الطائرة… إنه منظر فظيع. أتظنون أننا يجب أن نفعل شيئاً بالـ, اوه [يتوقف وينظر إلى والت] جـ-ث-ث؟
-"الأولى، الجزء 1"

فينسينت: "نباح"!
-"الأولى، الجزء 1"

سعيد: شاركت في حرب الخليج.
هيرلي: مستحيل! أنا أعرف شخصاً اشترك فيها. كان في الفرقة الجوية 104. أين كنت أنت..في سلاح الطيران..المشاة؟
سعيد: الحرس الجمهوري.
-"الأولى، الجزء 2"

كيت: قررت الانضمام إلينا.
سوير: أنا شخص معقد، عزيزتي.
-"الأولى، الجزء 2"

هيرلي: يا, رجلأنت، هل أنت مستيقظ؟ يوه, هناك طائرة إنقاذ! لقد أُنقذنا! مرحى! [ليس هناك رد فعل من مارس] حسناً، هو مُخدر…
-"الأولى، الجزء 2"

لوك: Tلاعبان. جانبان. أحدهما أبيض. الآخر أسود. والت، هل تريد أن تعلم سراً؟
-"الأولى، الجزء 2"

كيت: من أين أتى ذلك؟
سوير: ربما من قرية الدببة. من أين لي أن أعلم بحق الجحيم؟
-"الأولى، الجزء 2"

شانون [تترجم]: أنا وحدي الآن. علي الجزيرة وحدي. من فضلكم, فليأتي أحد. الآخرون , إنهم… إنهم ميتون. لقد قتلهم. لقد قتلهم جميعاً.
-"الأولى، الجزء 2"

تشارلي: ياشباب. أين نحن؟
-"الأولى، الجزء 2"

سوير: أنا لن أتوقف. تمتعوا بنزهتكم جميعاً .
سعيد: رائع، اعبر الغابة في الظلام
سوير: أوووو، أتخاف أن تفتك بنا الأشجار؟

هيرلي: إذا كيف تعرف أنه ليس ديناصور؟
جاك: لأن الديناصورات منقرضة.

سوير: نعم؟ كم لديك؟ أنت لا تري الموقف كله أيها الطبيب.
أنت تظن أنك لازلت في الحضارة.
جاك: نعم؟ وأين أنت؟
سوير: أنا؟ أَنا في البرية.

شانون: أود فقط أن يموت بالفعل.
بون: يالك من إنسانة يا شانون.

سوير: كنت مصوباً على قلبه.
جاك: لقد أخطأت.

سوير: أفضل من ثلاثة منكم يتجولون فى تلك الغابة المسحورة لاحضار تلك الكتلة الضخمة من لحم الخنزير بلا شيئ سوى تلك السكينة المثيرة للشفقة؟ بحق الجحيم لا, انها أفضل فكرة سمعتها فى حياتى.

لوك: لا تخبرنى بما يجب على أن لا أفعله!

لوك: لكنني نظرت لهذه الجزيرة، و ما رأيته... كان جميلاً.
-"الأرنب الأبيض"

هيرلي: الكلاب يمكنها العثور على القنابل, لذا فأنا متأكد أنه يمكنه العثور على الماء
-"الأرنب الأبيض"

تشارلي: أنا لست قلقاً. أعني, أخبريني, ما الذي يمكن مقابلته في زقاق مظلم؟ مهما كان هناك، أو هذا العجوز ذو ال400 سكين؟ أعني، من يحضر معه 400 سكين؟ بالنسبة لي، لدي فقط مكان ل200 أو 300 على الأكثر.
-"الأرنب الأبيض"

سعيد: إن واجهتيه الآن, فلن يعطيكي شيئاً. لكن إن انتظرتي، فسيقودِك هو لجحره.
-"الأرنب الأبيض"

جاك: لكن إن لم نتمكن من العيش معاً - سنموت وحيدين.
-"الأرنب الأبيض"

تشارلي: إن انتهيتم من تحرشكما ببعضكما، فربما يجب أن نتحرك. هناك العديد من الناس على الشاطيء ينتظروننا أن نحضر لهم المياه. و هذا الصياد الأبيض العظيم بدأ يشعر بالإنزعاج.
-"منزل الشمس المشرقة"

سوير: Well, that's the real trick, isn't it? We all pack up stakes for the caves and the next day a plane passes by, they're going to go on their merry way and be none the wiser. On the other hand, stay here, get eaten by boars, fall off a rock, not going to be anyone around to answer that 911 call.
-"منزل الشمس المشرقة"

تشارلي: Last night I had physical relations with a girl I didn't even know.
PRIEST: I see. Anything else?
تشارلي: Yeah. Uh, right after that I had relations with another girl. Then straight after that I watched while they had relations with each other. You see, it's, it's my band, father, Drive Shaft. We've been playing the clubs in Manchester. And, uh, we've been getting some heat, a following, you know, and, uh, the girls. There's some real temptations that come with the territory, if you know what I mean.

لوك: You see this little hole? This moth's just about to emerge. It's in there right now, struggling. It's digging it's way through the thick hide of the cocoon. Now, I could help it, take my knife, gently widen the opening, and the moth would be free. But it would be too weak to survive. The struggle is nature's way of strengthening it.

KATE: Dear Mr. Sawyer, you don't know who I am but I know who you are and I know what you done. You had sex with my mother and then you stole my dad's money all away. So he got angry and he killed my mother and then he killed himself, too.
SAWYER: Don't stop now. You're just getting to the good part.
KATE: All I know is your name. But one of these days I'm going to find you and I'm going to give you this letter so you'll remember what you done to me. You killed my parents Mr. Sawyer

SAWYER: Baby, I am tied to a tree in a jungle of mystery. I just got tortured by a damn spinal surgeon and a gen-u-ine I-raqi. Of course, I'm serious. You're just not seeing the big picture here, Freckles. You really going to let that girl suffocate because you can't bring yourself to give me one little kiss? Hell, it's only first base. Lucky for you I ain't greedy.

SAWYER: You've been waiting for this, haven't you? Now you get to be the hero again, because that's what you do -- fix everything up all nice. Tell him to let go, Freckles. We already made out, what else I got to live for? Hey, Jack, there's something you should know -- if the tables were turned, I'd watch you die.

KATE: This letter wasn't written to you. You wrote this letter. Your name's not Sawyer, is it?
SAWYER: It was his name. He was a confidence man. Romanced my momma to get to the money, wiped them out clean, left a mess behind. So I wrote that letter. I wrote it knowing one day I'd find him. But that ain't the sad part. When I was 19, I needed 6 grand to pay these guys off I was in trouble with. So I found a pretty lady with a dumb husband who had some money. And I got them to give it to me. How's that for a tragedy? I became the man I was hunting. Became Sawyer. Don't you feel sorry for me.

DANIELLE: Where is Alex?

SAYID: What others? What is the Black Rock? Have you seen other people on this island?
DANIELLE: No, but I hear them. Out there, in the jungle. They whisper. You think I'm insane.

NADIA: You'll find me in the next life if not in this one.

SAWYER: Doctor playing golf. Woo, boy howdy, now I've heard everything. What's next, cop eating a donut?

CHARLIE: Dear diary, still on the bloody island. Today I swallowed a bug, love Claire.

CHARLIE: I have this dream. . . I'm driving a bus and my teeth start falling out. My mom's in the back eating biscuits. Everything smells of bacon. It's weird.

HURLEY: Uh-uh, nada. Everyone was asleep. So, I had an idea. I'm out here looking for some psycho with Scott and Steve, right? And I'm realizing who the hell are Scott and Steve?

HURLEY: Cool. And, reason for travel? The reason you were in Australia?
LOCKE: I was looking for something.
HURLEY: Looking, uh-huh. So, did you find it?
LOCKE: No. It found me.

MALKIN: This child parented by anyone else, anyone other than you -- danger surrounds this baby...

HURLEY: We've got a problem. The manifest, Jack, the census, the names of everyone who survived, all 46 of us. I interviewed everyone. Here, at the beach, got their names. One them, one of them isn't -- Jack! One of them isn't in the manifest. He wasn't on the plane.

WALT: He knows a lot more than how to catch a boar. Mr. Locke is a warrior. He can hunt, he can track stuff, and he's the only who brought knives. So, if it were me, I would listen to him.

BOONE: Ever watch Star Trek?
LOCKE: Nah, not really.
BOONE: The crew guys that would go down to the planet with the main guys, the captain and the guy with the pointy ears, they always wore red shirts. And they always got killed.

CHARLIE: No offense, mate, but if there's one person on this island I would put my absolute faith in to save us all it would be John Locke.

ETHAN: You bring her here. If you don't, I'm going to kill one of them. And then if you don't bring her back before sundown tomorrow I'll kill another, and another, another. One everyday. And Charlie, I'll kill you last.

SAWYER: Guess old Steve drew the short straw.
HURLEY: Dude, that was Scott.

LAURENCE: Secondly, you know, I've been doing this for awhile and a man who buys a compact 357 with hollow point loads -- he's not looking to scare or steal. He's looking to kill. But when it comes down to it if he finds he doesn't have what it takes to do the job...
SAWYER: Your sales pitch needs some work.
LAURENCE: What I'm saying is, you look a man in eye and you point a gun at him, you find who you really are, mate. And should you find you're not a killer, there's no refund.

CHRISTIAN: Do you know why they call Australia "Down Under"? Because it's as close as you can get to Hell without being burned.

CHRISTIAN: Don't let the air conditioning fool you, son. You are here, too. You are suffering. But, don't beat yourself up about it. It's fate. Some people are just supposed to suffer. That's why the Red Sox will never win the damn series. I have a son who's about your age. He's not like me, he does what's in his heart. He's a good man, maybe a great one. Right now, he thinks that I hate him. He thinks I feel betrayed by him. But what I really feel is gratitude, and pride because of what he did to me. What he did for me. It took more courage than I have. There's a pay phone over there. I could pick it up and I could call my son. I could tell him about all this. I could tell him that I love him. One simple phone call and I could fix everything.

DUCKETT: It'll come back around.

BOONE: Let me tell you about my sister. She likes older men, guys who can take care of her. My guess is, in this place, you fit the bill. She'll make you feel like the greatest guy ever while you get her food, or whatever it is that she needs. And when she gets whatever it is that she wants, she'll move on. When she does, don't take it personally, man.

LOCKE: Everyone gets a new life on this island, Shannon. Maybe it's time you start yours.

SAWYER: Folks down on the beach might have been doctors and accountants a month ago, but it's Lord of the Flies time, now.

LOCKE: They've attacked us, sabotaged us, abducted us, murdered us. Maybe it's time we stop blaming us and start worrying about them. We're not the only people on this island and we all know it!

LENNY: 4 8 15 16 23 42...

MARTHA: You make your own luck, Mr. Reyes. Don't blame it on the damn numbers.

HURLEY: Okay, that thing in the woods, maybe it's a monster, maybe it's a pissed off giraffe, I don't know. The fact that no one is even looking for us, yeah, that's weird, but I just go along with it because I'm along for the ride, good old fun time Hurley. Well guess what? Now, I want some friggin' answers.

BOONE: Theresa falls up the stairs, Theresa falls down the stairs.

JACK: Boone, listen to me. Listen! You are not going to die. I'm going to fix this, okay? I am going to save you.

SARAH: Thank you. Wow, can I get another microphone? I think this one's been drinking. A little over two years ago, I blew a tire out -- flipped over the center divider into oncoming traffic, and was hit head-on by an SUV. My back was broken. They all said it was irreparable. And then there was Jack. And he promised he would fix me, because that's the kind of guy he is. Because you are the most committed man I have ever known -- because you fixed me, I will dance at our wedding. To Jack, my hero, Jack.

JACK: I didn't write any vows. I've been trying to for a month, but I couldn't. So I started to wonder why that was. And as time went on it only got worse -- because I'm, because I'm not good at letting go. Or maybe I'm afraid of what'll happen if I fail. But I know one thing. I would've never been able to write anything as beautiful as what you just said. And last night, Sarah, when you were talking about the accident -- you got it all wrong. I didn't fix you. You fixed me. I love you, Sarah, and I always will.

BOONE: Tell Shannon -- tell Shannon -- tell...

SAYID: I didn't know Boone very well, and for that I am sorry. On our 6th day here a woman named Joanna died. She drowned. And Boone was the first one into the water. I didn't know him, but I remember his courage. And I know he will be missed.

WALT: Don't open it.
LOCKE: What'd you say?
WALT: Don't open it, Mr. Locke. Don't open that thing.

DANIELLE: The Others are coming.

ROUSSEAU: You have three choices: run, hide... or die.

SAWYER: Jack. About a week before we all got on the plane I got to talking to this man in a bar in Sydney. He was American, too. A doctor. I've been on some benders in my time, but this guy -- he was going for an all time record. It turns out this guy has a son -- his son's a doctor, too. They had some kind of big time falling out. The guy knew it was his fault even though his son was back in the States thinking the same damn thing. See, kids are like dogs, you knock them around enough they'll think they did something to deserve it. Anyway, there's a pay phone in this bar. And this guy, Christian, tells me he wishes he had the stones to pick up the phone, call his kid, tell him he's sorry, that he's a better doctor than he'll ever be -- he's proud, and he loves him. I had to take off, but something tells me he never got around to making that call. Small world, huh?

HURLEY: How about I just call you by your first name?
ARZT: How about you don't.
HURLEY: Why not? I remember it from the plane's manifest. I think Leslie's a bitchin' name.

ARZT: I know a clique when I see it. I teach high school, pal-y. You know, you people think you're the only ones on this island doing anything of value. I've got news for you. There were 40 other survivors of this plane crash. And we are all people, too.

HAWAIIAN SHIRT [subtitled]: Yes. I know you're planning to run away. But you're going to take that watch to Mr. Paik's friend in California. You do anything else -- anything -- you will lose her. You are not free. You never have been, and you never will be.

HURLEY: You have some...Arzt...on you.


LOCKE: The Island brought us here. This is no ordinary place, you've seen that, I know you have. But the Island chose you, too, Jack. It's destiny.

LOCKE: Do you really think all this is an accident -- that we, a group of strangers survived, many of us with just superficial injuries? Do you think we crashed on this place by coincidence -- especially, this place? We were brought here for a purpose, for a reason, all of us. Each one of us was brought here for a reason.

JACK: Did you talk with Boone about destiny, John?
LOCKE: Boone was a sacrifice that the Island demanded. What happened to him at that plane was a part of a chain of events that led us here -- that led us down a path -- that led you and me to this day, to right now.

HURLEY: The Numbers are bad. The Numbers are bad.

LOCKE: That's why you and I don't see eye-to-eye sometimes, Jack -- because you're a man of science.
JACK: Yeah, and what does that make you?
LOCKE: Me, well, I'm a man of faith.

JACK: No, no. We're opening the hatch so that we can survive.
LOCKE: Survival is all relative, Jack.

الموسم الثاني[]

هيرلي: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42. 4, 8, نحن ميتون, 15, منكوبون وميتون, 16, 23, 42...
-"رجل العلم، رجل الإيمان"

جاك: ماذا تفعل؟
لوك: أبحث عن سلك.
لوك: من أجل الباب سأنزل إليه
جاك: أتظن أن هذا تفكير سليم الآن يا جون؟
لوك: أشك في ذلك. في الواقع أنت على حق. أأمن شيء هو المكوث هنا --و انتظار الصباح-- و ننتظر حتى نرى إن كان هناك آخرون، و ننتظر الشجعان الذين على القارب ليحضروا لنا مساعدة -- لكنني تعبت من الإنتظار.
-"رجل العلم، رجل الإيمان"

ديزموند: جاك, أنا ديزموند. حظاً سعيداً, يا أخي. أراك في حياة أخرى, حسنا؟
-"رجل العلم، رجل الإيمان"

ديزموند: هل أنت...هل أنت هو؟
لوك: نعم. نعم أنه أنا.
ديزموند: لا أصدق، أنت هنا أخيراً.
لوك: حسناً, ها أنا ذا.
-"رجل العلم، رجل الإيمان"

MICHAEL: Hey little man, look, I guess I can't call you that -- I mean, because look how big you are. So, you and I -- well, we're not going to see each other for a while, Walt. But you are going to have a great life. I know your mommy, she's going to take real good care of you. And Brian is going to take good care of you, too. But, you know what? I just want you to know that no matter where you go that I -- that your daddy -- yeah, your daddy -- he loves you very, very much. And I always will. Always, okay.

SAWYER: They found us because they were looking for us, for Walt.
MICHAEL: Don't you ever say his name again, ever.
SAWYER: Oh, what are you gonna do, splash me?

JIN: Others! Others! Others!

LOCKE: Francine feels a little too much, if you ask me. You all do. I mean, seriously -- so-and-so never called me back -- my mother stole 30 dollars from me. I never even knew who my parents were. A couple of years ago my birth mother found me, and uh, she told me I was special. And through her I met my real father. Great news, right? Well, he pretended to love me just long enough to steal my kidney because he had to have a transplant. And then he dropped me back in the world like a piece of trash -- just like he did on the day that I was born. You want your damned 30 dollars back? I want my kidney back!

DESMOND: Kelvin -- he comes running out of the jungle -- hurry, hurry, come with me. He brings me down here. The first thing he does -- because there's beeping already -- he types in the code, he pushes the button, and it stops. What was all that about, I say. Just saving the world, he says.
JACK: Saving the world?
DESMOND: His words, not mine. So I started pushing the button, too. And we saved the world together for awhile, and that was lovely. Then Kelvin died, and now here I am all alone. The end.


COOPER: There is no why. Do you think you're the first person that ever got conned? You needed a father figure and I needed a kidney, and that's what happened. Get over it. And John, don't come back. You're not wanted.

LOCKE: Why do you find it so hard to believe?
JACK: Why do you find it so easy?
LOCKE: It's never been easy!

LOCKE: We're going to need to watch that again.

JACK: It says quarantine on the inside of the hatch to keep you down here. To keep you scared. But you know what? We've been up there for over 40 days and no one's gotten sick. You think that this is the only part of it that's true? Do you ever think that maybe they put you down here to push a button every 100 minutes just to see if you would? That all of this -- the computer, the button -- it's just a mind game. An experiment.
DESMOND: Every single day. And for all our sakes, I hope it's not real. But the film says this is an electromagnetic station. And I don't know about you, brother, but every time I walk past that concrete wall out there, my fillings hurt.

LOCKE: I can't do this alone, Jack. I don't want to. It's a leap of faith, Jack.

JIN: Everything's going to change. Have a cluckity-cluck-cluck day, Hugo.

CARMEN: Oh, that must be Jesus. Hola, momento. Yes, it is Jesus, he wants to know what color car you want.

CHARLIE: Quite simply, John, there are a lot of secrets around here, and I'm tired of being at the bloody kid's table. I got Claire's baby back. I didn't go swanning off to the Black Rock on the bloody A-Team mission, but I would have if someone had asked me. I think I'm entitled to some sodding answers around here.

MICHAEL: Everything's cool. We had a talk and they believe we were on the plane, too.
SAWYER: Swell, I guess we can all sue Oceanic together.

ANA-LUCIA: Shut up. When I tell you to do something, you do it -- I say move, you move -- I say stop, you stop. I say jump, what do you say?
SAWYER: I say you first.

HURLEY: Dude, dogs will eat anything. When I was a kid, my dog, Buster -- I had this drawer where I'd throw in all my change, right -- and I guess there were some Smarties in there -- so, like, the next day, Buster craps out a $1.35 in nickels.

ANA LUCIA: They came the first night that we got here. They took 3 of us. Nothing happened for 2 weeks, then they came back. They took 9 more. They're smart, and they're animals, and they could be anywhere at any time. Now we're moving through the jungle -- their jungle -- just so you can save your little hick friend over here. And if you think that 1 gun and 1 bullet is going to stop them -- think again. So shut your mouth and keep moving.

GOODWIN: We should let him go. We're not savages.
ANA: If I were a savage I would have cut off his finger already. That's tomorrow.

ANA: What, you're talking now?
EKO: It's been 40 days.
ANA: You've been waiting 40 days to talk?
EKO: You waited 40 days to cry.

SAYID: What good it would be to kill you if we're both already dead?

SAYID: Shannon and I were strangers. We never would have met if -- We wouldn't even have spoken if -- But we did meet and we did speak. At least -- I loved her.

LOCKE: Somebody made this film. Someone else cut this piece out. We crash -- two halves of the same plane fall in different parts of the island -- you're over there, I'm over here. And now, here's the missing piece right back where it belongs. What are the odds?
EKO: Don't mistake coincidence for fate.

KATE: Can you hear me? Sawyer? Wayne? [Sawyer stirs] I'm probably crazy and this doesn't matter, but maybe you're in there somehow. But you asked me a question. You asked me why I -- why I did it. It wasn't because you drove my father away, or the way you looked at me, or because you beat her. It's because I hated that you were a part of me -- that I would never be good. That I would never have anything good. And every time that I look at Sawyer -- every time I feel something for him -- I see you, Wayne. It makes me sick.

EKO: Go. Go. And tell your friends that I let you live -- that Mr. Eko let you live.

LOCKE: Does any of this look familiar from when you were coming back?
SAWYER: Well, yeah, there's my favorite leaf. How could I forget this place?

MR. FRIENDLY: Oooo, 50 days. That's what -- almost 2 whole months, huh? Tell me, you go over a man's house for the first time, do you take off your shoes? Do you put your feet up on his coffee table? Do you walk in the kitchen, eat food that doesn't belong to you? Open the door to rooms you got no business opening? You know, somebody a whole lot smarter than anybody here once said: "Since the dawn of our species man's been blessed with curiosity." You know the other one about curiosity don't you, Jack? This is not your island. This is our island. And the only reason you're living on it is because we let you live on it.

JACK: How long do you think it would take to train an army?

ANA: You hittin' that?

JACK: What?

ANA: Plane crash -- you both survive -- nice beach -- she's hot, you're hot. It's what people do. !

SAWYER: You even made Locke take a swing at you. Hell, that's like getting Gandhi to beat his kids.

SAWYER:New sheriff in town, boys! You all best get used to it.

"HENRY GALE": Please, just cut me down. My name is Henry Gale, I'm from Minnesota!

SAYID: I was 23 years old when the Americans came to my country. I was a good man. I was a soldier. And when they left I was something different. For the next 6 years I did things I wish I could erase from my memory -- things which I never thought myself to be capable of. But I did come to learn this -- there was a part of me which was always capable. You want to know who I am? My name is Sayid Jarrah, and I am a torturer.

SAYID: You would remember! You would remember how deep. You would remember every shovelful, every moment. You would remember what it felt like to place her body inside. You would remember if you buried the woman you loved. You would remember -- if it were true!

SAYID: Do Jack and Locke know about this?
ANA-LUCIA: Jack and Locke are a little too busy worrying about Locke and Jack.

JACK: It says "quarantine" on the inside of the hatch to keep you down here. To keep you scared. But you know what? We've been up there for over 40 days and no one's gotten sick. You think that this is the only part of it that's true? Do you ever think that maybe they put you down here to push a button every 100 minutes just to see if you would? That all of this -- the computer, the button -- it's just a mind game? An experiment?

DESMOND: Every -- single -- day. And for all our sakes, I hope it's not real. But the film says this is an electromagnetic station. And I don't know about you, brother, but every time I walk past that concrete wall out there, my fillings hurt. [Clock shows 49:00.] Right. [Desmond flips the switch on the computer and the power goes out.] Oh no. .

BEN: Wow, you guys have some real trust issues, don't you? Guess it makes sense she didn't tell you. I mean, with the two of you fighting all the time. Of course, if I was one of them -- these people that you seem to think are your enemies -- what would I do? Well, there'd be no balloon, so I'd draw a map to a real secluded place like a cave or some underbrush -- good place for a trap -- an ambush. And when your friends got there a bunch of my people would be waiting for them. Then they'd use them to trade for me. I guess it's a good thing I'm not one of them, huh? You guys got any milk?

SAYID: We did find your balloon, Henry Gale, exactly how you described it. We also found the grave you described -- your wife's grave. The grave you said you dug with your own bare hands. It was all there. Your whole story -- your alibi -- it was true. But still I did not believe it to be true. So I dug up that grave and found that there was not a woman inside. There was a man. A man named Henry Gale.

LIBBY: Okay, hey, hey, how about no one's in charge, okay? I'm sure everyone can manage to just take what they need.
SAWYER: Great plan, Moonbeam. And after that we can sing "Kumbaya" and do trust falls.

LIBBY: Where are you going?
HURLEY: Back to the caves. No one lives there anymore, so I won't bother anybody. I'm just going to live alone and be one of those guys -- you know, the crazy guys -- with a big beard and no clothes who's naked and throws doodie at people.

KATE: I'm sorry I kissed you.
JACK: I'm not.

LOCKE: I was trapped under that blast door, helpless. You could've crushed my skull, but you didn't do a thing. Why didn't you?
GALE: Because you're one of the good ones, John.

LOCKE: Why would your own people want to kill you?
GALE: Because the man in charge -- he's a great man, John, a brilliant man -- but he's not a forgiving man. He'll kill me because I failed, John. I failed my mission.

MICHAEL: They keep it guarded 24/7. Two guards, two guns. And two guns is all I saw. They're barely armed. Most of them are old and half of them are women. I wanted -- I couldn't save him. So I came back to tell you -- tell you that we can take them. As soon as I get my strength back, I will take us back there. And we are going to get my boy back.

EKO: Would you like to watch that again?
LOCKE: No. No, I've seen enough.

EKO: This cross was worn by my brother, Yemi. Yemi was a great man, a priest, a man of God. And because I betrayed him he was shot and died. He was placed on a plane which took off from an airstrip in Nigeria half a world from here. Then, the plane that I was on crashed on this island. And somehow, here, I found my brother again. I found him in the same plane that took off from Nigeria. In the same plane that lies above us now -- that has concealed this place. And I took this cross from around Yemi's neck and put it back on mine, just as it was on the day I first took another man's life. So let me ask you -- how can you say this is meaningless? I believe the work being done in the Hatch is more important than anything. If you will not continue to push the button, John, I will.

EKO: For a brief time I served in a small parish in England. Every Sunday after Mass, I would see a young boy waiting in the back of the church. And then one day, the boy confessed to me that he had beaten his dog to death with a shovel. He said that the dog had bitten his baby sister on the cheek; and he needed to protect her. And he wanted to know whether he would go to hell for this. I told him that God would understand -- that he would be forgiven, as long as he was sorry. But the boy did not care about forgiveness. He was only afraid that if he did go to hell -- that dog would be there waiting for him.

MS. KLUGH: I'm writing 4 names down -- 4 of your friends. We need you to bring them here. You have to bring only these 4 people, Michael. Just them. If you don't bring all the people on the list, you'll never see Walt again.

JACK: Ana Lucia Cortez was -- before we crashed she was a police officer. I don't think it was easy for her being here. But I think she did the best she could. She was a woman of few words, and I'm going to follow her example. Rest in peace, Ana.

HURLEY: Libby was -- she was -- she -- Libby was a psychologist, or psychiatrist -- one of those. Either way, she probably helped a lot of people. She helped me. She was my friend. It's not fair that this happened to her. It's not. [to Michael] I'm going with you. Goodbye, Libby.

JACK: Why would he lie to us?
SAYID: Because I believe a father would do anything for his son. Because I believe Michael may have freed Henry. And because I believe he is leading you into a trap.
JACK: You believe a lot, Sayid.
SAYID: I also believed that Henry was one of them.

DESMOND: I was sailing for two and half weeks, bearing due West and making 9 knots. I should have been in Fiji in less than a week. But the first piece of land I saw wasn't Fiji, was it? No. No, it was here—this, this island. And you know why? Because this is it. This is all there is left. This ocean and this place here. We are stuck in a bloody snow globe. There's no outside world. There's no escape.

DESMOND: You're so sure it's not real, then just stop pushing the button!
LOCKE: Well, I have. Except, unfortunately, someone else decided to start. So you're going to sober up. We're going to get a good night's sleep. Tomorrow we're going to find out what happens if that button doesn't get pushed.

SAWYER: When the Doc told me you all got caught in a net I thought he meant, uh—something else.

HURLEY: Did that bird just say my name?
SAWYER: Yeah, it did. Right before it crapped gold.

DESMOND: How did you find me?
PENELOPE: I have a lot of money, Desmond. With enough money and determination you can find anyone.

LOCKE: So what did one snowman say to other snowman?
DESMOND: Smells like carrots.

EKO: Charlie, John has locked me out of the Hatch. And I believe he is doing this because he is going to stop pushing that button. And, Charlie, I am absolutely certain that if he is successful, in 90 minutes everyone on this island will die.

INMAN: See that brown stain, there? That's Radzinsky. He put a shotgun in his mouth when I was asleep. The bitch of it was, I only had a 108 minutes to bury the poor bastard.

LOCKE: I looked down the barrel of the gun and I believed. I thought it was my destiny to get into this place. And someone died—a kid. Because he was stupid enough to believe that I knew what I was talking about. And the night that he died for nothing, I was sitting right up there, all alone, beating my hand bloody against that stupid door—screaming to the heavens asking what I should do. And then a light went on. I thought it was a sign. But it wasn't a sign. Probably just you going to the bathroom.

DESMOND: I think I crashed your plane.

PENELOPE: Dearest Des, I am writing this letter to you as you leave for prison. And I've hidden in the one place you would turn to in a moment of great desperation. I know you go away with the weight of what happened on your shoulders. And I know the only person who can ever take it off is you. Please don't give up, Des. Because all we really need to survive is one person who truly loves us. And you have her. I will wait for you. Always. I love you, Pen.

DESMOND: 3 days before you came down here, before we met, I heard a banging on the Hatch door, shouting. But it was you, John, wasn't it? You said there isn't any purpose—there's no such thing as fate. But you saved my life, brother, so that I could save yours.

MICHAEL: Who are you people?
BEN: We're the good guys, Michael.

MICHAEL: How do you know I won't tell people about where I was?
BEN: Maybe you will, maybe you won't. But it won't matter. Once you leave, you'll never be able to get back here. And my hunch is you won't say a word to anybody because if you do, people will find out what you did to get your son back.

MAN #2: Ms. Widmore?
MAN #2: It's us. I think we found it.

الموسم الثالث[]

بين: اركض و صل للشاطئ خلال ساعة. إيثان، اذهب لجسد الطائرة. قد يكون هناك ناجون و أنت أحدهم. مسافر -- في صدمة -- اخترع قصة مناسبة إن سألوك، و اصمت إن لم يسألوا. اسمع، تعلم، لا تتورط في شئ. أريد قوائم خلال ثلاثة أيام. اذهب.
-"قصة مدينتين"

بين: أظنني خارج نادي الكتاب إذاً.
-"قصة مدينتين"

بين: أحضرتك هنا حتى تنظري للماء و تشعري بالراحة -- بالراحة أن أصدقاءك كانوا ينظرون لنفس المحيط. أعطيتك الثوب لتشعري أنك امرأة حقيقية. و أردتك أن تتناولي طعامك بشوكة و تشعرين بالتحضر. فعلت كل هذه الأشياء كي تجدي شيئاً جميلاً تتمسكين به. لأنه، يا كيت، الأسبوعان القادمان سيكونان متعبين جداً.
-"قصة مدينتين"

كولين: أنا أعرفك، صن هوا كوان. و أعرف أنك لست قاتلة. رغم ما قد تظنين، أنا لست عدوتك. لسنا أعداء. ..لكن إن أطلقتِ علي النار، ذلك بالضبط ما سنكون عليه.
-"راقصة الباليه الزجاجية"

BEN: Your flight crashed on September 22nd, 2004. Today is November 29th. That means you've been on our island for 69 days. Yes, we do have contact with the outside world, Jack. That's how we know that during those 69 days your fellow Americans re-elected George W. Bush; Christopher Reeve has passed away; the Boston Red Sox won the World Series.

CHARLIE: What, you can't speak John? You're mute? I am sorry about that. So where are Eko and Desmond? Are they off being mute and building structures, as well? I know; you can't speak. You need to speak? To me? What do you want to--? Sand? You need to speak to the sand? Trees? Yeah, I've heard they're wonderful conversationalists. Hey! I don't understand! Who do you need to speak to? Church? Sky? Island? Island? You need to speak to the island?

BOONE: Hi, John. It's good to see you again. What's that, John? Oh, you're sorry. That's okay. I was the sacrifice the island demanded. Don't worry; you'll speak when you have something worth saying. I'm here to help you find your way again. So you can bring the family back together. Come on, I want to show you something.

LOCKE: Yeah. Thank you, Lord. Thank you for the food and the friends. And thanks for the rain today so that Adam will stop grumbling about the drought [people chuckle]. And for me, thank you for helping me stop being so angry. And for helping me find a real family -- because they're a hell of a lot better than the one I used to have. So, let's eat. Amen.

CHARLIE:Hairspray? Now, I hate to be the one to point this out to you...
LOCKE: It's not for me.

CHARLIE: You know, when I used to get high, I'd watch nature programs on the Beeb. Polar bears are meant to be quite clever. Very clever. They're like the Einsteins of the bear community.

SAWYER: Run. Hurry! What the hell are you doing? Kate?! Damn it, Freckles, go. Every man for himself.
KATE: Live together, die alone.

JACK: Who's x-rays are those? Outside? Those are spinal x-rays. They belong to a man about 40 years old. And whoever he is, he has a very large tumor on his L-4 vertebrae. And I just happen to be a spinal surgeon. So, you tell me, Juliet, who am I here to save?

SAWYER: That little place you always wanted, George?
BEN: Sorry?
SAWYER: What, don't you read? It's from Of Mice and Men. You'd like it -- puppies get killed.

BEN: Two days after I found out I had a fatal tumor on my spine, a spinal surgeon fell out of the sky. And if that's not proof of God, I don't know what is.

EKO: I ask for no forgiveness, Father. For I have not sinned. I have only done what I needed to do to survive. A small boy once asked me if I was a bad man. If I could answer him now, I would tell him that when I was a young boy, I killed a man to save my brother's life. I am not sorry for this. I am proud of this! I did not ask for the life that I was given. But it was given, nonetheless. And with it...I did my best.

YEMI: You speak to me as if I were your brother.

JACK: No, I think you misunderstood me. I didn't say I was gonna do it. I just wanted you to understand how you're gonna die.

BEN: Well, Jack. I'm very disappointed in your decision.
JACK: Well, Ben. At least you won't have to be disappointed for very long.

KATE: Edward, please. I know you don't want to spend the rest of your life chasing me. Please, I love this guy. Just let me go.
EDWARD MARS: I'll tell you what. If you can really stay put? Really settle down? Then I'll stop chasing you. But you and I both know that's not gonna happen.

KATE: It's not a joke. I almost had a baby, Kevin. Me, a baby! I can't do this! Taco night?! I don't do taco night!

JACK: Kate, dammit, RUN!

SAWYER: Don't get mad at me just because you were dumb enough to fall for the old Wookiee prisoner gag.

ROOM 23 VIDEO:God loves you as he loved Jacob

ALPERT: Well, actually we're not quite in Portland.

DESMOND: You don't want to know what happened to me when I turned that key!

WIDMORE: This is a 60 year MacCutcheon, named after Anderson MacCutcheon, esteemed Admiral from the Royal Navy. He retired with more medals than any man before or since -- moved to the highlands to see out his remaining years. Admiral MacCutcheon was a great man, Hume. This was his crowning achievement. This swallow is worth more than you could make in a month. To share it with you would be a waste, and a disgrace to the great man who made it -- because you, Hume, will never be a great man.

DONOVAN: There's no such thing as time travel, Des. From what I understand true love can be just as unlikely. So, if you love Penny, stop messing about and marry her.

MS. HAWKING: Well, I know your name as well as I know that you that don't ask Penny to marry you. In fact, you break her heart. Well, breaking her heart is, of course, what drives you in a few short years from now to enter that sailing race -- to prove her father wrong -- which brings you to the island where you spend the next 3 years of your life entering numbers into the computer until you are forced to turn that failsafe key. And if you don't do those things, Desmond David Hume, every single one of us is dead. So give me that sodding ring.

MS. HAWKING: You may not like your path, Desmond, but pushing that button is the only truly great thing that you will ever do.

DESMOND: When I saw the lightening hit the roof you were electrocuted. And when you heard Claire was in the water you -- you drowned trying to save her. I dove in myself so you never went in. I've tried, brother. I've tried twice to save you, but the universe has a way of course correcting and -- and I can't stop it forever. I'm sorry. I'm sorry because no matter what I try to do you're going to die, Charlie.

JACK: I'd be more impressed with you people if you had a good surgeon.
BEN: We had an excellent surgeon, Jack. His name was Ethan.

جاك: لديك إصابة خطيرة, بين. هذا النسيج المصاب يحتاج لإعادة التثبيت, و تحتاج كذلك للمراقبة عن قرب ابتدائاً من الآن. قد يكون هناك خلل عصبي أو أيّ تفاعلات أخرى. قد لا يمكنك المشي مجدّدا.
بين: طريقتك في الكلام تقول بأنّ هناك شيئاً جاك.
-"غريب في أرض غريبة"

TRICIA: It's everyone's fantasy -- winning the lottery -- untold millions falling into your lap overnight. What would you do with all that money? Well, one such lucky winner recently bought a chicken shack. I'm Tricia Tanaka with Hugo Reyes, winner of a record 114 million dollars, outside Mr. Cluck's Chicken in Diamond Bar which will be having its grand re-opening tomorrow. So, Hugo, I think the question on everyone's mind is: why did you buy Mr. Cluck's? HURLEY: Uh, I like chicken.

HURLEY: I'll give you a thousand dollars right now if admit that my dad told you to say this stuff.
LYNN: The mystic arts are not subject to bribes. How dare you...
HURLEY: Ten thousand.
LYNN: Your dad put me up to it.

HURLEY: Dude, that beer's been sitting there since before Rocky III, maybe even II. It's probably poison by now.
SAWYER: Skeletor seems to like it. Bottoms up.
HURLEY: That's not cool, dude. That guy had a mom, a family, and friends. Oh, and a name. It's Roger Workman.
SAWYER: It's Work Man, you blockhead. That's his job. He was a DHARMA janitor.
HURLEY: Yeah, well you should still respect the dead.

SAWYER: I'm sorry.
JIN:I'm sorry.
SAWYER: Okay, nice. Keep it coming.
JIN: You were right.
SAWYER: Okay. That's two. Hit me.
JIN: Those pants don't make you look fat.
SAWYER: Now you got it -- only 3 things a woman needs to hear.

SAWYER: We need to do a quid pro quo first. I know I’ve been gone a while and you thought the General Store was having a “going-out-of-business” sale. But now I’m back. And I want what’s mine.

MIKHAIL: My name is Mikhail Bakunin and I am the last remaining member of the DHARMA Initiative.

CHANG: Has there be an incursion on this station by the Hostiles? If so, enter 77.

SAYID: What happened to the DHARMA Initiative?
MIKHAIL: They’re all dead, of course. They foolishly initiated a war against The Hostiles, the purge they called it.

LOCKE: Pardon me for not knowing they had a... sonic weapon fence.

SAYID: The more I learn about your people, the more I suspect you’re not as omniscient as you’d have us believe. Don’t speak to us as if you know us.
MIKHAIL: Of course I don’t know you, Sayid Jarrah. How could I? And you, Kate Austen, are a complete stranger to me. But you John Locke, you I might have a fleeting memory of, but I must be confused, because the John Locke I know was paral—

CLAIRE'S MESSAGE: To whom it may concern, we are survivors of Oceanic Flight 815. We have survived on this island for 80 days. We were 6 hours into the flight when the pilot said we were off course and turned back towards Fiji. We hit turbulence and crashed. We’ve been waiting here, all this time, waiting for rescue that has not come. We do not know where we are, we only know you have not found us. We’ve done our best to live on this island. Some of us have come to accept that we may never leave it. Not all of us have survived since the crash, but there is new life too, and with it, there is hope. We are alive. Please don’t give up on us.

LOCKE: The Man from Tallahassee? What is that some kind of code?
BEN: No John, unfortunately we don't have a code for "there is a man in my closet holding a gun to my daughter's head". Although we obviously should.

BEN: So tell me, John. How do you expect to pilot our submarine? I mean, it's a complicated piece of machinery. You don't just press "submerge".

BEN: And now you have a choice. Because if you stop and if you think, I can show you things. Things I know you want to see very badly. Let me put it so you'll understand. Picture a box. You know something about boxes, don't you, John? What if I told you that somewhere on this island, there's a very large box... and whatever you imagined, whatever you wanted to be in it, when you opened that box, there it would be. What would you say about that, John?
LOCKE: I'd say I hope that box is big enough to imagine yourself up a new submarine

HURLEY: Dude.... Nikki's dead.
SAWYER: ... Who the hell's Nikki?

NIKKI: Razzle-frickin'-dazzle.

NIKKI: Wow. So our carry-on bag fell from the sky, opened a manhole, crawled inside and closed the doors behind itself? You don't wanna climb up to a plane, but now you wanna climb down a ladder into a dark tunnel. I don't think so.

NIKKI: Para...lysed.

JULIET: We have cameras on the cages, Kate. All of them. He saw you, you and Sawyer. The reason Jack told you not to come back, wasn't because he didn't want you to get hurt, it was because you broke his heart.

SAWYER: Well if it ain't three men and a baby... I counted Hugo twice. Oh what, come on I used your name.

JULIET: You know its interesting, that you two are now the camp's moral police. I'm curious, Sayid, how long was it before you told everyone on that beach exactly how many people you've tortured in your life. Do they know about Basra? And I'm sure the first thing you did when you got here, James, was to gather everyone in a circle, and tell them about the man you shot in cold blood the night before you got on the plane. So why don't we just skip the part where you two pretend to be righteous. I'm taking that medication back to Claire. And you're gonna let me. Because if she doesn't get it, she's gonna die. And the last thing, that either of you need right now, is more blood on your hands.

SAWYER: You two arguing over who's your favorite Other?

JACK: So where'd you get the table?
SAWYER: Don't you recognize it? Fell out of the purple haze. If we don't play every hundred and eight minutes, the Island's gonna explode!

SUN: What if, what if the Others want my baby? He's been there alone for over a week. How do we know he isn't working with them?

JULIET: [Pauses] Once upon a time, I told women that they were pregnant and their faces, it was the best news they ever got in their entire life. Then I came here. I've lost...nine...patients in the last three years. I'm helping you because I want to tell you that you and your husband got pregnant before you came here. I'm helping you because I wanna give good news again.

JULIET: Ben, its six AM on Saturday morning. Kwon is pregnant, the fetus is healthy and was conceived on-Island with husband, he was sterile before they got here. I'm still working on getting samples from the other women, I should have Austen's soon. I'll report back when I know more...I hate you.

PARACHUTIST: No. No, Flight 815 they, they found the plane. There were no survivors. They were all dead.

LOCKE: Because a few hours ago I snuck into Ben's tent and kidnapped him. I tied him up, dragged him off into the jungle.
SAWYER: And you came all the way back here to tell me this because...?
LOCKE: Because this is the same man who tortured you, beat you, humiliated you. And I want you, to kill him.

BEN: The magic box is a metaphor, John. I can't show you anything until you can show me that you're ready and willing to be one of us. When people join us here on this Island, they need to make a gesture of free will, of commitment. That's why you're gonna have to kill your father.

RICHARD: It's beautiful isn't it. No matter how much time you spend on the Island you just never get tired of this view.

RICHARD: What you got there?
BEN: It's a birthday present. Mine just happens to be today. You do remember birthdays, don't you Richard?

BEN: Something you should know, John, before we go. Whether or not you think he's the Wizard of Oz, I can assure you that Jacob is very, very real. And we're gonna go see him, and he's not gonna like it. In fact, I have a feeling he's going to be very...angry. And that's why my hand was shaking, because this is not a man you go and see. This is a man who summons you.

ROGER: Wow...It's your birthday. Sorry I forgot. Kinda hard to celebrate on the day you killed your mom. She was just seven months pregnant. We went for a hike, but you had to come early. Now, she's gone. And I'm stuck here on this island...with you. Happy birthday, Ben.

JACOB: Help me.

BEN: This is where I came from, John. These are my people. The DHARMA Initiative. They came here seeking harmony, but they couldn't even coexist with the Island's original inhabitants. And when it became clear that one side had to go, one side had to be purged, I did what I had to do. I was one of the people that was smart enough to make sure that I didn't end up in that ditch. Which makes me considerably smarter than you, John.

JACK: ...For the very first time we know exactly what they want, when they're coming to get it, and they have no idea that we're gonna be waiting for 'em. So Juliet's gonna mark the tents with the white rocks just like she was told to, but there's not going to be any pregnant women inside; there's gonna be plenty of what we just used on that tree. So tomorrow night we stop hiding, we stop running, we stop living in fear of them, because when they show up, we're gonna blow 'em all to hell.

NADIA: You are a hero, sir. And don't let anyone ever tell you differently.


SAWYER: So you screwing Jack yet?
JULIET: No. You?

ROSE: If you say "live together, die alone" to me Jack, I'm gonna punch you in your face.

WALT: You can move your legs. Now get out of the ditch, John.
WALT: Because, you have work to do.

CHARLIE: Not Penny's Boat

JACK: Because I want it to crash, Kate. I don't care about anybody else on board. Every little bump we hit or turbulence, I mean I, I actually close my eyes and I pray that I can get back.

JACK:We have to go back, Kate. We have to go back!

الموسم الرابع[]

توقّفوا! ألا تعرفون من أكون؟ توقّفوا! مهلاً! ألا تعرفون من أكون؟ !أنا أحد ناجي (أوشيانك) الستّة

-"بداية النهاية"

المخبر:أعرف أحداً على متن طائرتك؟
هيرلي: حقاً؟
المخبر: كانت تدعى آنا لوسيا كورتيز. كانت شريكتي قبل أن أغدو محقّقاً. شعرها داكن. جميلة. لعلّك عرفتها؟ لربما التقيتَ بها على متن الطائرة قبل أن تقلع؟
هيرلي: آسف، لم ألتقها قط.
-"بداية النهاية"

هيرلي: أريد أن أغطس كالقذيفة. كنتُ أذرع هذا الشاطئ جيئةً وذهاباً كلّ يوم وأطالع هذا البحر وأريد أن أغطس كالقذيفة.
-"بداية النهاية"

ماثيو: ألا يزالون أحياء؟
-"بداية النهاية"

سوير: وأنا من كان يظنّ بأنّه سينعم بنوم هانئ.
-"بداية النهاية"

ناعومي: آسفة يا جورج. فقط أخبر أختي بأنّي أحبّها.
-"بداية النهاية"

لوك: سأذهب للثكنات. "فلقد هجرها "الآخرون. إنّها المكان الوحيد بهذه الجزيرة الذي يحوي أيّ نوع من الأمن حاليّاً, ستجدي نفعاً إلى أن أفكّر بأمر آخر. وحتّئذٍ، إن أردتم الحياة، فعليكم مرافقتي.
-"بداية النهاية"

فاراداي: أأنت (جاك)؟
-"بداية النهاية"

DANIEL: I'm Daniel Faraday. I'm here to rescue you.

JACK: I dunno, Miles, how stupid are ya?

FRANK: I saw a cow.

BEN: Her name is Charlotte Lewis! Charlotte Staples Lewis. Born July second, nineteen seventy-nine, Essex, England. Parents David and Jeanette. Eldest of three, all girls. She was raised in Bromsgrove. Did her undergraduate studies at Kent. Took her PhD in Cultural Anthropology at Oxford. She's here with two other team members and a pilot. Their names Daniel Faraday, Miles Straume, Frank Lapidus.

SAYID: You don’t seem particularly affected by her death.
MILES: Sure I’m affected. She was hot and I dug her accent.

MILES: Where the hell did they go, Tubby?
HURLEY: Oh, awesome. The ship sent us another Sawyer.


HURLEY: Naw, we moved him to the boathouse that...You just totally Scooby-Dood me, didn't you.

JUDGE: Does the defense have a witness?
DUNCAN: Yes we do, your honor. The defense calls Dr. Jack Shephard to the witness stand.

MELISSA: Doctor Shephard, do you love Ms. Austen?
JACK: No. Not anymore.

DANIEL: I need you to find me.

DESMOND: I know about Eloise.

DESMOND: I love you, Penny. I've always loved you. I'm so sorry. I love you!

DANIEL'S JOURNAL:If anything goes wrong, Desmond Hume will be MY constant.

TOM: That Harper's a piece of work. But you give her a week, she'll have you cryin' about your daddy. I'm speaking from personal experience here.

HARPER: I came to deliver a message... from Ben. The two people you're looking for--Faraday and Lewis... they're headed to the Tempest. And if they figure out how to deploy that gas... then everyone on this island is going to die.

SAWYER: What the hell are you doing out?
BEN: See you guys at dinner.

BEN: After everything I did to get you here, after everything I've done to keep you here, how can you possibly not understand... that you're mine?

JULIET: It's very stressful being an Other, Jack.

JIN: (in Korean) Ji Yeon. I want to name her Ji Yeon.


JIN: (in Korean) Stop! You bastard! I will kill you! If I find you! I will hunt you down and rip your head off!

GAULT: Some of my crew has been dealing with... what might best be described as a heightened case of cabin fever.

GAULT: The wreckage was obviously staged. Now can you imagine what kind of resources and manpower go into pulling off a feat of that magnitude? Faking the recovery of a plane crash? Putting 324 families through a grieving process based on a lie? But what's even more disturbing... where exactly does one come across 324 dead bodies? And that, Mr. Jarrah, Mr. Hume, is just one of the many reasons we want Benjamin Linus.

JIN: (in Korean) Don't rush me. I've only been married two months.

SUN: (in Korean) Jin... You were right. It's a girl. The delivery was hard on me... The doctor said I was calling out for you... I wish you could've been there. Jin... She's beautiful. Ji Yeon. I named her just like you wanted. I miss you so much. I miss you so much.

MILES: Your name isn't Kevin. Don't worry. Eighty percent of the people on this boat are lying about something. Orange?-""

SAYID: Why are you on this boat?
MICHAEL: I'm here to die.

MILES: Linus will find a way to get it.
SAWYER: And how will he do that?
MILES: He wants to survive. And considering a week ago you had a gun to his head, and tonight he's eating pound cake... I'd say he's a guy who gets what he wants.

TOM: In a few days, a freighter is porting in Fiji. It's Widmore's boat. We have reason to believe he's finally found the coordinates of the Island, and he's heading right for it. So congratulations, Michael. Your shore leave is over. You just got a job on that boat. Meet Kevin Johnson.


ALEX: Wait! Wait! Don't! I'm Ben's daughter! I'm his daughter!

HURLEY: Can't believe you're just giving him Australia. Australia's the key to the whole game.

KEAMY: What kind of guy do you think I am?

BEN: Martin Christopher Keamy--former first sergeant, United States Marine Corps, served with distinction from 1996 to 2001, but since then, you've worked with a number of mercenary organizations, specifically in Uganda. So I know exactly what kind of man you are, Mr. Keamy, and we can dispense with the formalities.

HURLEY: We're all gonna die.
SAWYER: Calm down, Chicken Little. The sky ain't falling just yet. -""

BEN: He changed the rules.

WIDMORE: I know who you are, boy. What you are. I know that everything you have you took from me. So... Once again I ask you: Why are you here?
BEN: I'm here, Charles, to tell you that I'm going to kill your daughter. Penelope, is it? And once she's gone... once she's dead... then you'll understand how I feel. And you'll wish you hadn't changed the rules.

WIDMORE: That Island's mine Benjamin. It always was. It will be again.-""

BERNARD:People get sick, Rose.
ROSE: Not here. Here, they get better.

HURLEY: I was happy, too, Jack... for a while, anyway. Then I saw Charlie. He likes to sit with me on the bench out on the front lawn. It's pretty cool, actually.

JACK: Why aren't you taking your meds?
HURLEY: 'Cause we're dead... all of us. All the Oceanic Six--we're all dead. We never got off that island.

هوريس:كلامي غير منطقيّ، صحيح؟
لوك: كلاّ.
هوريس: ربما لأنّني ميت منذ 12 عاماً.
-"حمى الكوخ"

RICHARD: Are you sure the knife belongs to you, John?

GELLERT: I'm gonna tell you something--something I wish someone had told me at your age. You might not want to be that guy in the labs surrounded by test tubes and beakers, but that's who you are, John. You can't be the prom king. You can't be the quarterback. You can't be a superhero.
JOHN: Don't tell me what I can't do.

BEN: Destiny, John, is a fickle bitch.

LOCKE: Wha--what's a walkabout?
ABADDON: It's a journey of self-discovery. You go out into the Australian Outback with nothing more than a knife and your wits.

LOCKE: He wants us to move the island.

MS. DECKER: Okay. Um, they're referring to you as the "Oceanic Six". That's not the best branding as far as we're concerned, but it's catchy.

SUN: (In Korean) Oceanic paid us our settlement for the crash. It was very significant. This morning, I bought a controlling interest in your company. So you will now respect me.

CARMEN: Jesus Christ is not a weapon.

BEN: My name is Benjamin Linus. I believe you're looking for me.

LOCKE: You know, Jack. You know that you're here for a reason. You know it. And if you leave this place, that knowledge is gonna eat you alive from the inside out... until you decide to come back.

LOCKE: If you have to go, then you have to lie about everything... everything that happened since we got to the island it's the only way to protect it.

BEN: Couldn't find the anthuriums, could you?
LOCKE: I don't know what they look like!

LOCKE: Lie to them, Jack. If you do it half as well as you lie to yourself, they'll believe you.

ROSE: Uh, who told you you could eat those peanuts?
MILES: May--may I eat these peanuts?

LOCKE: Hey, uh...was he talking about what I think he was talking about?
BEN: If you mean time-travelling bunnies, then yes.

HURLEY: Checkmate, Mr. Eko.

CHRISTIAN: You can go now, Michael.

BEN: I hope you're happy now, Jacob.

LOCKE: Is this the magic box?
BEN: No, John, it's not.-""

CLAIRE: Don't bring him back, Kate. Don't you dare bring him back.

DESMOND: I love you, Penny... and I'll never leave you again.

LAPIDUS: Jack... now I know I'm new to this group and everything, but isn't this the place where everybody starts jumping up and down and hugging each other?

BEN: Jack...I said, all of you. We're gonna have to bring him, too.

DESMOND: There's enough C-4 here to blow up a bloody aircraft carrier. When I was in the army... I did six months' explosive ordnance disposal, which, as the saying goes, is just enough time to learn how to blow yourself up. -""

DESMOND: This is a... this is a trip wire. Move it, and... boom. This is dummy wiring. If you cut the wrong one... boom. This is multiple firing systems. You disable one, and the next one... boom. Uh, this... battery's the power source. If you disconnect it...
JIN: Boom.

الموسم الخامس[]

دانييل: مخيمكم لم يختفى, .إنه لم يُبنى بعد.
-"لأنك رحلت"

مايلز: إذا ما كان الشئ الذى فجرتموه من قبل يارجال؟
جولييت: محطة دارما.
مايلز: أية محطة؟
جولييت: كان هناك رجل يُدعى ديزموند يعيش بها. كان يضغط على زر كل 108 دقيقة لينقذ العالم.
مايلز: حقاً؟
جولييت: أجل، حقاً.
-"لأنك رحلت"

لوك: لقد كان إيثان من أطلق عليّ النار.
ريتشارد: حسناً, كل ما يأتى ينتشر.
-"لأنك رحلت"

نيل: خلتُك قلتَ أنّكَ تعرف كيف تضرم ناراً.
روز: وخلتُكَ قلتَ أنّكَ لا تحفل.
نيل: أحفل بالنجاة.
روز: أرى أنّ عليك الاستراحة قليلا، نيل.

HURLEY: Ok. See we did crash. It was on this crazy island. And we waited for rescue, and there wasn't any rescue. And then there was a smoke monster. And there were other people on the Island. We called them "The Others". And they started attacking us. And we found some hatches. And there was a button you had to press every 108 minutes, or...Well, it was never really clear on that. But, the Others didn't have anything to do with the hatches. That was the DHARMA Initiative. They were all dead. The Others killed them. And now they're trying to kill us. And then we teamed up with the Others because some worse people were coming on a freighter. Desmond's girlfriend's father sent them to kill us. So we stole their helicopter and we flew it to the freighter, but it blew up. And we couldn't go back to the Island because it disappeared. So then we crashed into the ocean and we floated there for awhile until a boat came and picked us up. And by then there were six of us. That part was true. But then, but the rest of the people who were on the plane, they're still on that Island.

DESMOND: This women cost me four years of my life, four years that I'll never get back. Because you told me that I was suppose to go to that island. That it was my bloody purpose.

BEN: Thomas the Apostle. When Jesus wanted to return to Judea, knowing that he would probably be murdered there, Thomas said to the others, "Let us also go, that we might die with him." But Thomas was not remembered for this bravery. His claim to fame came later... when he refused to acknowledge the resurrection. He just couldn't wrap his mind around it. The story goes... that he needed to touch Jesus' wounds to be convinced.
JACK: So was he?
BEN: Of course he was. We're all convinced sooner or later, Jack.

لابيدوس: مهلاً. نحن لسنا ذاهبون إلى غوام، أليس كذلك؟

SAYID: What happened to your glasses?
YOUNG BEN: My dad.
SAYID: For bringing me the sandwich? I know. My father was a hard man as well.
YOUNG BEN: I really hate it here. If I let you out...will you take me with you, to your people?
SAYID: Yes, Ben, I will. That's why I'm here.
-"إنه مثلك عندنا"

DR. CHANG: Your friend Faraday said that you were from the future. I need to know if he was telling the truth.
HURLEY: Dude, that's ridiculous.
DR. CHANG: What year were you born? What year?
HURLEY: Uh... 1931?
DR. CHANG: You're 46?
HURLEY: Yeah. Yes, I am.
DR. CHANG: So you fought in the Korean War?
HURLEY: There's... no such thing.
DR. CHANG: Who's the President of the United States?
HURLEY: All right, dude, we're from the future.
-"اتبعوا القائد"

جيكوب: ماذا عنك؟
-"الحادثة، الجزئين 1 و 2"


حلقات الهاتف النقال[]

JIN: (in Korean) I hate this horrible island. Why doesn’t anybody understand me? All I wanted was one moment of happiness! Why? Why can’t I be happy? Who invented this crazy game? No! You horrible ball! Why?

CHRISTIAN: I need you to go find my son. He's over there in that bamboo forest, unconscious. I need you to go wake him up. Okay? Go on. He has work to do

FROGURT: What's goin' on with you and Libby?


HURLEY: It's none of your business, dude.

FROGURT: Look, Tubby. You're holding up the line. You and I both know that you're not gonna get past doing laundry with her. So, how 'bout you back off and let a real man show her what's what.

SUN [subtitled]: Boone and Shannon are brother and sister.

JIN [subtitled]: How do you know? Do they speak Korean?

SUN [subtitled]: It was just a guess.

JULIET: Last night with Sun, we saw the baby growing inside her. If she’s still on this island in about a month, both of them will be dead. I’ve been living Benjamin Linus’s dream for three years. Three years. It’s time to wake up.

ETHAN: My wife died in childbirth. And our baby didn't make it either. Well, let's hope we're both wrong and the rescue boats are on their way right now.

BEN: I've learned never to say never. And if that day comes, I hope you remember this conversation. It was a nice try though.

MICHAEL: We’re getting off this island any day now. Things will change.
SUN: No. It’s too late. This place. It’s my punishment. It’s my destiny.

HURLEY: Maybe we should take a break from golf for a while.


DAN: So, so you went on the run with this de Zylva dude, we know the Hanso Squad is on your butt, but why oh why did you have to break the thing up into so many damn pieces?

JOHNNY: My relationship suffered.
-(The Lost Experience)  (DJ Dan live broadcasts)

JOHNNY: No, I refuse to believe these executives are corrupt. NOT YOU TOO, DICK CHEEVER!
(The Lost Experience)  (DJ Dan live broadcasts)

PERSEPHONE: A lie pulled tight enough will always snap under the breaking strain.
(The Lost Experience)  (Hanso phone line)

PERSEPHONE: ...Where is Alvar Hanso? What have they done with him? Who is in charge?...
(The Lost Experience)  (Hanso phone line)

DARLA: Hugh, it's Darla. I need to talk to you about Sri Lanka, it just isn't right.
(The Lost Experience)  (Hanso phone line)

RACHEL: Maybe you shouldn’t be so quick to shutdown your callers, DJ Dan.

DJ DAN: Oohh a feisty one. Er you sound WAY too hot to be one of my conspiraspies, who am I talking to here?
(The Lost Experience)  (DJ Dan)

MALICK: Don't, don't. I'm going to Hell. I'm just making sure Mittelwerk is there to keep me company.
(The Lost Experience)  (Rachel Blake)

ALVAR HANSO: Valenzetti gave numerical values to the core environmental and human factors in his equation: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42.
(The Lost Experience)  (Sri Lanka video)

NARRATOR: Little bar with the real big taste... Apollo!
(The Lost Experience)  (Apollo Candy Company)

PERSEPHONE: The Hanso Foundation, starting wars so you don't have to.
(The Lost Experience)  (Hansofoundation.org)

ALVAR HANSO: From the dawn of our species, Man has been blessed with curiosity.
(The Lost Experience)  (Hansofoundation.org)

MANDRAKE WIG: Let me give you a tip, a single word that will enrich your life, as it has mine. You.
(The Lost Experience)  (Retrievers of Truth)

SOPHIA: I need my money.


RACHEL: All right, I don't understand, where would you be going that you needed so many vaccinations?

SOPHIA: You don't have enough money for me to tell you that!
(The Lost Experience)  (Rachel Blake)


FIBEROPTICIAN: And proud of it. I got skills. I practice in front of the mirror.
(The Lost Experience)  (Retrievers of Truth)

MITTELWERK: We all know what happened - the DHARMA Initiative failed, and in spite of every effort of the Foundation, we are gripped in the tyranny of those six numbers.
(The Lost Experience)  (Sri Lanka video)

ALVAR: Thats why you came. The reason why you’ve investigated the Foundation. You wanted to learn more about the trust fund that paid for your upbringing. You wondered how a single mother, could pay for an education, and all the advantages you were given. But you, are a beautifully intelligent young woman, and you were able to trace the funds back to the Foundation. You searched, and even as you realized all the evil that was being done, even as you turned against everything that the Foundation now stands for, you kept on, because you knew the path would lead, to your father.
(The Lost Experience)  (Norway video)

MITTELWERK: You want to see Alvar Hanso, Peter, why don’t you watch the Orientation film, he talks all about the Valenzetti equation – I’ll send you the DVD.
(The Lost Experience)  (Rachel Blake)

MITTELWERK: You've taken the battle, but that's all it was, a battle. Humanity needs me, now more than ever. I have the virus, I have the will, and I will not fail.
(The Lost Experience)  (thehansofoundation.org)

MITTELWERK: Spirited debate, it's the cornerstone of our philosophy at the Hanso Foundation. We're reaching out to a better tomorrow, and that means listening to our critics, even those who would lob unfounded claims in the darkness.
(The Lost Experience)  (Hanso Foundation commercials)

NARRATOR: You need Lymon.
(The Lost Experience)  (Sublymonal.com)

RACHEL: You've stuck with me. Shown your support. Fought the Hanso Foundation tooth and nail.

Now it's time for the whole truth. About them. About me.

Tune in to DJ Dan... and help me, once and for all... to shut it all down!
(The Lost Experience)  (Whereisalvar.com)

DJ DAN: Shut down!
(The Lost Experience)  (DJ Dan)

DJ DAN: And just listen to this ball of lies they're chucking at our heads on the famed geek-out Internet site, the Lostpedia. That's right, it's a wiki-wiki site.

"A character in the Lost Experience, DJ Dan hosts a podcast about various subjects relating to the experience, including the Hanso Foundation and its many projects." Oh, it goes on! According to this, we're all characters.
(The Lost Experience)  (DJ Dan live broadcasts)

NARRATOR: Oceanic Airlines. Taking you places you never imagined.
(Find 815)  (Flyoceanicair.com)

NARRATOR: Oceanic Airlines... The journey of a lifetime awaits you.
(Find 815)  (Flyoceanicair.com)

SAM THOMAS: The reporters have stopped calling. Everyone is moving on. Flight 815 is a closed book for them. They think they have all the answers they need.

But I don't.
(Find 815)

NARRATOR: Does the world fill you with wonder? Do you marvel at human ingenuity? Do you dream of a better tomorrow for everyone? At the Dharma Initiative, we do. And we'd like you to join us.
(Dharma Initiative Recruiting Project)  (Dharmawantsyou.com)

PIERRE CHANG: Time is not just of the essence, it is the essence.
(Dharma Initiative Recruiting Project)  (DHARMA booth video)

NARRATOR: What would you sacrifice to stay alive?

(Dharma Initiative Recruiting Project)

HANS VAN EEGHEN: In fact, over the last three days right here in San Diego, we have administered hundreds of ASR tests, aptitude suitability and readiness tests, to those recruits who we believe were of the highest caliber. And I am here to discuss the results of those tests. They were abysmal. In our wildest imagination, we could not have predicted this result, truly pathetic. You see, we believed that this was the ideal gathering to find top quality men and women to serve in this vital mission. But, instead, we found you. Boys and girls in a state of perpetual arrested development. You all sicken me.
(Dharma Initiative Recruiting Project)

لعبة فيديو Via Domus[]

SAWYER: You best school up on your Lord of the Flies there, Ralphie. Rescue ain't coming.

BEADY EYES: I'm gonna destroy that photo. Then, I'm gonna kill you.

BEN: We think you might be the one.
ELLIOTT: Who are you people?
BEN: We're the good guys.

COMPUTER: We know what you did Elliott Maslow.
And we will find you.

SAYID: I was able to decrypt your laptop. And you know what I found? I found you have very good reasons to "forget".

ELLIOTT: What's in the cave?
LOCKE: Only what you take with you.

LOCKE: Now, what about this compass? "Via Domus". That's Latin, it means "the way home".

HURLEY: And that's how I got the nickname "Hurley". Dude, were you even listening?

SAYID: Why don't you start by telling us who you really are.

ELLIOTT: I want answers. NOW.
MIKHAIL: All in good time. But for now, I must apologize.

MIKHAIL: You are as stupid as you are clumsy.
BEADY EYES: You are as ballsy as you are ugly.

LOCKE: The Others call this Island home, but they're not the only ones.

BEN: You made it. You didn't break any speed records getting here, but we'll forgive you.

LISA: Elliott! Elliott! Oh my god, we made it. We're alive.

BEN: I arrived here after a twister picked up my house and dropped it here. Any other useless questions?

TOM: Deal's a deal Elliott. You brought us Jack. You can have your compass back.

بودكاست, أقراص DVD, مجلة لوست, الخ[]

DAMON LINDELOF: And considering I have now read Bad Twin, Gary Troup got exactly what he deserved.
-Official Lost Podcast

DAMON LINDELOF: I think that, you know, Joop has always been sort of our back-door cancellation episode which is if the show were ever to be cancelled we would just cut to him and he would turn around, you'd see sort of a leather chair with its back to you behind a desk with all these books stacked in a, and the chair would turn around and we would reveal Joop smoking a pipe and he'd go “Hahi! I suppose you're wondering who I am. My name is Joop”, and then he would proceed to explain all the mysteries of the island, this is Eddie Kitsis's idea.

CARLTON CUSE: And that's erm, that erm pretty much the last episode of the show you'll ever see!

DAMON LINDELOF: At that point its like why bother!

CARLTON CUSE: At that point we're pretty much running from the building.
-Official Lost Podcast

DAMON LINDELOF: We started with an idea that we kind of wanted it to be like Tomorrowland was, you know? In the 1960s, what the DHARMA Initiative’s vision of the future would be in 1980, as opposed to what the future actually was. And then, they came back with a sort of neat and clean idea, and we kind of said, we want to dirty it up a little more. It needs to be a little more industrial, a little more concrete.
-Secrets from the Hatch

CARLTON CUSE: We obviously are trying to have a satisfying ending; it's not gonna be ten seconds of blank tape...
DAMON LINDELOF: It's gonna be TWENTY seconds!!
-Comic Con 2007

DAMON LINDELOF: Ultimately it's about these people. It always has been. This island has given them an opportunity to completely reinvent themselves. And that change for these characters is really what the end-game of the show will be all about.
-Lost: The Answers

JEREMY DAVIES: If people only knew what it takes to put this show together... What they do under the conditions is remarkable.

اقتباسات مقترحة[]

الرجاء ترك اقتباسك أدناه.

حلقات لوست[]

الموسم الأول[]

JACK: What do you think his story is?
CHARLIE: Who Locke? Guy's a freak of nature. Highy disturbed. Chances are he probably killed all his mates at the post office the day his mum forgot to put a cookie in this lunch tin.

SHANNON: You want my information. Name:Shannon Rutherford, Age: 20, Address:Craphole Island.

SHANNON: I am so not moving to the Rape Caves.

JACK: It'd get back to you.I had a girlfriend once that told me I talked in my sleep.

CLAIRE: What did you say?

JACK: Don't know. Whatever it was, she didn't like it.

KATE: (reading) "Dear Mr. Sawyer, you don't know who I am, but I know what you've done. You had sex with my mother, ... .

SAWYER: It was staring at me. Then it came at me, so I hit it, and it ran off into the jungle.

SAYID: With your tarp... Perhaps he wanted to go camping..

LOCKE: No. You need to finish what's you've started.
JACK: Why?
LOCKE: Because a leader can't lead until he knows where he's going.

LOCKE: I've done everything you wanted me to do, so why did you do this to me?
[A light goes on inside the hatch.]
Deus Ex Machina

الموسم الثاني[]

SAWYER: Hold on, take it easy. You guys are like locusts. How about a little order here?
CHARLIE: Shouldn't we let someone a little more trustworthy take care of this?
SAWYER: Like you, babynapper?

BERNARD: (to Eko) I think I liked you better when you just hit people with your stick.
CHARLIE: I like you just the way you are.

الموسم الثالث[]

Saywer: I'm not talking about leaving Jack behind. I'm talking about you and me. I know you did it because you thought i was a dead man. So don't beat yourself up cause the doc's left behind.

JIN: [placing his pole under the van] [Speaks in Korean]


JIN: [Speaks in Korean]

HURLEY: Oh, I got it. You're going to tip it up. Crafty.

JIN: Crafty?

HURLEY: Yeah, crafty. It's like, when you're good at -- crafts. Nevermind.""

SAWYER: Ping-pong table? Where the hell did that come from?

HURLEY: Jin found it when he was out looking for firewood. We made legs for it, paddles, now all we need is a ball.

SAWYER: Found it?

HURLEY: It must’ve landed in the jungle when the hatch exploded.

SAWYER: I thought the hatch collapsed.

HURLEY: Look, dude, all I know is the sky turned purple. After that I don’t ask questions. Just make myself a salad and move on.""

MIKHAIL: Why are we continuing to play this little game when we all know it has moved to the next stage?br>-""

[Hurley sits with the parachutist. He attempts to make the satellite phone work, and holds it to his ear]

ريتشارد: ما يمكنني إخبارك هو بأنكِ سترين أشياءً هناك لم تتخيلي وجودها أبداً.""

NIKKI: Let's not poison ourselves.""

الموسم الرابع[]

LOCKE: You've just killed everyone on that boat!
Ben: So?

JULIET: In about three weeks, you'll be in an almost constant state of nausea. A week after that, you will experience shortness of breath that won't go away. A week after that, you will lose consciousness and slip into a coma. And then, Sun, you will die. And when your heart stops beating... so will the baby's. And that, Sun, is why it is my business, because you are my patient. If you go... you will die. And your baby will never be born.

BEN: "Karl" - Now if you're going to sleep with my daughter, I insist you call me Ben.

I'm Richard, John. I run a school for kids who are... extremely special, and I have reason to believe that you might be one them.

Richard Alpert to a young Locke, Cabin Fever

LOCKE: She's lying. And whatever they came for it isn't us. We keep moving forwards as planned.
SAWYER: Sure, who are we to argue with Taller Ghost Walt?

I realized that when I tied you up in here the other day I made the mistake of failing to introduce myself. My name is John Locke, and I'm responsible for the well-being of this island.

John Locke, Eggtown

HURLEY: Locke. He moved the Island.
JACK: No, he didn't.
HURLEY: Oh, really? 'Cause... one minute it was there, and the next it was gone, so... unless we, like, overlooked it, Dude, that's exactly what he did. But... if you've got another explanation, man, I'd love to hear it.

JACK: It's an island, John. No one needs to protect it.
LOCKE: It's not an island. It's a place where miracles happen. And--and--if you--if you don't believe that, Jack, if you can't believe that, just wait till you see what I'm about to do.
JACK: There's no such thing as miracles.
LOCKE: Well...we'll just have to see which one of us is right.
-There's No Place Like Home, Parts 2 & 3

JACK: No-one's going anywhere with you, John. Because they're not crazy.

HURLEY: He's not crazy. What about Charlie? Charlie went down to that place so we could all be rescued. And whatever he did down there, it worked. But then something must have happened. He must have heard something before he... I don't know why, but he changed his mind. Because the last thing he did was to warn us that the people on that boat are not who they said they were. So I'm not listening to you. I'm listening to my friend. I'm listening to Charlie.
-The Beginning of the End

SAWYER (about Ben): It's only a matter of time before he gets us, Johnny. And I bet he's already figured out how he's gonna do it.
-Confirmed Dead

الموسم الخامس[]

LOCKE: It was Ethan who shot me.
RICHARD: Well, what comes around goes around.

Locke- What is this?
Richard- It's a compass
Locke- What does it do?
Richard- It points north, John.


Yeah... in a way. But listen, that's not important. What is important, Desmond, is what I'm about to say to you. I need you to listen. You're the only person who can help us because, Desmond... the rules... the rules don't apply to you. You're special. You're uniquely and miraculously special.

Faraday to Desmond in ""

Oh yeah, Libby says hi.

Ana-Lucia to Hurley in (5x02)

NEIL: I thought you said you knew how to start a fire.
ROSE: And I thought you said you didn't care.
NEIL: I care about surviving.
ROSE: I think you need to take a time-out Neil.

HURLEY: Ok. See we did crash. It was on this crazy island. And we waited for rescue, and there wasn't any rescue. And then there was a smoke monster. And there were other people on the Island. We called them "The Others". And they started attacking us. And we found some hatches. And there was a button you had to press every 108 minutes, or...Well, it was never really clear on that. But, the Others didn't have anything to do with the hatches. That was the DHARMA Initiative. They were all dead. The Others killed them. And now they're trying to kill us. And then we teamed up with the Others because some worse people were coming on a freighter. Desmond's girlfriend's father sent them to kill us. So we stole their helicopter and we flew it to the freighter, but it blew up. And we couldn't go back to the Island because it disappeared. So then we crashed into the ocean and we floated there for awhile until a boat came and picked us up. And by then there were six of us. That part was true. But then, but the rest of the people who were on the plane, they're still on that Island.

CARMEN REYES: Why is there a dead Pakistani on my couch?

LOCKE: (To Jones) Your name is Widmore? Charles Widmore?

WIDMORE: What's it to you?

LOCKE: Nothing. Nice to meet you.

Miles: (When attacked in the outrigger) This your people?

Juliet: No. They're yours?

LOCKE: I have to make them come back...even if it kills me. Don't you want them to come back, James? Don't you want her to come back?
SAWYER: It doesn't matter what I want.

(On Ajira flight 316)
JACK: How can you read?
BEN: My mother taught me.

LAPIDUS: Well, I picked this gig up about eight months ago. I fly this route all the time. Sometimes I take the big birds into New... Delhi. Is... that Sayid? And Hurley. Wait a second. We're not going to Guam, are we?

BEN: Thomas the Apostle. When Jesus wanted to return to Judea, knowing that he would probably be murdered there, Thomas said to the others, "Let us also go, that we might die with him." But Thomas was not remembered for this bravery. His claim to fame came later... when he refused to acknowledge the resurrection. He just couldn't wrap his mind around it. The story goes... that he needed to touch Jesus' wounds to be convinced.

JACK: So was he?

BEN: Of course he was. We're all convinced sooner or later, Jack.

SAWYER: Let me talk to him.

HORACE: Excuse me?

SAWYER: Your buddy out there with the eyeliner--let me talk to him.

JIN: Now what?
SAWYER: Now we wait for him to come back.
JULIET: For how long?
SAWYER: As long as it takes.

SAYID:Who is this man?

SAWYER: He's our you..

JACK: So where do we go from here?

SAWYER: I'm working on it.

JACK: Really? Because it looked to me like you were reading a book.

SAWYER: [Chuckles] I heard once Winston Churchill read a book every night, even during the Blitz. He said it made him think better. It's how I like to run things. I think. I'm sure that doesn't mean that much to you, 'cause back when you were calling the shots, you pretty much just reacted. See, you didn't think, Jack, and as I recall, a lot of people ended up dead.

JACK: I got us off the Island.

SAWYER: But here you are... [sighs] right back where you started. So I'm gonna go back to reading my book, and I'm gonna think, 'cause that's how I saved your ass today. And that's how I'm gonna save Sayid's tomorrow. All you gotta do is go home, get a good night's rest. Let me do what I do.

[Door creaks]

SAWYER: ...now ain't that a relief?

JACK: Yeah.

KATE: You know, I don't like the new you. I like the old you, who wouldn't just sit around and wait for things to happen.

JACK: You didn't like the old me, Kate.""

CO-PILOT:Did you see the big guy when we got on in L.A.? Sitting in first class, curly hair, guitar case?

LAPIDUS: What about him?

CO-PILOT: He's one of the Oceanic Six. Guy's got nerves of steel, man. He survives a full-on commercial airliner crash. Now he's back flying over the same South Pacific?

LAPIDUS: Yeah, well...maybe he doesn't believe that lightning will strike twice in the same place.


LOCKE: Well, Ben, I was hoping that you and I could talk about the elephant in the room.

BEN: I assume you're referring to the fact that I killed you.

LAPIDUS: We're not going to Guam, are we?

CHARLOTTE: This place is death!

BEN: I did as I was told. But when I dared to ask to see you myself, I was told; ‘You have to wait, you have to be patient.’ But when he asked to see you, he gets marched straight up here as if he was Moses. So, why him? Hm? What was it that was so wrong with me? What about me?!

JACOB: What about you?

LOCKE: Can I ask you a question?

BEN: I'm a Pisces.

Faraday: Us. We're the variables. People. We think. We reason. We make choices. We have free will. We can change our destiny. I think I can negate that energy under the Swan. I think I can destroy it. If I can, then that hatch will never be built, and your plane... your plane will land, just like it's supposed to, in Los Angeles.

RADZINSKY: Who the hell is Hugo Reyes?

PHIL: He's the fat guy.

MS HAWKING: I'm Eloise Hawing, and I believe it's my son's fault that Desmond has been shot.
PENNY: Your son is Benjamin Linus?
MS HAWKING: Good Lord, No -""

الموسم السادس[]

حلقات الهاتف النقال[]


لعبة فيديو Via Domus[]

ELLIOTT: How did the plane crash?
SAWYER: We need to start thinking survival. Instead, we got a doctor wasting medicine on folks who ain't got a chance. Ain't no room for bleeding hearts now.

JOANNE: My dearest Lisa. If you are reading this, it means I’m dead. I can’t believe what’s happened --The research being done at Savo’s institute has gone horribly wrong. Lives are in jeopardy. Patients are being injected with lethal chemicals. All in the pursuit of a mad dream. I’m so scared, and so sorry I won’t see your face again. Please don’t let it be for nothing. Tell the world who Savo really is. I love you. Joanne.

بودكاست،DVD، إلح[]

Well, in the laws of physics, such as they exist in the world of Lost, the implosion created a vacuum, and as the air came in to fill that vacuum, it rapidly heated and expanded, causing an explosion; so it was sort of a thermodynamic incident in which an implosion was followed by a subsequent explosion.

Carlton Cuse (in reference to the Swan), Official Lost Podcast

We have to make the show for the hardcore fans who care about the numbers, but we also have to make it for my mom, who just wants Sawyer to take his [expletive] shirt off.

Damon Lindelof, Comics on Comics

